Out In the Open - Comments

  • SpellsUnderTheStars

    SpellsUnderTheStars (100)

    I just came across again. I havent read Spring Back and Camp Boulder for a while but reading this one shot brings a lot of it back and it still gives me heartache. You are profoundly wonderful and I really want to be your friend haha.
    January 14th, 2015 at 08:02am
  • Shakespeare_lover

    Shakespeare_lover (100)

    United States
    That was such a good ending, but I hate that I can't read this every day anymore ):
    It was so good, by far the best book on this website. It needs to be published or something, seriously. It was perfect. Stone and Parker <|3
    March 3rd, 2012 at 07:37pm
  • KittyhasClaws

    KittyhasClaws (100)

    United States
    I know you wont be able to read this but I really want to tell you how mush I enjoyed this story. I just spent about... a week I think reading just this story. It was truly fantastic and so increadably real and I just adore it. I went through Spring Back and at the end I was trying hard not to cry. I some houe made it but then I read this last chapter and I couldn't help it. Everything is just so heartfelt, vivd, and yet at the same time humerous. Thank you so much for creating this story. I know I wasn't here when you first started or anywere in the middle and I wasn't here soon enough to tell you this but I had to put it out there with the off chance of you reading in at some point in time. Thank you so much. This story really touched my heart, one of the best things I have ever read that's not professtional.
    August 9th, 2011 at 11:38pm
  • Kissing Karma

    Kissing Karma (100)

    United States
    fucking love it<3
    May 20th, 2011 at 06:18am
  • PaigeyPantsFTW

    PaigeyPantsFTW (100)

    United States
    Fuck. Andy. What in the hell is this. I was expecting to need to cry because Stan was so unbearably…DOUCHEY that I’d just need to protect Stone to my best fan-girl abilities.
    While that is the case somewhat, FUCKING THE END OF THIS.
    I am so happy right now.
    I can’t even.


    Okay, I’d like to start out saying that the picture you picked for this is just PERFECT.
    I just don’t even fucking believe you anymore when you tell me they aren’t real.
    There are enough people in the world, they exist somewhere.
    But I mean, he looks so happy. And it’s that childish innocence that is lighting his face up, that innocence that was so obviously stolen from him when he was really young, and then beaten out of him as he got older. Before we even get to start reading we get to see a slight glimpse into when he was carefree and had a mom and Stan wasn’t such a fucking asshole, and just. Fuck. Am I getting too sentimental over a picture right now? You can bet your sweet ass I am.

    But with the picture there, it’s like you softened us up so we could be like “Aw, Gale.” And then the first line of this just. It makes it so much more heartbreaking and it makes me just so…angry that Stan could even have the balls to tear the smile away from that boys face. It’s just a big pile of “How dare you.” And I just want to punch him in the dick.

    I can move on now that I’ve gotten that little rant out of the way, I can actually start on the content of this, haha.

    Junior. Anthony. It’s so…heartbreaking to see how much he meant to Stone when they were younger. Just how much he depended on Junior’s company at the time. And I like that you mentioned that he didn’t hate his sisters because of their dad. I mean, we knew he didn’t hate them because of SB but, it’s still nice to know that he didn’t grow into the big brother we know and love now, he’s always been that way.

    Sarah. Christ, that entire paragraph was so sad. And it was so perfect. (I’m finding a re-occurring perfection with all your writing, Andy). Just, that one little paragraph, it was just a clear, clean-cut look into what was going on in his head when Parker saw him high. And now that entire chapter of Spring Back scares the shit out of me more than it did, because I know what’s behind it, and I don’t know if I’m just prone to over exaggeration and constant worry about all of that shit, but just. FUCK I’m so glad he’s okay.

    But the more she used the uglier she got and the more she used the less she talked and the more she used the more I hated her and the more she used, the more she used, the more she used, she used, she used…

    That sentence, it’s just amazing.

