Story of the Truth - Comments

  • bamckyhimlover

    bamckyhimlover (100)

    United States
    So true. I went through a lot of the same things from a horrible boyfriend who wanted me to have sex when I was thirteen and broke up with me when I didn't give it up to him. He began a rumor about me that I was the worse he ever had when we didn't even do anything. My boyfriend in High School lived several hours away from me. He was good friends with my aunt so I thought he wouldn't treat me like shit. He ended up cheating on me and he broke up with me the day my grandpa died. A few weeks later he asked me back out and not even three days later he broke up with me again.

    My mom used to be married to my stepdad who was a total ass. He treated his daughter like a princess. My half brother got treated special since he almost died when he was born. I felt like an outsider in my family. I began getting depressed and started cutting. I got put into group therapy which didn't help out. I began to date again; somehow he helped me overcome cutting and feeling like a total loser. To this day we are still together and have been for almost five years. We also have a beautiful daughter together.

    I love what you are doing. I hope your stories will help someone out there that feels like they aren't anyone special. Everyone deserves to be loved and treated farely!
    May 18th, 2011 at 03:59am