Wake Up - Comments

  • The first thing I notice was the narrative voice in this piece and I felt it lacked a bit. Though I do realize that this is probably just the 'style' you're using, I don't know if it was one that was effective. The story, for me, read more like an article or blog post about depression (or possibly a journal on Mibba) than a story – which was a bit of a let down for me.

    Aside from that, I did enjoy this piece. I think you've got an interesting – if not bleak – perspective on depression and treatment of depression. I like that you went through the ups and the downs and really showed the battle of depression, rather than treating depression like a straight downward slump. I think that's what made this piece realistic because it was more of struggle and not just someone slipping into depression – just once – and then killing themselves.
    September 8th, 2011 at 04:57am