    Haha, poor Stone.
    Again, I really love how you can write so flawlessly, Andy. I mean, even though this is the whole clichéd ‘No one understands me” thing, it’s not. You’ve taken so much of your time to actually develop your characters and give them meaning. They’re not just a void so readers can have something to throw their own personalities on. They’re actual people and it makes everything Stone had to go through to get to where he is so much more emotionally heartbreaking than all those other stories that have some stupid sob story. Everything about this just reeks originality.

    Even with how Stone feels about the whole “gay” thing. I mean, I’ve read the kinds of stories before that have the main character with the whole “I didn’t ask to be gay, meh, pity me.” But that’s not even what Stone’s doing. I like how it was more of that taboo kids put on the idea when they’re really young. And then Junior came along and It was just. Fuck, even though he was a dick I really loved him a lot in this. Hahaha, and I hated him so much before, because I’m dumb and I get over-protective of characters and he did almost kill Parker, lmfao. But that’s how Stone got to get to go to Camp Boulder and that’s how everything started and ))))))))))))))))))): I’M SO HAPPY. Even though everything turned to shit for a little bit, there was so much that Junior did good for him, even if he didn’t exactly realize it. Akd fuuuuck me. Haha.

    Stan made Stone cut his hair. I don’t know why that made me so fucking mad, but it really did. Haha. Like, his hair was kind of this subtle thing about Stone—he was the god-like body man with gorgeous blond hair. And Stan cut it off. Just strip him of any choices he could actually make himself. Stan really did strip him of his freewill, and god I hate this man. But there Junior is. ): Poor Stone, that must have been really rough on him. And then just more little hints about how much Junior really did mean to Stone. It’s cute, even though I know Junior and Stone together ever is just about the most hilarious concept my little mind has ever come up with. And just. Lmfao. No. Not even in the land of silly things is that okay.

    Christ, I know I’ve already said this, but just like.
    I love how even though Stone’s this little angsty teenager, I don’t see him as an angsty teenager. If that makes sense. And I like how even though Stan’s a dick to him, he doesn’t just sit there and whine about it. He’s just kind of like. Stone. Y’know? I don’t really see Stone as the kind of person who’d sit there and whine about his problems anyway, and Junior wouldn’t let him hear the end of it if he did, so it’s just nice to see that you can keep his character regardless of what you’re doing with anything. YOU ARE PERFECT ANDY.

    Lkjdf;laksjfl;skdf I LOVE seeing how all of Stone’s things came to be!
    Like, here’s him getting started with soccer, and soccer’s his life. And I’m just like “:33333” I don’t even know why that makes me so damn happy, but it does and just. A;slkdjfa love. I also think it’s funny that Junior has been Anthony this entire time. Like, just making it more apparent that they really have been friends forever before all the shit went down and just. <333 Junior really was a really good friend for Stone. I really like the kind of friends that are willing to protect their best friends, no matter what. Minus the fact that Junior was kind of a dick and haha, you know of all of that. They were both really great to each other before everything happened, and it makes me really happy to see that connection they had.

    I was tired of people teasing me about my name and Junior thought that Anthony sounded like he was someone’s estranged Mexican child and just—overall—he didn’t like the sound of it.

    Lmfao. When I read Anthony I think Frank Iero, ‘cause that’s his middle name (Not that you care, at all.) and that sentence is just hilarious, ahah.

    Like, one of those things that you want it to happen so bad, but you know it can’t.
    Well, I know it can’t just because I’ve read all the other things and Junior is Junior and aldkjf BLAH I feel like I’m talking in circles, ahaha.

    Oh, Tracer.
    I really feel bad for this kid.
    He is one of those kids who just can’t find his feet
    And he doesn’t have a Junior to help him keep things ‘grounded’ and )):
    And then Stone went to go help him. Why is Stone so amazing? -.-
    It’s almost like that’s what would of happened to Stone if Junior hadn’t of been there to be a dick and help him build up his massive Stone Wall. Even though I don’t really think Stone would have been quite at Tracer’s level, but just how sad and broken he seemed from not having a shirt and just being bullied in general.

