Can't Deny It - Comments

  • Spanked by Bautista

    Spanked by Bautista (100)

    Canada that kiss was totally hot. I'm glad she didn't back out of it and that she just threw herself into and let herself enjoy it. No since kissing Deryk Engelland if you're not going to be into it. Seems like a waste of an exceptionally good man if you're not going to enjoy him ;)

    Chloe....LOL...what a little cock block. Although I'm sure she wouldn't really help it. Poor girl is there trying to work and probably needs something and low and behold, she walks in on them playing tonsil hockey. I would have been 'don't mind me..continue what you're doing' and just went on my merry little way. I felt a little bad for Engo the way Amelia dismissed him like that, but at the same time I understand why she's frazzled. The kiss, all these mixed emotions, getting caught at your work, the boyfriend. That's a lot of shit to have on your mind all at once, so it's no wonder she's a little sketchy. I thought the conversation between her and Chloe had the right amount of humour and seriousness in it. How she teased her about what friends do and 'maybe Max Talbot needs a friend' and Amelia's lame reasoning for how and why it happened and Chloe's 'things happen for a reason'. And I would have loved to have seen the answer for the 'do you love Jayson?'

    I'm glad to see that she ran after Engo and apologized for dismissing him the way she did. Although it was hilarious how he teased her and got her all riled up all over again. LOL. He's so delicious and impossible to resist. And I thought that the little toss in about Jordan and that awful girl Heather was really cute. Glad he gave her the heads up about the concert and the guys being guests in the suite. And that hug at the end...very promising.

    Chloe's little girl sounds adorbs. We need to see more of her! And Chloe needs a man. Definitely ;)

    Jayson is an asshole. A first class doucher. I can't stand anyone that thinks they're so much better than everyone else. There's different between being charming and just being a sleazy prick, and he's a sleazy prick. The way he talks about the 'uneducated hockey players' makes me want to smack him across the face. There's some college grads on that team. And even some of the ones that just graduated high school are apparently very very intelligent. They just chose hockey over post secondary education. So he needs to shut his mouth before someone shuts it for him. Can that happen? Can someone punch him out? That would be glorious. And then doing something sexually to her against her will? Guy deserves to be castrated. I'm glad to see she didn't 'repay the favour' though.

    A little bit of Mario...everyone deserves a little Mario in their lives. Although he's in my dog house right now. And I don't know how long it's going to take him to get out of there.

    She needs to tell Deryk what happened!!
    June 25th, 2011 at 03:12pm
  • Its_RobynXo

    Its_RobynXo (100)

    United States
    Yay, I caught up! Loved all of the updates!
    She definitely needs to tell Deryk about Jayson...
    Looking forward to more! <3
    June 23rd, 2011 at 07:45am
  • Rylie_

    Rylie_ (100)

    United States
    So can I just say I hate this Jayson dude. He's a total dick.

    I think she should tell Derek. He seems like he would stand up for her and kick DouchePants in the balls..which is what he needs. Anyway, I digress. I'm enjoying it so far. I can't wait to see what happens next, especially after the preview you gave us.
    June 23rd, 2011 at 04:51am
  • kendra-rae

    kendra-rae (100)

    Holy hot kiss there b'y!!! lol She should tell Deryk what happened
    love it <3 cannot wait for the next chapter ;) lol
    June 22nd, 2011 at 10:27pm
  • pitts87pens

    pitts87pens (100)

    United States
    Great update....Jayson is a jerk, she needs to get rid of him for sure and go after Deryk..can't wait to see what happens i am really enjoying this story..
    June 22nd, 2011 at 05:16pm
  • anllna93

    anllna93 (100)

