Sneaky Mabel. - Comments

  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    First off, I thought this was absolutely adorable. I really like how you immediately developed that bond between Mabel and her owner. I also adored how, in the short span of the story, you gave Mabel her own little spunky personality, which was really cute and not something I've seen in a lot of dog-related stories, though people should include it more. I also enjoyed reading how they had their own little routine together. From what I read, I also found the main character to be pretty relatable, and the few little quirks that you gave her made her feel much more realistic to me. The overall narration flowed well, and this wasn't difficult to read at all, which is a plus.

    The only constructive criticism I really have is that I felt like things became a little rushed towards the end, and I got confused. I assume that Jack is the guy from the park in the middle section, though I'm not sure how they got together since they never really introduced themselves to each other. I would've loved to have seen more development of that relationship, just because I'm still a little foggy as to how he knew where she lived to return the bracelet or her name or anything, so I felt their little encounter needed to be expanded upon in order for the ending to really click.

    Overall, I thought this story was very cute, and you really highlighted the little rewards of being a pet owner (as corny as that sounds XD). I thought you really developed your two main characters, Mabel and her owner, well. This was definitely an enjoyable read, so thanks for entering =D
    June 21st, 2011 at 11:10pm