Can't Deny It - Comments

  • Cali's Mommy

    Cali's Mommy (100)

    United States
    Hahahaha!! I KNEW that was going to happen as I was reading about her getting ready. I just had a feeling he would have his parents (or mom) there! :) Poor Amelia...probably NOT the way she would prefer to meet his mom! Oh well.....can't wait to see how this goes now! :D
    December 7th, 2011 at 11:53pm
  • Marinesister92

    Marinesister92 (150)

    United States
    I can't believe she just won't give into him. She clearly loves him. He wants to be with her, why not just accept it he clearly wants to be with her and is so sorry that he made her feel like second best, but she's first in his book, he followed her and made sure she was happy when dingle berry hurt her and cheated on her. Why can't she see that she's not second that she's first.
    December 2nd, 2011 at 05:11am
  • Spanked by Bautista

    Spanked by Bautista (100)

    Yes! I knew Max had it in him to be the type of man that Chloe needs! And deserves. I'm glad that he wasn't there simply to argue with her and tell her what a terrible person she is for having a thing with Engo. He needed to get over his butt hurt and hear her out and stop jumping to so many damn conclusions. I understand that he's hurt. He'd wanted someone that was all is. Who hadn't been with a hockey player before. Especially when it's someone he knows. That would be all really awkward and uncomfortable. But sometimes things happen that are beyond peoples' control and they react in ways they normally wouldn't. Max needs to pull up his big boy pants and realize that those things happened long before he was ever part of Chloe's life.

    The making up went extremely well, I would say ;)

    I think Amelia needs to get on the same page as Max and mature herself a bit and realize that life and relationships aren't so cut and dry. That there's things that happen in peoples' lives and choices they make that we may not ever completely understood. Chloe was at a very dark and difficult time in her life and Engo was there when no one else would. And things may have went far and above just regular comforting, but it happened before she was ever part of his life. Yes, he lied. But he's not a perfect person. Life isn't perfect. And if she can't realize he lied because he was trying to protect Chloe and he wanted to make sure she was ready to come clean about things, then maybe Amelia needs to be with someone that's less mature and way less complicated. I find she's blowing this 'you chose her over me' thing way out of proportion. There were extending circumstances that made him keep back the truth about him and Chloe. It isn't as easy as she expects it to be.

    I do find it rather unnerving that she's not above having sex with him but she refuses to address their problems or clear the air. Maybe it's maturity. Or lack there of. I think she needs to step back and realize that the 'only having sex thing' is using him in a way. He's good enough to fuck, not good enough to forgive for mistakes he's made in the past. He had a life before her and she needs to realize that. And that's he's not perfect.

    The smut was insanely hot. As usual. Glad he could those words out of her. Too bad they were all for nothing and she was gone the next morning. I feel bad for him. He's not getting the chance to apologize or plead his case. After all he did for Chloe and Fiona, you would think that would make his stock go up even further in Amelia's eyes instead of making him the evil one.

    Loved Max standing up to Jordan. 'What's going on between Chloe and I is off limits to you'. It wasn't overly harsh but straight to the point. He won't take Jordan's shit and he definitely isn't going to let him bad mouth Chloe. I would imagine he'd punch Jordan in the face if he ever did. Never talk about a man's woman when he's in love. Even the smallest guys go crazy and will mess you up! And then reminding him he has a girl at home and that it was best if he remembered that. Perfect, Max. Just perfect.

    Glad to see him admitting that he's grown up and faced his own demons. I think if he wanted to be successful with someone like Chloe, he needed to change a lot about himself. He seems to be capable and willing to do that. And when he said 'Chloe's mine, you know'. It was sexy and possessive and oh so perfect.

    Does Chloe feel the same way about Max? I'd love to know!

    Love that they tricked her. Not surprised that her immediate reaction would be to run away.

    Personally, I don't get it as she picked Chloe over her. Not at all. This happened before Amelia ever came along. And it wasn't up to Deryk to tell what happened. He was protecting someone. I don't know what is so hard for her to understand about that.

