Beauty, at a Price - Comments

  • This was well-written and realistic. It's awesome. :)
    August 24th, 2011 at 08:27am
  • I really like this story. It was written well enough that I could understand what the main character was thinking and how she was feeling. A bit more description would definitely help. I loved ^.^
    June 30th, 2011 at 06:16am
  • This is really sad, because I know how many teenagers all over the world deal with this problem....It needs a tad bit more discription, but other than that great job! =-) That popular girl pisses me off. I bet she weighed almost if not the same as her! She only said that to bring her down and that makes my soooo angry! >=-( But, I really liked the story, and please continue! =-)
    June 30th, 2011 at 06:14am
  • I've got to say, this was amazing. I can relate to this a lot, as well. So it really touched me.

    I think you should have more description, but other than that this is perfect. I feel so bad for her, those stupid girls! don't they realize what they are doing? Don't they care? It amazes me how heartless some people can be. I mean, do they go home and feel good about themselves? That's just sick.

    Anyways, I love this. More soon?
    June 30th, 2011 at 06:08am
  • I really like stories about eating disorders. I feel like every girl can relate to them, whether they've had an eating disorder or not, just because it's hard to feel pretty enough in today's society (as cheesy as that sounds haha). I think this was written pretty well. I feel like the dialouges from the other girls in the school sound almost like the main character made them up, like the voices of the other girls are actually the voices in the main character's head telling her she's not good enough. I don't know if that was intentional or not but I thought that was clever. I'm really excited to read the rest of this :)
    June 30th, 2011 at 06:04am
  • Ah, ED stories, don't see many of them that are written well. This one was though, so thanks for that. I was a little confused about the different parts, like which parts were the present and which ones were the past, if you know what I'm saying? The first part was italicized and then nothing was after that so yeah.

    Also, there was a couple sentences that seemed kind of off, like they didn't flow right with the rest of the story, but other than that everything was lovely.

    Sorry I didn't comment earlier, nothing would load for me. But amazing job. <3
    June 25th, 2011 at 06:29pm
  • <33
    I can really relate to this,
    Not that im saying i am
    But you know, theres
    Alot of girls that are like this.
    They need to realize,
    That they are beautiful,
    No matter what size, color, etc they are. <3
    May 11th, 2011 at 10:07pm
  • I like this a bunch.
    It shows what the world truly is,
    and doesn't sugar coat it or makes it euphemistic, it's realistic(:
    I LIKE IT.
    naw man.
    I LOVE IT. :DDD <3
    you've got yourself a subscriber.

    and nice comment ;DD
    May 3rd, 2011 at 06:19am