Cowboy - Comments

  • layna loves her caps

    layna loves her caps (100)

    United States
    Sweet baby jesus. Every time I read something of yours, it's better than the last. I can honestly say that I love this to death. Just a couple of your paragraphs really sealed it for me. This is fantastic, epic writing. Incredible descriptions and portrayals of the character's thoughts and emotions. Just... awe inspiring.

    But he was becoming, slowly, the venom in my veins, the weight on my shoulders. His lazy, confident eyes shone down on mine inquisitively. He questioned everything about my obsessive compulsive behavior, told me to slouch, told me to eat with my hands every once awhile, told me to curse, to run, to jump, to nap, to dream, to just get lost in the moment.
    Easily my favorite passage from the whole piece. Just incredible, fantastic and original. In short, it's very you. Love it!

    That smile twitched once or twice, falling from his lips with a dull thud in the silence.
    Definitely one of the most dramatic statements. How do you do it? You're incredible and so talented. I wanna be like you when I grow up.

    "You're playing hockey, Lege, not going to summer camp or something."
    Somber piece with slight humor? You truly do know how to make a story perfect. Also, love this line! So genius.

    "You're such a bone head," I choked, staring at the tiny little Nike swoosh on his solid black shirt, "Y-You've always been a clown, the sl-slacker." Rubbing my back, his eyebrows nit together in concerned insult. "And you're n-never a good influence on me. Or my study habits. A-and I shouldn't feel like this." ... I punched him in the arm, but he didn't even flinch. ... "You're the only guy who can take a hint, too," I replied slowly, staring up at him, "I'm going to miss the hell out of you, y'know." "I like you too," he sighed.
    LOVE THIS! Every line is better than the one before it. You're just... you're writing is... I bow down to your awesomeness.

    You're amazing.
    July 30th, 2011 at 02:01am
  • beukeboom

    beukeboom (100)

    Wow, this was well worth the wait. I absolutely loved it! You're probably one of, if not the, most talented writer on here. Amaaazing job! :)
    July 17th, 2011 at 04:25am