    And oh Christ, this is where everything went to shit. ):
    It’s really great how like, at the first half of this there was a certain tone of hope (I don’t feel like that’s the right word), and I think it was because Junior was there. Even though yeah, Stone had that massive crush on him, but even with all the romantic shit aside, Junior was still that one solid person in his life who kept him safe and didn’t bail on him. But then he did bail on him and now he’s just more dark and sad sounding in his monologue. Is that just me? Or did you do that on purpose? :3

    Fuck. Tracer. God. I want to CRY I love this kid so much right now.
    And I feel horrible for him.
    And FUCK YOU JUNIOR. -.-
    It’s so sad that Tracer was that kid who could handle a lot of shit, up until Junior got to him.
    Maybe that was another reason why what Junior said was so god awful and hurt Stone so bad?
    And now Stone hates Junior and my heart is just so sad because they were best friends and he loved Junior so much and he pretty much threw it ALL back in Stone’s face. I’m so glad they’re friends again now. -.-

    ))))): Junior still cared though! Alksdjf;asldkf ANDY I’M SO CONFLICTED RIGHT NOW.

    Lmfao. Okay. So. Janitor? Definitely immediately thought of this guy: http://www.wellbehaveddingo.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/0000037868_200702161158261.jpg Even though Stone’s Janitor had an actual name. Maybe Janitor WAS named Adam, crafty little bastard… mkay, I’ll stop ranting now, back to actual story. Ahaha.

    ): Only this Adam is more of a dick than Janitor is.
    It’s really sad. (I’ve said that so many times, ahaha) Like. Stone just wanted someone to care for again, maybe like he cared for Junior, or maybe he just needed a friend and no one was there for him.

    And then Stan threw him out.

    And then Adam left.

    And then he met Parker.

    Fuck, I know I gush about how much I loved them.
    And I want you to know it’s not just because I think they were cute or whateverthefuck (even though I definitely thought they were) I just get really excited when I can actually see how much one person cares for another in just so few words. Well, I guess it’s a lot of words, but I can’t even fathom what feeling any of that would be like, and it’s almost like even when it was in Parker’s point of view, I could see the way Stone would look at him, and I could just feel the adoration and everything seeping into Parker with every word. (fuck this is cheesy) and I just really want you to know that that’s why I love this story so much.

    And then the whole sex thing.
    Fuck, I’m so fucking stupid.
    I really thought Stone was trying to just be noble and save Parker’s virtue or whatever, but shit.
    I guess it all makes sense. But, is it silly that it just made my heart explode even more?
    Just that he really did care for Parker that much. He didn’t want to hurt him in any way. He didn’t want Parker to get some fucked up disease just because Stone had a little fun before him. I COULD CRY it’s so fucking great, Andy…

    Are you shaking your head at me? Because fuck I can’t even stop how much I loved that little paragraph-section-thing about Parker.

    Parker really was that person Stone needed at the time, and I’m really glad he had him.

    But, all that said I can’t even being to tell you what I feel for Jason. Or begin to tell you how fucking ecstatic I was when I saw that Stone was telling everything to him. I almost screamed. It was ridiculous.

    “It’s okay,” he said, sliding up to me and rubbing my chest—he did that a lot. This piece of my body right about my heart, he’d just rub it and the ache went away. “You’ve been through a lot.”

    It’s like Jason’s been able to fix the hole that Parker left before Stone even let him. God, Jason is just like fucking perfect. (everything is perfect, see how I keep using that word? -.-) Stone was so afraid of telling him everything because he would of run away, and now he knows and he isn’t going anywhere. HE IS A SAFETY BLANKET alskdjfa;lskdf :3333 I’m such a fag for your stories, Andy.

