Keeping A Promise - Comments

  • I'm here as a judge for the Pick a Sentence, Write About It contest.

    Well, that took a turn I wasn't expecting. I liked that you moved away from the traditional wedding story and turned it more into a drama, I guess. From the prompt, I was expecting something romantic and mushy, but that's definitely not what I got which I really enjoyed.

    I liked that we (the readers) were sort of just dropped into a situation that we knew nothing about. Clearly there was something happening between Jeremy and his dad, and you did a great job of writing that tension into the story. But we never got to find out why everything was so tense and what had happened that had caused it. While I did like that, I also wish we got a bit more of a back story of the characters and their relationships. I almost felt like I was missing something because all of the relationships had been built (or broken) but I didn't really know their significance.

    I really enjoyed the details and descriptions you had throughout the story. You did a really good job of describing and showing the emotions in all of the characters, especially Jeremy and Michaels. Since Jeremy was clearly going through a lot, I liked how you even made sure to include the subtle changes in how he was feeling so we really got a feel of the progression that was happening.

    Thanks for entering!
    May 4th, 2017 at 09:38am