God Hates Us - Comments

  • Sunber

    Sunber (535)

    You chose the perfect chapter to enter into the contest. Jumping right into the heart of the piece like, I was worried I'd be confused by references to one of the past chapters, but you managed to explain everything which is an exceptional feat. Most people don't bother to explain the past in a chapter, but in a new piece they do.

    I like the general plot line, although it is fairly common, you have your own twist.

    I thoroughly enjoy Zacky's character. He is very calm and collected, which is difficult when someone keeps beating and hurting you.

    Cass, on the other hand, I feel could use more emotion. She has just been kidnapped, locked in a room that she's never seen before...and she's breaking things, very calmly, as if she WANTS her kidnappers to come back and slap her (let me remind you she was cuffed at the time). I feel like she either needed more anger for that, or more terror in her. It would be a scary time. She just needed more emotion. Zacky's character thrives on not having any emotion, but her character (I feel) needed more.

    Overall, though, I think this was very well done. Probably going to bookmark this and read the rest when I have more time. Great work! Cute
    December 1st, 2012 at 05:32am
  • Charisse-Eliza!

    Charisse-Eliza! (100)

    That ending was amazing.
    I truly am devastated that this story wasnt any longer, I loved it. :D
    Most vampire stories dont work, or they piss me off. BUT THIS ONE IS AMAZING. I cant get enough of your writing, I cant wait for there to be more stories as amazing as this.
    June 5th, 2012 at 02:33pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    What a fucking awesome ending!
    I mean, I'm kinda sad it's over, considering how much I love this story, but I'm a sucker for really good endings like that. It wasn't overly sappy or anything, which is good cuz sometimes shit like that is just silly and unrealistic, but it was happy enough that I couldn't help but smile.
    Like seriously, dude, I'm so glad Johnny & Cass finally get to be together. And of course, that the guys were so chill about it. And now she's apart of a really cool and sexy vampire family. :D
    Bahah, yeahhh, it's fucking awesome. And now that this story is over, you better write tons more!
    I can't get enough of your writing, dear. :)<3
    June 23rd, 2011 at 12:01am
  • justhannah;

    justhannah; (100)

    United States
    Whattttttttttttttt?! It's DONE ALREADY?
    Aw man. :/ haha sorry, just didn't expect it to be over so quickly.
    I loved it so much.
    And the ending was just awesome.
    June 22nd, 2011 at 11:06pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Wow, man. That shit was fucking intense!
    For one thing, I loved the fight scene. I know from firsthand experience that those can be pretty tricky at times, but I thought yours was really well-written, like with the perfect balance of action and emotion. I could picture everything so perfectly and could honestly feel everything Johnny and Cass were feeling.
    It was crazy, though! I mean, how Johnny had to kill Lacey. Like yeah, he did it to protect Cass and himself, but I imagine it would be hard as fuck to kill someone you used to have romantic feelings for. And that's obviously true or else he wouldn't have been in such a daze afterwards. Lucky he still has Cass though. And I hope they can find even the slightest bit of happiness after this. :)
    But uh, yeah, the main point here is that your update was fucking awesome! The drama is great and totally addictive, your writing is as vividly brilliant as ever, and I have to say, I'm uber excited to see what happens next.
    So please update asap! I fucking love this story! :)<3
    June 21st, 2011 at 11:28pm
  • justhannah;

    justhannah; (100)

    United States
    Oh thank god he killed her. Phew.
    What if she had another mate though? What if they find out and take Cass hostage and try to kill Johnny??
    Sorry, I have way too big of an imagination. haha.
    Lovvvvvvved the update!
    June 21st, 2011 at 08:15pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    I have to say, dear: I didn't see that coming for shit!
    Seriously. Every time I think I know what's gonna happen next, I read one of your updates & my face is just O.O
    I think that's a really good thing, though! I mean, I don't like stories that are too predictable & well, surprises are always fun. Also, I love that you always find ways to keep your readers on their toes.
    But anyway, I thought it was kinda weird how Cass ended up going to another A7X gig. Like yeah, I can see why she wanted to check on Johnny and all of that, but it just seems like such a risk.
    I'll admit, though, I was kinda stoked to see Cass & Johnny chillin' out and returning to some of their former cuteness. Even if Johnny fucked up, it still seems like he really likes her. :)
    But omg @ the end of the chapter! Like I said before, I didn't see that coming for shit! But honestly, I think it's fucking awesome & adds a really cool twist that most stories don't have.
    & now I'm excited as hell to see what's gonna happen next! I'm really hope Johnny stays true to Cass and doesn't fall for whatever shit Lacey might throw at him.
    Hahaha, update soon, love! <3
    June 20th, 2011 at 11:01pm
  • justhannah;

    justhannah; (100)