    Looking forward to more!
    November 30th, 2011 at 07:27pm
  • hockey bliss

    hockey bliss (100)

    United States
    Well Amelia is a stronger woman than me! I could NEVER say no to Jordan. And now apparently neither can you! Makes it more challenging to write the opposite of your gut instinct! :-)
    I would forgive them both if I was Max or Amelia. Especially Amelia with Deryk. It really wasn't his story to tell.
    Off to read the next chapter!
    November 30th, 2011 at 08:17am
  • samlo

    samlo (100)

    United States
    Honestly I lvoed this chapter. As for your questions at the end. I don't know how to answer them. I'm conflicted myself.

    Do I think Max forgave Chloe too soona dn too easily? Possibly. I think since he plays the same role as Engo as "the protector" he understood where he was coming from. But a little part of me want him to be at least a little mad for a little while longer. I also wanted to see him and how he would react towards Chloe.

    I understand where Ameila is coming from. She doesn't want to be placed on the back burner the second something better comes along anymore. I wouldn't want to feel like that. So I see where she is coming from. Do I want her to forgive Engo? Abso-fucking-lutely. I have no idea how long it's going to take her. But I have a feeling it's going to take her a while with everything she went through.

    Can't wait for the next update. I don't want this story to end, but I can't wait to see what happens and how it ends. :)
    November 30th, 2011 at 06:51am
  • pitts87pens

    pitts87pens (100)

    United States
    I feel like it might take her a little while to forgive him i mean come on he flat out lied to her and still said he'd do it again...but hopefully she will forgive him..i can't wait for more!
    November 30th, 2011 at 04:29am
  • kendra-rae

    kendra-rae (100)

    LOVE IT!!!
    November 30th, 2011 at 03:13am
  • MariannaMata

    MariannaMata (100)

    United States
    A little late on my comment... Sorry!

    Max an Chloe, too freaking cute! :) Yet surprising, I thought Max would take more time. But now that I think of it... Max seems like a helpless romantic, under all that womanizer....

    ANYWAY! Amelia Amelia Amelia. The ENGO TRAIN! Who wouldn't want to ride it?! I do and thats illegal. But I understand the whole number 1 issue, every girl does- at some point.

    Great update!! And my wrist is not doing to hot... Joy! :(
    November 30th, 2011 at 12:20am
  • headintheclouds

    headintheclouds (100)

    United States
    Man I love this story.

    I was a little surprised at how fast Max forgave Chloe, I honestly thought it would take a bit longer.

    Amelia won't forgive Engo right away or until she feels that she truly is number one. Not that I can blame her on that.

    Great work!! Can't wait for more!!
    November 29th, 2011 at 09:50am
  • RosiePosie08

    RosiePosie08 (100)

    United States
    Love it!
    November 29th, 2011 at 09:35am
  • Cupcake1

    Cupcake1 (100)

    United States
    Great chapter! I think she should forgive him now that he's basically beared his soul to her
    November 29th, 2011 at 05:19am
  • mrssidneycrosby

    mrssidneycrosby (100)

    United States
    after that speech she should forgive him like now. no max didnt forgive chloe to fast. its each individuals opinion on what is enough time. and i dont think it is completely right for her to want sex but wont talk seeing as he wanted so badly to talk. but once again its each individuals opinion. but yeah i love this story. and i dont think i allow you to end it anytime in the near future...unless you are planning on bringing some staal brother action. hahahah!
    November 29th, 2011 at 04:27am
  • mrssidneycrosby

    mrssidneycrosby (100)

    United States
    after that speech she should forgive him like now. no max didnt forgive chloe to fast. its each individuals opinion on what is enough time. and i dont think it is completely right for her to want sex but wont talk seeing as he wanted so badly to talk. but once again its each individuals opinion. but yeah i love this story. and i dont think i allow you to end it anytime in the near future...unless you are planning on bringing some staal brother action. hahahah!
    November 29th, 2011 at 04:27am
  • pro-fangirl

    pro-fangirl (100)

    United States
    November 29th, 2011 at 03:37am
  • magmababe141

    magmababe141 (100)

