This Sea Of Lonely - Comments

  • two chapters? this saddens me.
    April 23rd, 2011 at 01:53am
  • chapter 10 (yes, i'm going chapter-by-chapter):i bet Frank tastes good.
    for some reason i think that "Uncle Mikey" is the cutest thing i have ever heard. ever.

    chapter 11: CAMERON YOU BITCH GET OUT OF THE STORY. Jesus Christ. punch him Gerard. punch him punch him punch him.....oh well. maybe next time he shows up uninvited, yes?

    chapter 12: oh, Mikey. you so smart.

    chapter 13: fluff. i love fluff :)

    chapter 14: romantic!Gerard makes me smile. just like FRANK ASKING HIM TO BE HIS BOYFRIEND! AHHHH! i flailed.

    chapter 15: naked Frankie also makes me smile xD

    chapter 16: “I like him because you smile more when he’s here.”
    AWW BANDIT. i just wanna eat her.

    chapter 17: Mrs. Way is so cute. all excited because Frank is Italian.

    chapter 18: have i confessed my love for you yet? when people speak different languages during sex, it always tugs at my heart strings. so, yeah. consider my love, confessed.

    TWO MORE CHAPTERS? WHAT IS THIS? i will miss this story very dearly. *cries*

    this story = LOVE. please update soon! and so so sorry for the extra-superduper-long comment :/ it's just how i roll xD
    April 23rd, 2011 at 01:40am
  • Omgosh I loved that :D:D
    And also!
    Omgosh two chapters left :/
    I'mma miss this you know?
    April 23rd, 2011 at 01:39am
    i was at the beach, with no wifi or internet connection. AND NO MIBBA D:
    it. was. TORTURE.

    time to read through TEN. CHAPTERS. of Frerard goodness, all ending with **Mature Content**
    lovely :)
    let me read. i will come back and leave a superlong comment on how much i love it.
    April 23rd, 2011 at 12:04am
  • What a great chapter, hehe. I'll be very sad when this is over, i've been enjoying reading this so much ):
    April 22nd, 2011 at 11:24pm
  • im sad i don't want this to be over.
    wonderful update :D
    April 22nd, 2011 at 10:37pm
  • btw, this page is mine :b
    April 22nd, 2011 at 09:24pm
  • sorry, I really want Frank and Gee locked in my basement together... oh, but wait... FUCK MY LIFE. I don't have a basement :c
    anyway, I HAVE to comment this :3
    I gotta tell you that this story is amazingly awesome, made me giggle a lot and I can totally imagine Gee talking italian, and whenever I read "bambina", I go all like "awwwwwwwwwwww, so cuteeeee" because, yeah, I'm weird like that xD
    only 3 more chapters? Oh My Gerard... that's not enough for me, I want more! :O
    why am I being so demanding? Oh My Frank and Gerard, I'm going insane :b
    I loved this. TOTALLY.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 09:24pm
  • awe, this is the cutest story. i love how wonderful little B is. :D
    April 22nd, 2011 at 05:08pm
  • This is like the cutest story I've read 'til now ^^
    I can't wait for more! =D
    April 22nd, 2011 at 02:32pm
  • Bandit is just the sweetest person in the world :') She really cares for her dad and his happiness.
    Frank said they were boyfriends, that's too cute!
    The family dynamic is really great; Frank fits right in. It's nice that they can spend time together as a family as well as a couple.
    They really are so sweet together - I'm so glad they've gotten together - I just hope nothing bad happens between them.
    Great update! Can't wait for more :D
    April 22nd, 2011 at 11:41am
  • Okay so for some reason I wasn't subscribed to this.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 05:35am
  • I like him because he makes you smile more, Gerard. Arms

    Honestly, you update so fast I don't have enough time to write you a comment - I love this story.
    You're amazing, I really think they're so cute together.
    I've been creeping around people's nonFrerards to scope out the Mibbian world, and ...
    I think us Frerarders are just better than everyone (kidding, kidding) simply because you're writing about FRANKIE AND GERARD.
    Keep it going.

    ... I just checked my basement and no Gerard, but I'm pretty sure that's where I was going to start keeping you for not updating YLMHAOW.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 02:52am
  • “I like him because you smile more when he’s here.” <-- THAT almost made me cry right there.

    This is one of the cutest Frerards I have read on here so far. I think that has a great deal to do with Bandit being in the story (I mean really, SHE'S ADORABLE.) but ugh, this is just such a great plot :3

    I can't wait to read more!! <3
    April 22nd, 2011 at 02:17am
  • aww i am seriously becoming in love with this story. heres what you need to give JUST FOR ME(for commenting) YOU WILL GIVE ME FRANKIE FOR THE DAY!! (:
    April 22nd, 2011 at 01:38am
  • Awwwww!!!! I like Mr Frank!!(: cute.
    and... want updates on you left my heart an open wound. :D
    April 22nd, 2011 at 01:23am
  • I.LOVE.THIS!!!!....this is probably one of the best frank characters i have read in a while, hes so sweet and omg!....and bandit holy hell that kid is the cutest thing ever and im so glad she knows and shes okay with gerard and frank, yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they need to be one big happy family!!!!!!!, im so sad because i wont be able to read your updates tomorrow because im going to be up in NEw York waiting all day in line to see MCR tomorrow and Saturday, so i probably wont get to read them until sunday =[, but at least i will have something to look forward to after the 2 concerts are over.
    lovein this as always!
    April 22nd, 2011 at 12:48am
  • Gee in my basement would sound perfect... If I had a basement :(
    That was an incredibly sweet little update!
    I love this!
    April 22nd, 2011 at 12:03am
  • “I like him because you smile more when he’s here.” Cutest thing ever! I love how little kids can say small little comments like that but they mean so much, without them even realising it.

    I'm glad she knows they're together now, even if it meant she ruined their little moment, hehe.
    April 21st, 2011 at 11:21pm
  • Moar sexy that that. >_>
    But that was satisfactory for the time being.<3

    April 21st, 2011 at 10:53pm