Statistics - Comments

  • i really like this, it made me sad though. The way she treats him as a plaything when he really loves her
    November 23rd, 2011 at 10:32pm
  • WHOA! This is so good! I didn't know the song (or the band...:|) until I saw your one-shot, and now I like the song, too. :D But really, this is excellent. Nice job!
    June 5th, 2011 at 08:37pm
  • OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING!!! I love your interpretation of the song so much. It's not exactly what I was expecting out of this song but I expected some part of it. But it makes me frown somehow. Especially when he bumped into the happy couple. That's when the realizations hit him and he just know what he doesn't have with this girl. Just thinking about it upsets me too. I'm just waiting for him to man up and tell her but then it's not as simple as that. He's obviously drawn into her by lust and nothing else can change that, ever. I love this so much. And I love your imagery and the way your writing flows. I'm looking forward to your other entries. I'll read the Owl City one soon and leave my comment.
    May 25th, 2011 at 11:07pm