Tears - Comments

  • I want Annie to end up with Mikey! So, I thought this was good. I've never experienced having my dad die so I don't know what that's like, but I don't think I would be handling it as well as her. I would probably be on the ground bawling my eyes out.
    All in all super good! I didn't see any grammar mistakes which was awsome!
    June 12th, 2011 at 07:40pm
  • COMMENT VIRGINITY! I thought it was good, though short. I mean, I've seen you write better but I love the connection you have between Annie and her little brother as well as the barriers established between Chase and her because of Mikey. That was really well written. I think it was out of character for Annette to completely break down and cry, but at least she was still ATTEMPTING to hold it together. Maybe it's not out of character but it's right that it's only with Mikey does she cry.
    June 12th, 2011 at 05:42am