    United States
    Holy crap! I seriously think that Jayson should become history. Even if it means Amelia just walking out. That's unacceptable what he did. I know it wasn't full on rape, but he took complete advantage of her! Jayson's a piece of scum.
    I think Amelia should pack her bags and just show up on Deryk's doorstep. I'm 99.99% sure he'd take her in :] he's a sweetheart. And I think she should tell Deryk what happened because I am DYING to see Jayson get the living hell beat out of him. He's such an arrogant ass.
    I cannot wait to see what happens at the practice run for Suite 66! Maybe Deryk ditches the Lady Gaga concert to spend more time with Amelia? ;] although he would probably be diagnosed as mentally unstable if he turned down a Gaga show :P
    Love it! Keep up the awesome work!
    June 22nd, 2011 at 05:22am
  • rehbein

    rehbein (100)

    United States
    The chapter was so good! But the sneak peak for the next update just made me laugh. Can't wait to see how this all plays out!
    June 22nd, 2011 at 05:22am
  • snowboarder79

    snowboarder79 (100)

    I am sooo not a fan of Jayson.
    And Amelia should definitely tell Deryk, maybe then he would get rid of her god awful boyfriend!
    Can't wait for the next chapter :)
    June 22nd, 2011 at 02:18am
  • JordysShorty

    JordysShorty (100)

    United States
    I hate jayson so much!!!! I think she should tell deryk :) And I about died about the awful heather! HAHA
    June 22nd, 2011 at 02:14am
  • icequeen0327

    icequeen0327 (100)

    United States
    "You're going to give me Penguins gossip?” She jumped up and down on the balls of her feet. “This is awesome. Did Jordan break up with that awful Heather girl?"-I love it, too funny! Great chapter and I agree with Kara-have Deryk kick his ass! Can't wait for more!
    June 22nd, 2011 at 01:09am
  • wickedangel21

    wickedangel21 (100)

    United States
    Love it. U r slowly making me hate Jayson even more he is such a douche. lol keep it up cant wait for more =)
    June 22nd, 2011 at 12:38am
  • Cali's Mommy

    Cali's Mommy (100)

    United States
    Great chapter Pheebs!!! Can't wait to see what happens!!!!!!! :))))
    June 21st, 2011 at 11:56pm
  • sybilla1984

    sybilla1984 (100)

    I love this!!!!!!!!!
    I hate JAyson, and a swift kick in the balls would be very good!!!
    Any chance for some fluff next update????
    June 21st, 2011 at 11:27pm
  • headintheclouds

    headintheclouds (100)

    United States
    omg i loved it. so can't wait for the test run!!! and she should tell deryk what happened, lol. can't wait for more!!!!
    June 21st, 2011 at 11:23pm
  • kare_bear

    kare_bear (100)

    United States
    even though i wanted her to seriously kick jayson right in the schlong, i think i would much rather prefer for deryk to find out!!! so please make that happen :D
    and i cannot WAIT for the next chap!
    yayya thanks pheeb!
    June 21st, 2011 at 11:18pm
  • RosiePosie08

    RosiePosie08 (100)

    United States
    I freaking love this. She should totally tell Deryk and he should go kick jayson's ass.
    June 21st, 2011 at 11:17pm
  • Cali's Mommy

    Cali's Mommy (100)

    United States
    Haha....can't even spell plagerism right! And disrespect to the other author, I don't know her, nor have I read her stories, they may be great stories. I should not have said some of the things I said in my previous post, I guess my "mama bear" instincts got the best of me! :) I don't think it was her that started everything from what l can gather, so I am no one to judge her. I just hate that you both had to deal with the drama of it all. Anyway, keep up the good work Phoebe and I can't wait for an update on this story and on Feigning Maturity!!! :))))
    June 21st, 2011 at 12:10am
  • Cali's Mommy

    Cali's Mommy (100)

    United States
    Seriously I think NOT! I have read ALL of your stories, and I don't know WHO this other person is or what their problem is, but you have been writing these stories for years, like you said. Even though I only started reading them within the last year, you can clearly see from old comments how long ago you wrote them. Please don't let some dumbass wannabe run you off this site. And if for some reason you DO decide to leave then please let me know where your writing will be so I can continue reading your awesome stories. (:

