Beat - Comments

  • champion;

    champion; (250)

    United States
    This was touching. I love the song, for one, it's my absolute favorite from Paramore. I love the simplicity of the layout, and the picture went well with what was written.

    The Beat words went well with keeping me interested, it was like, okay, she's got heart problems when he's around... But then there was something about her being sick and I was like, Oh, wow! I would love to know more about it :D

    I love how well this was written, with no errors and such. That's good. :) I loved reading this. Good job!
    May 30th, 2011 at 04:06am
  • crowning.

    crowning. (105)

    This was beautiful. Just, really, really beautiful.
    May 28th, 2011 at 08:35am
  • Painted Bones.

    Painted Bones. (100)

    United States
    Let me just say: I love this :)
    It was short, but that's part of what makes it. It's simple and to the point, while still holding so much emotion that it's really touching.
    May 28th, 2011 at 07:05am
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    Wow, that was really amazing.
    I like the title,its short and sweet.
    The summary was short and it drew me in, wanting me to read more and I also like the paramore lyrics.
    I love the beat in between, it flows along with the story well.
    The way you describe everything was great, and cute. It show sadness and how the person miss them but not over doing it.
    Love the layout.

    Overall this was a amazing short story :)
    May 28th, 2011 at 06:43am
  • GraceAndreSand

    GraceAndreSand (100)

    United States
    Oh holy cheese this was amazing! I only wish I could write like this!
    May 28th, 2011 at 06:29am
  • tiffany danielle

    tiffany danielle (100)

    United States
    I like how plain and simple this layout is.<3 It's elegant enough to look gorgeous on it's own, but then again, it's simple enough to say, "Uhm, hello, you're supposed to be focusing on this amazing story, not distracted by little old me(:" It's perfect and I love it. <33 :)

    I also like the summary. It's sing-songy and cute, too. <3 It also sets this lovely atmosphere for this.<3 I want to know who the lucky ducky who has captured said heart is. In short, I want to know everything about this sure to be amazing story, so, time to start reading. (: <33

    I'm apalled. Horribly, and undeniably, and horrifcially, apalled. Not a soul has commented on this masterpiece yet? I think Mibba has gone crazy. This really is lovely. Heart wrenching. Raw. Perfect. <3 It's really touching, endearing...holy crap. I'm sorry haha. I'm trying to leave you this amazing, structured comment, but you've made that rather difficult gigglys.<3 Now, the only structured things coming to my blank mind are adjectives that can barely scratch the surface of this perfection. <3 Lemme try again. <3

    I liked the relatability I had to this. Writing something straight from the heart is an amazingly gorgeous thing on it's own. But add in that your readers can relate to this? Well, holy crap, you're amazing woman. :) Like I said, I had some understanding of the feeling in this, because I've felt it myself. What with my love being ill and gone, I know what it's like to worry over their well being, and miss/love them insatiably. I'm in awe that you bottled up all this feeling and let it flow in such immense amounts in so few words.<3 That's skill, woman. :)

    Another thing I liked was the whole heart beat and sole care taker of my heart idea. It really is true love when you can swear one person owns your heart, beats for only them. I like that. It somehow makes this all more real and touching. Andddd, those little beat counts? It gave this rythm, and at the risk of sounding silly or corny, it gave it a little bit more life. Gigglys, a story with a pulse. :) <33

    The last thing I liked about this story was that it was by you. Really, just like all your stories, this is amazing. :) I'll be sure to read more of your stories. <3
    May 27th, 2011 at 01:13am