Very good. :) Just a few spelling errors I'd reccomend fixing. Btw, I'm from Bama so it was awesome hearing that state. Lol. No one ever mentions the little states. ^-^
Before I even read this, I just want to suggest you change the title. This is like a Quizilla title. It gives away what's going to happen. Where as on quizilla you kind of need that cause no one can read a description for your story, you don't need that here. You can just put the fact that your character is in the demon prophecy and is his mate in the short description.
I really love this, but I think you should make the chapters longer, they seem kind of short, but that's just my input. I can't wait to read more though(:
:P I like the idea it honestly has a lot of potential to become a very well written novel but the title throws me off, so I sat here for a moment and came up with a title I thought fit it perfectly. "Demonic Aria" Aria means music and well demonic is self explanatory. I can't wait to read more.