A Field of Flowers - Comments

  • homogeneous

    homogeneous (100)

    United States
    I thought this was really cool. I don't usually like stories in this setting, with the kings and queens and what not, because they usually wind up being super corny and predictable, but I really liked what you did with this.

    In the begining I was thinking "Oh, wow. The prince is going to end up charming the girl and something is going to go down." And I had my mind prepared for something completely different from what I recieved. I wasn't expecting what you ending up doing with this story and because of that, I am happy.

    I also liked how straight and to the point this was. There wasn't anything I felt that I could have done without and everything seemed to be there for a reason. I didn't get the feeling that you added things in for length purposes or anything like that. One thing I will say, however, is that near the end when the prince wound up trapped in the mirror it felt a little bit rushed. LIke, it all happened really fast and that was that.

    Overall, I really liked this. I thought it was refreshing and different.
    May 18th, 2011 at 01:50am