    United States
    Ah man, how on earth did LACEY find out about them?! Was she watching them the entire time, like...When they were having sex?
    Johnny, make good choices. >:| I have a feeling he's gonna do whatever Lacey asks, and go crawling back to her.
    I wonder if she's an evil vamp...?
    Loved it!
    June 20th, 2011 at 09:08pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Sorry for the late-ish comment, but OMG. Those updates were so fucking intense!
    For one thing, the part with Johnny cheating on Cass was just really frustrating. To me, it was like... idk, he's all nice and loving... then BAM! He's in bed with another chick. I mean, yeah, it happens all the time, but it's just so... ahh, makes me wanna smack Johnny in the fucking face! Then again, you can kinda tell by the little conversation Cass overheard that maybe he didn't want to do it. Like maybe the guys pressured him or something? Or there was some other reason? Idk, but it was just really sad, dude. :(
    Then the part with Johnny trying to apologize & eventually asking Cass to stake him. Fuck, man, that was like really hard to read! To be honest, there were parts where I was actually on the verge of tears, cuz no matter what mistakes Johnny made, it's always hard to see a relationship come to an end. Especially in a way like this!
    But I have to give you props, dear, cuz you know a story/writer is good when you read a scene like this & have an emotional reaction to it. That says a hell of a lot about your writing talent. :)
    But yeah, back to the whole staking/running away thing... I'm actually quite surprised they went through with it. Like seriously, dude, I don't think that was a good idea at all. She might get far enough, but the guys will eventually catch her, and when they bring her back... well, idk, but I highly doubt Zacky is gonna go easy on her. Lol, it's chill though, cuz I'm sensing some major drama coming up. :D
    So yeah, shit, I can't wait to see what happens next! And as usual, fan-fucking-tastic job on those last two chapters. Your writing is absolutely phenomenal. :)<3
    June 19th, 2011 at 07:15am
  • justhannah;

    justhannah; (100)

    United States
    What. The. Actual. Fuck.
    Why would she run away?! Just because Johnny almost cheated on her?
    I'm sorry, but that pissed me off. What happens when they find her??
    June 18th, 2011 at 12:18am
  • Nova94

    Nova94 (100)

    United States
    Sooo good!!!! Update soon please(:
    June 17th, 2011 at 08:41pm
  • justhannah;

    justhannah; (100)

    United States
    From what was written, I think that skank was trying to seduce Johnny. Maybe an ex? I dunno.
    I hate her already though.
    (hah! That rhymed!)
    I loved it but GAH.
    I hope she hears him out when he tries to explain.
    June 17th, 2011 at 07:56pm
  • justhannah;

    justhannah; (100)

