Photographer - Comments

  • Yeah I liked looking at his face. The story gave a view of a celebrity's life. But yeah he looks hot in the layout.
    August 16th, 2011 at 06:09pm
  • I must be the only person who isn't a fan of Tom Felton, wow. Haha. Not that his being in your one shot stopped me from reading it. I just pretended he was someone else. ;3 Anyways...this was neat. I've never read anything about a person being photographed before because it just seems so...what's the word? Subtle. Like something that would be hard to write about, but you did it. I think the ending is adorable as well, they're gonna go out on a date. :3 Good job.
    July 13th, 2011 at 01:34am
  • I really enjoyed reading this. I've never read a Tom Felton fanfic in my life, but I guess I can't say that anymore XD

    This story was amazing. I loved the way you described everything, especially the photoshoot. I felt like I could relate to him being extremely over the whole concept of acting "sexy" for a camera. It was written wonderfully ^.^
    June 30th, 2011 at 06:04pm
  • Tom Felton! -fangirl squeal-

    This was lovely. I enjoy when writers take celebrities and make them out to be normal people. It's nice because they are normal people. We just forget sometimes, you know?

    I quite enjoyed your writing. This story had a nice light tone that mixed deliciously with his awkwardness. I've got to say, the bit with the coffee was honestly probably my favorite. There's just something about a sucky cup of coffee people can really relate to. :D

    Lovely, lovely piece.
    June 13th, 2011 at 04:27am
  • I've never read a Harry Potter fan-fiction. In fact, this isn't even a Harry Potter fan-fiction, it's a Tom Felton fan-fiction, which is actually even more rare for me. c: I really liked it. Your description was flawless, and simple. It wasn't that simple, I'm not saying it's boring or flat or anything. I'm saying that it was complex in its own way, in a way that you could understand everything perfectly and imagine it neatly inside your head as you read. I didn't even have to pause to picture it, I just pictured it as I read, and that's wonderful, to just have it playing and rolling as you go along. Not having to stop or take a look back. Although I did because I was just curious as to where you were taking this, and you took it to a truly adorable and wonderful place.

    I thought that his awkwardness and shyness around the girl was just adorable! <3 It's what I truly loved about this, that for once boredom wouldn't be the problem, but the tying of the swift tongue would. Ah, just awesome. :D Awesome job!~

    June 12th, 2011 at 05:12am
  • First off, I'm not really a Harry Potter fan nor have a read many fics, but I must I really like this one.
    I like the layout, it goes really well with the story.
    The summary was short but also it didn't give too much away, it had me wanting to read more.
    I like how you decribe Tom's charater, you can tell his crushing and at the same time feels it kind of weird.
    Overall I really like this :)
    June 2nd, 2011 at 09:35pm
  • A very cute way for a couple to meet! I liked the way just looking at her put him at ease for the shoot; it was an instant attraction and I think that's lovely. You did a good job of making her unique, and developing Tom's character.

    There were a few spots where the grammar was off but other than that, great job and thanks for entering!
    June 2nd, 2011 at 05:46am
  • I always love reading in the guys's point-of-view about a girl. You know? Anyways I loved it. And xo- mellon stargirl is right, the picture is quite warped. :D
    June 2nd, 2011 at 02:40am
  • It starts very average, as if anything could happen and this person was anyone. He ends up being Tom Felton, the lovely little bugger there, and he's on his way to something that he's grown used to. I love how he's not all crazy for photoshoots - I'd imagine most celebrities didn't like them much, hah, and Chantal is the name of my absolute best friend ever and she's a brilliant young artist so I'm giggling a little inside.

    The date seems precious too, haha. I think Chantal and Tom would do well as a couple just because they're so similarly different. They just get on right, imo. I like this the way it is; continuing it would sort of ruin the charm of it, but I don't know what sort of chaptered writer you are so perhaps it would just increase the charm of it all, haha Cute

    Only negative crit I can think of is that the story's banner seems really wide and stretched; makes his face a little warped, heh, but it's not too terribly bothersome.

    Subbing to see if you continue, and I'll have to see if you've got a few other great stories up, like I'm sure you do ;)
    June 2nd, 2011 at 01:56am
  • I just realized this was a Tom Felton story, am I correct? Goodness I such an idiot.
    I adore the simplicity of the layout. Its not hard to read at all and the colr makes the banner pop out more (:

    After what felt like endless lifetimes of sitting in the chair, they finally announced that they were finished and that it was time for the photoshoot to start.

    I know the feeling all too well. I dislike waiting in a chair for hours and hours. I'll probably be asleep xD

    When I realized it was a Felton banner, I looked closer at the banner. And I'm like,"OOOOHHH I can see it now :D"

    Is this turning into a fullblown story? Cuz if it is, you best be updating soon, ya hear? <33 (:
    June 2nd, 2011 at 01:02am