Levitate - Comments

  • SHYLA01

    SHYLA01 (350)

    This could be good. But your writing style does need work, and I say it in the kindest way. I only read half of your first chapter.
    "...Over 300 hundred years ago, the world that we live in now was a different place." The fire flickered, spreading warmth and engulfing the little girl as she starred at her father, listening intently on his words. "A vampire named Dracion traveled with his blood mate Rosa, an evil cold hearted vampire, and their three companions, where they would spread terror through the villages; no humans or shifters were safe when the sun came down, and the darkness engulfed the land. Hundreds were killed, souls were lost" His eyes darkened of the past and he paused and looked down at his only child.
    "The people knew they had to be stopped before we all were destroyed. A young Shape-shifter, a man who knew the powers of the elders, a power that could place a powerful vampire like Dracion into an endless sleep. After many days and nights, he found where Dracion held his death sleep. When he entered during the sunlight he saw that only Dracion was there, but he had no time to find his small murderous clan. With all his power he sent Dracion into an endless sleep, and hid him where no one could find him and where he could never harm another soul" The daughter looked at him in awe.
    "What happened to his clan daddy?"
    "Well", He lifted his little girl onto his lap, "Some say that Rosa, mourning her loss searches for his hidden body, in hopes to bring him to his former glory, others say that she was killed by a vengeful pack of shifters when she was alone; his three companions were merely followers, and with no strong leader they filtered out, trying to survive, because after all, they were the faces of hundreds of killings, and without Dracion, they were would always be in danger if ever recognised"
    "Wow..." She looked into the fire, the images of her fathers words crossing her mind. "Daddy, how do you know this story?"
    "Well, my father told me the story, and his father who was Hunter, the shifter whose blood runs through your veins, the shifter whose magic runs through your spirit. And one day, when you are old enough, I will tell everything you need to know" He smiled down at his little pup, "Now I think it's time for bed"
    "No, no, time to bed. You'll hear the rest when the time comes" His daughter huffed, and refused to move. Laughing at her expression he picked up his daughter, tickling her all the way up to her room.

    Something like that. I'm sorry if this seems rude. I just want to show how you could bulk up your writing, filling it with something, that can make it better.
    January 25th, 2012 at 09:28am
  • MirrorRain

    MirrorRain (100)

    I like it!! But because you've written down 'shape-shifters' I take it that some change into something else apart from wolves... right?
    June 5th, 2011 at 08:15am