Fear of Heights - Comments

  • On Vita's behalf, thank you. She would've beamed when she read that, printed it out and stuck it on her wall, just for the self-confidence. =)
    February 15th, 2008 at 12:21am
  • Fear Of Heights:

    All I have to say is wow. This piece, written by your friend, it's utterly beautiful. The searing honesty, the feeling in it. I like that it's short, because it's just right.

    The repetition in it, the whole "She's got a fear of [insert fear here]", it gives it a nice rhythm that flows throughout. The way she keeps true to what she's saying without overdoing it is also quite nice.

    Some of my favorite lines are:
    While others hold faith in her, she longs not to disappoint them yet she claims to know that she will. However, I have faith in her still.

    Superstition is not a problem; every mirror has been cracked, the problem is her self-esteem and the faith that she lacks.

    It's a beautiful piece, and it's memorable.
    February 15th, 2008 at 12:17am