    So, onto THIS story......I believe your intro to this story said something about it starting out tame so I really laughed out loud when there was a SEX scene in, what, the first paragraph!?! You really know how to start your stories out with a BANG! :) I am loving this one already, as I have all the other ones so far. You keep up your awesome writing for yourself......and for us too, please. It would be a shame for you to allow anything take you away from something you so obviously love and are great at. You obviously have a HUGE fan base so please keep up the great work. I can't wait for the next update. Sorry it took so long for me to even comment, but I just had a chance to start reading this one today, and I read all four chapters, so I'm ready for the next one!!! Can't wait to see what happens next. I'm sure it will be fabulous! LUVS TO YA PHEEBS!!!!
    June 20th, 2011 at 10:34pm
  • anllna93

    anllna93 (100)

    United States
    This story is great! Engo's a sweetheart.

    Also I'm glad to hear you're going to continue with your other stories! Whatever that other writer was claiming was ridiculous. You're the original. :] keep up the awesome work!
    June 20th, 2011 at 08:33am
  • Spanked by Bautista

    Spanked by Bautista (100)

    She can continue to tell herself until she's blue in the face that Jayson is who she wants and who she belongs with. She's goddamn fooling herself. And part of me is wondering if she is more in love with the security that he provides her with. Especially financially. I know that she's hell bent and determined on being a woman that can take care of herself and get her education and her career, but she also enjoys having a safety net in Jayson. Someone that has this high power job and money and that can take care of her if things ever go sour in her own life. There's always him and what he can provide to fall back on, and that's a horrible existence to live in for the rest of your days. Because once you have to start depending on them, the power and the control get even worse and you're not able to get out and they hold everything they've done against you. And really, he in a way deserves better than that as well. While he doesn't mind taking care of her, he should have someone that loves him and only him in return. Not someone that is thinking about another man when they're fucking.

    I have had many a hangover like that and much worse. It's an all over suffering that makes you want to crawl under a rock and die lol I thought that what Deryk did was really sweet and thoughtful. Not just coming to check on her like that, but bringing her the 'hangover cure' sandwich. And I think he really hit the nail on the head about Jayson. He doesn't want a partner and an equal. He just wants something shiny and pretty to parade around and look good in front of other people. I bet he's even the type that forces her to go on diets so that she can wear certain clothes he wants to see her in and he feels she looks hot in. The kind that fret over a few extra pounds. That makes me cringe just thinking about her being with a guy like that simply because he brings stability. Fuck stability. Get a man that wants you for you. Not his version of you.

    Chloe is a real character. I love her. She's adorable and feisty and she needs a man! She obviously thinks very highly of Engo if she's trying so hard to convince Amelia to go out with him. And I can't help but wonder if things were a little more...intense...between her and Deryk than they're both letting on. Especially when she said that she trusts him with her daughter's life. Mothers don't say that easily. About anyone. So I can't help but wonder if something went down with those two.

    And Amelia is right. Chloe needs Max Talbot. Damn straight.

    Jayson...buying things to apologize. Fucking typical. All the roses and all the 'I'm sorry' and coming home earlier don't mean shit when you show you don't really mean them. As he once again proved by being so...I don't even know what the word is. I think he's a total dick and that if I knew this people in real life, I'd hate him. He's possessive and controlling and treats her like an object merely meant for his dick to get wrecked. That's it. And it's not healthy. At all. So much more to a real, adult relationship than that. And if a woman has to fantasy about someone else to get's time to just go. Seriously.
    And he seems like a pussy. And you know how I feel about pussy men.

    Engo's dirty little thoughts while looking up her skirt were so delicious. He needs to get on that. He really does.

    I really hope this isn't one of those moments where the woman acts all offended and shit that a man kissed her. She obviously is into him, so I won't tolerate this shocked, damsel in distress 'oh know you didn't' moment from her.

    Looking forward to more!
    June 17th, 2011 at 04:01pm