You Need to Feel - Comments

  • JoanalyPariah

    JoanalyPariah (100)

    I agree with the previous comments, I can't believe this story hasn't already found the recognition it deserves! It really is rare to find stories like this! :D
    The story was beautiful. I really liked your use of repetition/parallelism, it made the words so much more was like it was echoing in a haunting yet hopeful/cheery voice. If that makes sense, haha. I also like the transition from the beginning where she was obsessed with her weight and what her mother told her, to a sort of being free at the end when she realizes being beautiful is something else entirely aside from appearance.
    Beautiful :') I honestly loved this story. It was intriguing and brilliant. Keep writing!
    May 22nd, 2011 at 05:43pm
  • Lizzie Borden.

    Lizzie Borden. (100)

    United States
    The picture you used for the layout is really, really pretty. The whole color scheme sets that beautiful mood that’s just really sweet and I like it a lot.

    Darcy, flitted and darted like a ballerina, around the deserted street.
    I am a total sucker for similes <3

    So okay, I started reading this and was like, “awww, this is really sweet and light and cute,” and then I kept going and this is so haunting and deep. I think it’s just eklagdjhg how some girls actually think like that about the whole, “you’re so fat!” thing. It’s terrible and unfair and I think you did an amazing job portraying the whole emotion and the real story that goes along with that mentality. The ending, though, is beautiful. The exposure she gets and how she’s beginning to realize how truly awful it is to obsess over something like your image.

    This is really an amazing piece and I really, really, loved it!
    May 1st, 2011 at 03:53pm
  • colibri

    colibri (150)

    Oh my god, how does this story only have one other comment?! I love your story. Immensely. The layout is so cute, and pretty.

    I love your writing style. Though there were a few grammatical errors, I loved it overall.

    "And most of all, be ready to fade into the masses, until you're nowhere to be seen." This sentence really stuck out to me. I liked that you used the word 'masses', and how true the sentence is to someone with an eating disorder. How real it is.

    The girl stood infront of the mirror, clothes hanging off of her bones. That was all she was, bones. Her hip bone jutted out horribly, and her face was one of a horror film, dark circles etched into her skin, pasty white skin. Unlike last time, she saw it all. Unlike last time, she couldfeel the bones stretching her skin. Unlike last time, she didn't drop to the floor to do push-ups. And unlike last time, she broke down in tears, thinking, I've become a monster.

    That is so real. I like how you worded that, and how you made it feel.

    I love your sentence structure, and though the subject is sad, depressing even, it is a beautiful story.
    April 26th, 2011 at 04:55am
  • April Showers

    April Showers (100)

    United States
    Amazing. Meaningful. Inspiring.
    It's rare to find a story like this on Mibba. I'm glad you've found a way to stick out from the crowd. :]
    April 25th, 2011 at 04:09am