    It might be because they’re like. 20 something now and not just pissy little teenagers, but I really love how Jason doesn’t let what Parker had with Stone before threaten what he has with Stone now. Yeah, Stone did love him. Stone loved him a whole fucking lot. But Jason knows that he’ll be able to be there for him and just be AMAZING. I can’t even come up with a coherent thought because I just want to know that they’ll be happy forever (and they will be goddammit, in my head.) and I really feel like Jason will be able to be all that he can be for Stone, and Stone will finally be able to just…be, y’know? And that’s all I’ve really wanted for him all this time and it makes me so happy to see him happy now. That’s why I started crying at the end of Spring Back, haha. Because I knew Jason was going to be able to do it, and now he is. This is just like, confirmation on that.

    And now they get to go sex each other up and live happily ever after.

    I think this is the best happy ending that could of happened for this boy <3

    Well, it was fun getting to write one last one of these for you.
    I’m in Journalism and ignoring shit I’m supposed to be doing, because there’s like only 10 days of school left and fuck this shit.
    Christ. You started Spring Back right before school started…and now it’s all over. Great fucking timing, man.
    But I’m going to leave right now because I feel the tears coming on, but I kind of feel like if I post this you’ll be gone for real and that makes me sad and fuck I need to stop thinking. c:
    I love you a lot, and I really really REALLY hope you have an amazing life outside of mibba <3

    (and if the code fucked in this one I'm going to be pissed. -.-)
    May 17th, 2011 at 09:24pm
  • Hezzarther

    Hezzarther (100)

    United States
    i liked it though.
    May 17th, 2011 at 06:25am
  • celeste

    celeste (100)

    United States
    awww the end of your stories..im gonna miss em lots..
    ohh i loved this! ,...even though stone and parker didnt get together..but who would parker end up with? hmm...
    so sad your leaving...but goodluck with whtever it is you do ^ ^
    May 17th, 2011 at 06:00am
  • Memory Lane.

    Memory Lane. (100)

    United States
    I'm gonna miss your stories, but that was amazing.<3
    May 17th, 2011 at 05:39am
  • Bubbleloveworld

    Bubbleloveworld (100)

    United States
    puur you little minx gale
    May 17th, 2011 at 02:28am
  • boyking

    boyking (100)

    United States
    everything about this is perfect. i wish i could say more, but i really can't.
    May 17th, 2011 at 02:19am
  • Ultraviolet Light

    Ultraviolet Light (100)

    United States
    i loved this so much!
    i was so happy to see how Stone was changing and dealing with his problems.
    sad that parker and stone didn’t get their happy ending :(
    but i loved this regardless.
    also sad you're leaving!
    May 16th, 2011 at 10:39pm
  • Wolfiee

    Wolfiee (100)

    i literally screamed out loud and jumped around when i saw that you've uploaded a new chapter. this was so perfect. thank you. my life is now complete :) (but i don't mind if you decide to write something more hehe). thank you once more. i really loved it :)
    May 16th, 2011 at 11:34am
  • SpellsUnderTheStars

    SpellsUnderTheStars (100)

    I hope I can still read this after.

    This last installment was perfect.

    Also, I was going to try and beg you to write a one-shot of Junior's story but you did Stone instead (even though I never got round to asking). Either way, it felt right how it ended and congratulations on the ending.

    Also, I understand you deactivating Mibba just because it's time :)

    Thank you so much for writing this, the journey has been amazing.
    May 16th, 2011 at 10:47am
  • zonaria

    zonaria (100)

    United States
    I think I'd be lying if I said I'm okay with you just finishing with this, but I feel like this is the perfect end. I never really believed stories ended happily; it seems so fake. But this- this is just the way it should be. And I will miss this story and always anticipating an update or a sequel, but I have had it all saved on my computer for months now and I still read it all over again from time to time. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry at some points.
    I wish you all the luck and I still think you're wasting your time on the internet; you should just write a book after a book after a book and... get something real out of your talent. Because you sure as hell have a lot of it.
    May 16th, 2011 at 10:29am
  • animal soup

    animal soup (100)

    United States
    this is perfect.
    May 16th, 2011 at 09:46am