Maybe If We Were the Same Kind of Crazy - Comments

  • the power of justice

    the power of justice (100)

    Before I start off, I would like to thank you for commenting on my story "Dreaming with a Broken Heart". Your comment and the fact that you subscribed just made my day, thank you again! :D

    I'm not usually a reader of fan-fiction but I love how you have the ability to write a fan-fiction story without it being necessary for the reader to watch/read/listen to the band/book/movie/TV show or whatever the fan fiction is about. It's a good thing because I have never heard of the TV show or any of the characters before.

    Anyway, you have great skill and talent! The story is going in a really unique path and your writing really flows smoothly. I like how Henry's not afraid to admit his feelings, most men would try to act all macho, haha!
    May 21st, 2011 at 10:45am
  • roux.

    roux. (105)

    The flow of words in your first chapter was incredible. It was original how you kept the stages separate, and yet joined them together so well that they never really seemed distinct. I'm curious to find out as to what really happened between Uda and Henry, and whether Casey would be returning.

    And, of course, I like your layout. Very, hmmm, how shall I say this, unique? Yeah, that's the word. Impressive too, how you managed to keep Henry's character still all hung up over Casey even though the woman had left him. That was... real?

    You're an amazing author, and I love how cohesively this story flows. Great work!
    May 19th, 2011 at 11:57am
  • Em'ly

    Em'ly (100)

    United States
    daggumit! I have to type out the stupid comment again! >(

    Any way, I applaud you on the way you made this so no prior knowledge of the characters is needed. Great job. I quite like the way you choose your words, Ma'am. Beautiful.

    I feel like you could have gone more in depth with the descriptions, I want to see it all! I also kind of wish you had a banner, to make it more personal to set a mood, but what you have is still nice.

    Grammatically, there weren't many errors, just a few punctuations here and there. Once you had a typo of 'does' instead of 'dose', but nothing a read through can't fix in a jiff. Another thing that could make it a bit more appealing for the eyes would be consistancy in paragraph lengths.

    Bravo, this is nice work.
    May 19th, 2011 at 06:18am
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    I never heard of that show, I kind of wish I did now. But they dont show that TV show here :(
    This is really good, your style of writing is different like others said and I love that. I love writes who have a different style in writing, and its not the same.
    The way you descibe everyhing was really good, and how it flowed well.
    I really like this,its different in a good way. Can't say I'm fully hook but I will be reading more :)
    May 18th, 2011 at 02:01am
  • breakfast after ten;

    breakfast after ten; (100)

    United States
    I've never seen nor heard of the show but I don't feel as if I needed too.
    Some stories lack the ability to understand to plot without seeing/knowing the show/movie/characters.
    This, however, is wonderful and I love the way your descriptions flow so well.
    I love the way Henry is so open with himself about his feelings for Casey rather
    than him hiding and denying them. I love this and I'm subscribed. <3
    May 18th, 2011 at 01:47am
  • StayAwake!.

    StayAwake!. (100)

    This is really good.
    I loved how you describe everything so well... I could never do that.
    Well anyway its really good and i look foward to the other chapter :D
    May 17th, 2011 at 07:42am
  • Camille Rose

    Camille Rose (100)

    United States
    First of all, I enjoyed the fact that while it was a fanfiction I didn't need to know the characters. Because I sadly have never heard of the show or characters before so it was rather nice :)

    The relationship between Henry and Casey I found to be quite interesting; how it was a sort of "friendship with benefits" type and how a lot of it started because Casey and the husband were having issues. I also liked the time intervalls shown of their relationship, up to when he lost her.

    From what I could tell, there were no errors, which was quite nice :D I really enjoyed the little bit I read and I may continue to read it as well. Lovely work on it :DD
    May 15th, 2011 at 06:18am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    First off, just typing as I read this, I really enjoyed the first paragraph and how you immediately introduced the dynamic between Henry and Casey by throwing in the anecdote of how Henry was knocked into the pool. I just adored that little detail and how I just sort of knew right off the bat that this wasn't going to be a typical relationship story.

    I think that's what I enjoyed the most about this story: the way you introduced this relationship throught tiny moments in time. I'm a sucker for that sort of thing, and I thought you pulled it off brilliantly.

    Something that I really admired about this was that, though it's fanfiction, I didn't have to know any background information about the fandom to understand the story, and that's something that I myself really strive to do in my own fanfiction, just because I feel like that's one of the reasons people tend to stay away from fanfic. I feel like you developed the characters incredibly well in this first chapter, and this flowed very naturally. It wasn't work reading it, and I thoroughly enjoyed it =)

    Good luck as you continue to work on this =D
    May 11th, 2011 at 03:01am
  • C V.D P

    C V.D P (200)

    You missed a few commas. I really liked the quick summary of everything, I kind of wish you put more detail into it a bit, like surroundings and things, but I suppose since it's just a summary of something, it's not bad. It's really good, actually.

    You have a nice range of words and I like your writing style.
    May 10th, 2011 at 11:55pm
  • tholomew plague.

    tholomew plague. (200)

    United States
    Hm, I really like the way you write.
    I don't know, but there's just something about your style that I really like even just from this one chapter.
    I also like the detail you went into with some of the things in this chapter.
    You add details, but you don't go overboard and make it longer than it needs to be.
    I like the vocabulary in this story too, even if it sounds weird. Like, you don't use the most simple and boring words, it seems like you actually think about which words you use. (weird? :/)
    This story seems interesting, and I'd love to read more.

    And, again, there's something about your writing style that I like.
    May 10th, 2011 at 11:17pm
  • Charlie Brown.

    Charlie Brown. (100)

    United States
    Comment virginity. XD
    This is awesome- really. I love how it's so personal and descriptive. My favourite part would have to be:
    But even that ache had been stifled when he met Casey. And when he started to ache for Casey, in all fairness, he still liked it. He loved it and loved her and just the simple thought of waking up and seeing her. Iliked how you used the word ache more than once- it really gave you a sense of what he was feeling.

    Overall, I thought it was a really good job. Well done!
    May 10th, 2011 at 09:16pm