Billie Jo - Comments

  • Congratulations for getting me to read my first Green Day fan fic ever.

    It was amazing and I love the plot. It's so very original, and I just love, love, love it.

    April 28th, 2008 at 09:59am
  • Simply, amazing. ^-^
    April 28th, 2008 at 08:37am
  • Dru, all of your stories are amazing.
    I love reading them so much.
    This one just sucked me in.
    April 28th, 2008 at 03:43am
  • poor billie...:sad:
    April 27th, 2008 at 05:59am
  • amazing, amazing, amazing. please update again whenever you can?
    April 24th, 2008 at 06:02pm
  • This is very sweet, and beyond well-written, I'm not gonna ask for more soon, I'm just gonna ask
    Besides the point this is getting even more interesting and I can't wait!
    April 24th, 2008 at 05:56am
  • Omigosh.
    I love this story.
    It's definitly beautifully written.
    Finally, some one makes the move. : )
    More soon?
    April 24th, 2008 at 02:40am
  • Alas, after all this time an update has FINALLY occured? Is it like apocalypse or something? XD
    Great job, although I thought Billie Jo's secret was gonna be revealed. *sigh* Oh well, maybe soon.
    April 24th, 2008 at 01:09am
  • Oh my goshgoshgoshGod.
    I was so surprised to see the title in your story list [on your profile].
    Surprised and excited.

    -Goes to actually read story-

    -Wishes she'd left it til she got home-

    Aaagh, aaagh, and more aaagh.
    It was good.
    It was not meant to be read in English.
    I advise others not to.

    This could be super long, or it could be tiny, depending on how fast I think/type.

    Mike couldn’t stop staring.
    “They don’t do tricks.” Billie said as the guy behind the counter pointed them toward the theatre. The employee fought a laugh as Mike blushed scarlet.

    It was funny. It made me smile, it broke the tension. My mind was worried that this date would fuck up, that Billie and Mike would fight again.
    I didn't want them to fight again.
    But that line told me otherwise; there ws still the possibility that they would fight, but it... didn't seem as likely.
    And it built both character's oh-so-well. Billie, the confident, collected chick, and Mike, the sensitive teenage boy.

    That whole bit of dialogue was amazing; natural, amusing, youthful. You built up the feeling of sexual tension so well... it was amazing.

    He gritted his teeth, not entirely thrilled with the idea of jerking off in the theatre’s men’s room.
    That has to be my favourite line, though I'm not sure why,
    It blew me away; it was strong, it was blunt. Description often bores me; this was so blatant I was... caught off guard, and shoved further into the story.

    Billie grabbed Mike’s hand. Mike’s lips brushed her neck. Then came the kisses, one after another, desperate and carnivorous. Years of sexual tension finally exploding from two sets of lips.
    My stomach dropped.
    I was all... ~~
    In English class. :|
    But focusing on the words, again, I loved the bluntness.
    There was no... description as such, apart from these words: one after another, desperate and carnivorous.
    But at the same time, it needed no description; it worked fine, it was powerful, when written without it.
    Even though it had a little bit.
    Again, I can't say what I'm trying to say.

    Mane. She must’ve done something in Maine to make her all . . . girly. So what was she doing there this time? Was she going to be a real girl soon?
    Mike felt guilty as soon as that thought entered his head.

    You spelt 'Maine' wrong, first word.
    And you've no idea how much I felt like Mike.
    Obviously, I know it's a story whereas it's his life, but I did become really involved in this while I was reading it (I always do :tehe:), and thinking about Billie as [not] being a 'real girl' made me feel guilty too.
    You pull me in with your words. Not every time, but very often, you pull me so far in that if I have to stop for whatever reason, it's difficult.

    He made his way to her house after school, but the car was gone and there was no answer.
    The suspense was killing me.
    I was just so... shocked; I thought there would be an argument, a crying girl, an apology. So when there was no car, I was wondering.

    The second... halfy-themey thing I'm not going to comment on, because it doesn't feel right. I'll do both when you update... if you update.
    Only “I don’t want to see him.” Billie said as Ollie dragged her out to the car. “You know that, Mom.”
    “Well, he might die,” Ollie snapped hysterically, “so you won’t have to after today.”

    I loved that part.

    You write beautifully.
    [/end review/commenty thing]
    April 23rd, 2008 at 11:51pm
  • Clap amazing

    I re-read this yesterday, dunno why but am so so glad there's an update.
    April 23rd, 2008 at 08:01pm
  • Amazing, as usual.
    April 23rd, 2008 at 07:38pm
  • Dru, you made me happy five times in ten minutes. Once when I checked my email and saw that you updated. Second time when I saw you PMed me about the update. Third time when they FINALLY KISSED *fangirl dance*, fourth time when the Maine thing came up. and waaaaay at the end when you dedicated the chapter to me. :D. You got me grinning like a maniac.

    And I swear I snorted at "Those weren't socks".
    April 23rd, 2008 at 04:24pm
  • WOW!
    April 23rd, 2008 at 11:00am
  • Oh... that was so good! :'D thankyou!!

    I love this story! It's one of my favourite Mike/Billie ones...

    that chapter was so goooood ;0;
    April 23rd, 2008 at 08:33am
  • I like how, in this story,you never have these dramatic sexual identity crisis moments.
    I like your Mike.
    My favorite lines:

    “I leave Thursday.” It was Tuesday.

    Those weren’t socks.

    Was she going to be a real girl soon?
    Mike felt guilty as soon as that thought entered his head. Billie Jo was a girl.

    Would she be able to cry tomorrow?
    April 23rd, 2008 at 06:03am
  • amazing.
    i'm addicted.
    and sort of in love

    somehow when i picture Billie i see Jeffree Star... .
    April 23rd, 2008 at 06:01am
  • omigosh i've been waiting FOREVER dru! i love it love it love it

    *hugs and sexes it up*
    April 23rd, 2008 at 05:05am
  • Aww..
    More. D:
    April 23rd, 2008 at 05:03am
    this chapter was one of my favoritess : D
    April 23rd, 2008 at 04:22am
    April 23rd, 2008 at 04:08am