Different Perspectives - Comments

  • tiffany danielle

    tiffany danielle (100)

    United States
    Oh yeah, I've already commented on this, aha. So sue me, I'm doing it again. :) I'm playing catch up now, gigglys.<33

    I love your layouts. Have I ever told you that? Well, I am now, haha. I love your layout style, I really, really do. Most people try to glamorize theirs fully, going to all these unessecary extremes what with pictures and banners and titles and backgrounds - but not you. And I like that. The colors you choose are pretty and the base of everything is simple. It's comforting, but at the same time saying "I know you like to look at pretty things, but the beauty is inside these words here, so don't focus on me.:)" It's gorgeous in it's simplicity.<33 (:

    Oh me oh my. <3 The summary? I love it too.<3 It's so quick, so band-aid ripping. It leaves the entirtey of this in shadows, in mystery. Like, I have no idea going on except that it might be a story where many people have opinions. The fact that I don't know what's going to happen (extremely), what's going to be said or done, or what character I'll fall in love with (because I always end up loving characters like long lost friends, aha .////.) makes me so interested in curious that I'm itching to finish typing this summary and hurry up and read.<3 All of your stories are amazing, and I have no doubt that this one will be anything less than perfect. (:


    Even though it was a short chapter, I really got a feel for these characters. I pity Mark because he can't be with the girl he loves, feel a very big amount of dislike towards Danielle because she seems, for lack of a better word, mean, and I don't feel very fond of Jenny, even though she's done nothing in this chapter, aha. I think I always side with the person who's feeling the unrequited love because I know the feeling. It's something I can relate to, you know? And I like that you, as a writer, were able to bring that point home here. Being able to relate to your readers is something that's very amazing and I dig it. :) <3

    One thing you should really work on is your grammar. It's not mega, but when you have speech like, "Hey" she said, it's grammatically correct as "Hey," she said. Just pointing it out. It's not a big deal<33

    Throughout this story, I'm expecting I'll fall in emotion for many different things. I can't predict the situations or the people's relationships - though that'd be suepr cool if I could - but I know you Eimear and I know how you like to beat my heart like a pianta, haha. :) It's a good thing, okay? Even though sometimes your stories break my heart, they are always worth reading. They're beautiful - each and every one, especially this one - and they never fail to make me feel some thing. It's awesome and definitely a show of how much skill you have. (: <33 You have this amazing writing style, you know. You just seem to pull this whole beautiful chapter off so effortlessly.<33

    Anyways, I should wrap this up before I start rambling tooooo much, aha. :) Really, this chapter was amazing. This story is amazing! Everything about you is amazing. (: <3 I really should come back and read more. (: <3
    May 27th, 2011 at 06:46pm
  • tiffany danielle

    tiffany danielle (100)

    United States
    I love this. <3
    The title, the layout, the idea, the fact that it was written by you - just ever little aspect about it makes me happy. :)

    I like the prolouge and the detail and I think you did a lovely job on the opening. :)
    I'm glad you posted this. No, I'm glad you wrote this. :)
    I'm so exctied to see what else comes. <33

    Fabulous job, even if the words made my heart chip a little. :)
    You're really an amazing writer. <33
    April 23rd, 2011 at 01:26am