Ten Things Everyone Should Know - Comments

  • Destined_Disaster

    Destined_Disaster (100)

    This is beautiful.
    I have no words.
    Just...this is beautiful.
    August 31st, 2011 at 12:36am
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    So I am just now getting around to reading this for my contest. Facepalm I'm going to mention right now that, even though I've really wanted to start watching it, I've never seen Merlin, so there may be a few moments where I'm confused about something. Nonetheless, I really like the idea; it's quite unique. And you know that I love your layouts, always, so I don't really have to say anything about that. :D

    People have a habit of ruining beautiful things, Merlin’s found. That is so, so true. I loved that entire bit; I think that's actually some of the best writing of yours that I've ever read. The wording was so intense and I felt like I could exactly feel what Merlin went through whenever he did magic.

    I absolutely adore how one of the sections deals with finding your favorite smell and how Merlin's is Gwaine. I just thought that was so lovely. The relationship between them is so well-written and just... -sighs- That should sum it up, I believe. :P

    The more I read this, the more I feel like I have to start watching Merlin now. If the characters are anything like you've written them in this, then I'm going to fall in love with them, because you've pretty much started me on that path with this wonderful story. (which I'm not even done yet!)

    You have this amazing way of writing sex that really isn't sex, if that makes sense. Like in this; even though Merlin and Gwaine are obviously doing something sexual, it just seems so much more than that, so much more beautiful. And I completely adore how that all started with his collarbones; I love collarbones.

    The ending slightly confused me but to be honest, I really didn't care that it confused me. It just seemed right, whatever happened. This piece was beautiful. Absolutely freaking beautiful. Thank you so, so much for entering this in my contest; I adored it and I think I'm going to subscribe like Haven so that I can read it again. Arms
    August 17th, 2011 at 08:11pm
  • Aria T'Loak

    Aria T'Loak (150)

    United States
    I can’t even begin to describe how beautiful/amazing/fantastic this was. I absolutely loved the idea, first off – the ten things everyone should know. I’ve never watched Merlin, or read any Merlin fanfiction, but as always you drew me in with your fabulous writing and just kept me there. And again, I hardly ever read slash, but I just love slash when it’s written by you. (I’m sure there are other amazing slash writers but GAH. You’re just a fabulous writer in general.) You start off so beautifully with the description of Merlin casting a spell. I think my absolute favorite sections are from viii: that they are beautiful. down. It seems like from there on it becomes more confusing (in a good way) and rushed and frantic, and it fits so so well with everything.

    Simply put, I adored this. I’m going to subscribe just so I can read it over again whenever I want. :)
    <3 Haven
    August 1st, 2011 at 12:49am
  • bloodsucker;

    bloodsucker; (100)

    oh god, don't wanna weird you out but when i accidentally stumbled upon this i might have flailed a little bit.
    merlin. merlin of my heart.
    i have a tendency of writing long comments, really long, and there's so much i could say about this. but i'm afraid i don't have the time and perhaps it'd end up on me capslocking and quoting eight of the ten sections
    i really liked it and it's been a while since i enjoyed something in mibba. and it's merlin. merlin
    i enjoyed the structure, the pace, and gwaine. oh gwaine, my love for him knows no boundaries. so hot and yet with a heart of gold. you got the voices right and really, you made me feel this sort of casual love they had going on, that yet wasn't so casual. i can't explan it, my brain is dead from the pretty of this /o\
    a great read, thank you for that.
    June 18th, 2011 at 06:47am