    United States
    Damn, you update FAST.
    I loved alllll of it. I'm surprised she's already doing the nasty with him, but eh. They're cute anyways. xD
    My favorite part was definitely when her and Brian were playing. I'm learning guitar too and it just reminds me of my lessons with my guitar teacher. Anyways, I thought that part was pretty cool.
    Ahhh so we finally find out why he went to prison! Weird how he became more...Sane when Zacky changed him. Good thing though. Wouldn't want a crazy blood sucking person out on the streets.
    This is definitely one of my favorite stories though.
    Wonder what will happen next.
    June 17th, 2011 at 04:42am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    So is it just me or are Johnny and Cass like the cutest shit ever? Seriously, every time I read about them I just have this huge ass smile on my face. I mean, I know there's something a little wrong about the whole thing, considering the difference of species and all. And also, I highly doubt things will stay perfect for this long. But it's just nice to see them so happy together, ya know?
    And then they made sexy time. :D Lol, it's funny though, cuz as I was reading it all I could think was: Cass you lucky bitch! Hahaha.
    But okay, on to more serious stuff. Obviously, I was happy as fuck we finally got some insight on Brian's past and why he went to prison, cuz I've pretty much been wrecking my brain over that shit. And while I'm not entirely surprised, I have to say it's a little freaky how he casually mentions being insane and killing several men. Lol, idk if it's just me, but it's hard to picture Brian like that. Then again, with the way you set up his character, it's at least nice to see how he's changed some his violent ways. Notice I said SOME. Hahaha.
    Anyway, I really loved the end where Brian and Cass are playing together and he's teaching her some stuff on the guitar. I think that says a lot about the humanity of certain vampires. I mean, they're made out to be these horrible bloodthirsty killers (which they can be, of course), but there are some like the Avenged guys who manage to maintain a sort of “family” in spite of the heartless persona that many others portray. If you ask me, that's totally awesome. :)
    So yeah, fantastic job, dear! Can't wait to see what else you've got in store for us!
    June 17th, 2011 at 12:05am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    PS: I forgot to mention I'm surprised about Brian saying sorry. I mean, it's chill and all. Lord knows how cute he is when he's being a sweetheart. :) But for some reason, the whole thing just seems... sketchy. Idk, but I feel like the other vamps know something that Johnny doesn't!
    June 16th, 2011 at 11:28pm
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    It seems weird to be saying this for a vampire story, but... OMG, THAT WAS SO CUTE!
    And no, I don't think it happened too early at all. It seems to me like Johnny's been alone too long, so it makes sense that he'd get attached to the first nice & interesting woman that's placed in his path. Plus, you said Cass reminds him of Lacey. Honestly, I think it makes a lot of sense and really adds to the story, in both good ways and bad ways.
    Good because... well, love is awesome. :) But bad because Johnny probably shouldn't be falling for someone who's essentially their prisoner and also because it complicates things. And if/when Zacky finds out about this, I have a feeling he won't be happy!
    Honestly, though, that's a big reason why I love this story. There's so many elements, so much to consider. It really gets me thinking about stuff. :)
    And with that, I'll just finish up by saying I can't wait 'til your next update!
    June 16th, 2011 at 11:25pm
  • justhannah;

    justhannah; (100)

    United States
    I was RIGHT! He DOES like her! >:3
    I don't think she likes him that way. I dunno. I think that she'll fall for someone else like Zacky or something.
    Surprising that Brian's sincere...I really wanna know the deal about him. Like really bad.
    Lovedddd it!
    June 16th, 2011 at 07:28pm
  • justhannah;

    justhannah; (100)

    United States
    Hollllyyyy crap. This story is so good.
    Ah man, I love Johnny. :) He's so sweet. I wonder if later on in the story he will develope a crush on her...? :3
    I really hope Brian has a reason for what he did. I feel like what he did sort of gives you a hint on what happened when he was...Alive I guess and how he got into prison.
    I could say a whole lot more about this story and what I love but it'd take forever and I'm just...Too lazy. haha.
    I'm really anticipating your next update! (:
    June 16th, 2011 at 04:24am
  • dearmariax

    dearmariax (100)

    United States
    Okay, I usually don't comment on stories I read (I know, I'm a bad person :p)
    BUT, I felt I should tell you that this story is so far the only vampire story involving Avenged that I absolutely love c:. Well there is this one story but I'm bored with it, any who! Update soon!
    June 16th, 2011 at 01:35am
  • little-miss-strange

    little-miss-strange (100)

    United States
    Omggg! That was fucking fantastic!
    For starters, I thought the part with Brian was intense as hell. & to be honest, I was actually really worried about Cass! I mean, not that I thought she was gonna die or anything, cuz it would be kind of weird for you to kill off your main character so early in the story, but getting bitten by a vamp is still kind of sketchy! That said, I really loved the way you potrayed Brian as such a sadistic monster (as you put it). And now that we know he's a little fucked up in that sense, there's always that element of danger lurking over Cass's shoulder, which I think really adds to the intensity of the story. And I know it's weird, but aggressive Brian is kind of a turn-on. :D
    Lol, but anyways, um... oh, well, I also really liked how Cass tried to escape. I notice in a lot of stories where the lead is captured, a day or so passes and she's suddenly totally cool with the people who captured her. Like she doesn't try to escape or anything. And idk about you, but I find that totally unrealistic. Even if her captors where nice and sexy and all that shit, I'm pretty sure she would still want to be free! But I mean, that's why I'm glad you put that part in there, cuz to me, it makes the story that much more realistic.
    Basically, I thought it was awesome as fuck. And as usual, I can't wait 'til your next update! <3
    June 16th, 2011 at 12:17am