    United States
    Man you had me at Engo! I love the story!
    November 29th, 2011 at 03:11am
  • boylegirl22

    boylegirl22 (100)

    United States
    I love this story! the chapter ending gahh!! i need more! they should forgive each other max and amelia need to be together!
    November 26th, 2011 at 11:39pm
  • CeciliaE

    CeciliaE (100)

    They should forgive them! It might take a while but they really should try to do it! Loved this update as usual!
    November 22nd, 2011 at 09:03pm
  • kendra-rae

    kendra-rae (100)

    I think Max and Amelia should forgive them, Deryk did the right thing for Chole but I think he should told Amelia to talk to Chole earlier about it!
    Love it cannot wait for the next chapter :D
    November 19th, 2011 at 03:06am
  • Spanked by Bautista

    Spanked by Bautista (100)

    It's comforting to know that Max is with Jordan and Amelia. He may be the third wheel in Jordan's eyes, but his presence is probably keeping Amelia from doing something stupid. And there's nothing remotely smart about making a decision to sleep with someone when you're that drunk. Decisions like that will always come back to haunt you and being under the influence isn't a valid reason to excuse someone from shitty behaviour. Not to mention once you sober up and get your life back on track, you'll regret it and it will probably come back to haunt you.

    I am worried what might happen now that Amelia told Jordan about Engo and Chloe. Jordan is a complete skeeze (being such a manwhore when he's got a girlfriend at home) so what is really stopping him from spreading that story around? Everyone is making it sound like Engo and Chloe are sleeping with each other while Max and Amelia were in the picture. What stops Jordan from opening his big mouth? And then Chloe is embarrassed and hurt after all the effort and the sacrifice Engo had made to protect her. So I hope Jordan doesn't say anything. Because that will lead back to Amelia being the one that told him and I can really see Engo being pissed off that she told him. All he's ever wanted was to protect Chloe and Fiona. And now...

    Jordan is so slimy. I don't understand the 'but he's so hot!' argument that everyone uses to allow people like that to get away with the shitty things they do to people. It's like 'only ugly people can be punished for their bad behaviour. Attractive people can do whatever they want to others'. How immature is that? Welcome to the real world. I'm terrified to think what some men might do to these children and they'll take them back and forgive them because they're 'hot'.

    Thank God they didn't sleep together. Amelia has some sense even when she's drunk. And she's got some class. She doesn't need to fuck someone out of revenge. There's the maturity in this god awful mess. have zero experience in having feelings for someone. Or knowing how to act when you do have them. You should have listened to Chloe. You should have given the woman that you love the chance to tell you the story. Instead you stormed out and made her feel even worse about herself. You have some grovelling to do, son. I understand that it's a shock to hear, but you should have had the balls and the sense to hear the details. Sheesh.

    Now that all of Chloe's story is out, I am even further in her and Engo's corner and believe that forgiveness is their right. They have every right to be heard and forgiven. There were so many things going on in Chloe's life at that time and Engo wanted to make her feel better about herself and perhaps prove to her that all men are not scumbags that beat women. And even though he had every reason to just walk away and forget about her esp after he told her there'd never be anything between them beyond those sexual moments, he still cared about her when she got sick. He made sure that she was taken care of and that Fiona wouldn't be taken away. And he didn't want her to be embarrassed. He was only protecting her. That should give Amelia some solace that he would do anything to take care of someone he cared about. And really, they were going to tell them and would have gotten to it if Fiona hadn't accidentally tattled on them.

    Max...I hope you're there to do a mixture of grovelling and listening. And that you tell her how you feel. I hope she feels the same way about you and that she forgives you for being so stubborn and immature. You need to get married (or live in sin) and have beautiful babies together.

    Looking forward to more!
    November 18th, 2011 at 04:14pm
  • Rylie_

    Rylie_ (100)

    United States
    He lied, I would not forgive him right away but at some point I think they (Engo and Ame) need to sit down and talk about this.

    Sleeping with Jordan would be easy for me so telling him no would be really hard. She's in love with Engo so I can see why she didn't.

    Loved it as usual and I can't wait for more.
    November 16th, 2011 at 10:54pm