The Ghost of You - Comments

  • chemical romantics.

    chemical romantics. (210)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "the past was bullet-proof, the future unlikely" Actually, I believe the future is bulletproof and the aftermath is secondary. However, I may have be wrongly led astray in an attempt to indoctrinate me unwittingly into a post-'emotional "emo" rock' propaganda push. Glenn Beck, anyone?

    Right, on a more serious note.
    Your writing is simply mesmerising, there's not a lot more to it really. You have a distinctive style of beginning each chapter with a sentence, short but meaningful, that delves the reader straight into the thick of the plot again - which is handy when writing in the serialised format that good ol' mibbz offers. Your vocabulary, ever flawless, is another distinctive factor in your writing, and for once, for all the right reasons. It comes with ease; it's fluent and correctly used; it's frankly astonishing. It isn't necessarily that you have a range of vocabulary so versatile and intense, but rather that you can use it in the way you do. I find that most writers, especially God knows online, have a really insincere of implementing language and it's sharp and bitter and uneasy to read. Yours, however, is not. And I will crawl on my knees chasing your coattails in disbelief and unworthiness if somehow the world was to regain the ability to do this, because good lord, I miss decent 'amateur' literature.

    You're a classic story-teller. Your plot builds slowly, but you know where to clip and groom the mundane details that normally leave the story lagging behind; struggling to stand on it's hind legs to prove it's worth to aristocratic onlookers. I find complex similes and metaphors work their way into your chapters in what would likely otherwise be overwhelming, but somehow sits naturally with your tone and style and immerse me completely in the details and mechanisms behind your characters. Again, it's beautiful. There are dozens of factors about your writing that leave me breathless with awe and envy; it somehow leaves me entangled between fighting the urge to write and the desperation to read more. Always more.

    You're an incredible writer Jennifer, and frankly if I ever hear you say otherwise I might just mail myself to you personally in a coffin draped in the ever-formidable Union Jack, savvy? Don't stop writing and never look back is all I really want to say. I'd publish this in a heartbeat, I can only imagine what else is up those magic little sleeves of yours. Really, this is amazing beyond the descriptive and complimentary ability of my writing. I take my hat off to you, metaphorically of course - I don't suit hats at all.

    This is my new favourite thing ever, and if I could critique this in any way, trust me I would. Yet, I can't. Flawless, completely and utterly flawless. My levels of adoration towards you have increased tenfold. I cannot believe I've been so blind...
    August 14th, 2011 at 03:10am
  • NegativeCreep

    NegativeCreep (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow, I would have happily paid money for that.. kept me gripped to the story the whole way through and the vocabulary was sublime. Intrigued to see what you do next :)
    August 14th, 2011 at 01:34am
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Wow I must say again your vocabulary is extraordinary!! I love it and cannot get enough of it. Thanks for putting this up lovely and I cannot wait for more to come!
    May 19th, 2011 at 08:48pm
  • DirrtyFkunk

    DirrtyFkunk (100)

    United Kingdom
    Wow! Thank you so much! Just about to post another chapter :)
    May 19th, 2011 at 08:14pm
  • Venganza!

    Venganza! (100)

    United States
    Woah I love the details and your vocabulary is very well versed. I love it and I cannot wait for more. ^_^
    May 19th, 2011 at 06:49pm