Summertime. - Comments

  • Irbisfreak

    Irbisfreak (100)

    Whoa it was so sad at first and now is getting better (less sad) and I love it really :))) idk what else to say besides that story is awesome and the way that there aren't names is mysterious, but really enchanting and I love it this way :)))
    December 26th, 2011 at 01:32pm
  • innocent wolves

    innocent wolves (100)

    So, I’ve finally found time to sit down and read this, I’m sorry it took me kind of long. It’s weird how I find time for things once school starts again *already procrastinating* I’m gonna comment on every chapter you’ve posted so far because you deserve it. So – onwards.

    For some reason I’d hoped that if I ever saw you again, everything would be the same. Now why would you go and make me sad after a couple of paragraphs? But no seriously, as I was reading the very first sentence I already expected the resentment that was to come. You don’t leave for years without a word and then just show up expecting things to be the same. I love chapter one for exactly that; there’s all the bitterness and buried anger, mixed with longing after old times and the fact that in the end, he has missed him. In addition there’s Gerard’s brother’s innocence to contrast all those feelings. I adore how you get that whirlwind of emotions across so clearly.

    Also, I’m glad the characters will still remain mostly nameless, although I don’t mind the occasional mentioning of names. I think it makes for a nice break and variation :)

    Chapter two – feelin’ the anger perfectly. I’d be pissed too. I love the mention of how he’s so much more pissed off with him waiting to show up until he was finally okay with the fact that he was gone. It kind of just makes you clench your fist a little harder and narrow your eyes a little more, idk. It’s different from coming back after five years to someone who were actually still waiting, to coming back to someone who doesn’t really need to see you again. It’s like… how dare you show up now? There’s just this hopelessness of “if only you came back earlier” wrapped up in that anger. Gerard furrowing his brow aggravated me too though; god, there’s just something absolutely infuriating about people being completely oblivious to something that should’ve been obvious. Just just wanna slap them across the face.

    You're not the center of my fucking universe, okay? It’s not just that line, I love this entire rant; the whole confrontation. In addition to the fact that five years’ worth of pent up anger came out in the open, it was also worded so well without getting repetitive or anything. The dialogue is wonderful and real. I could picture the whole scene, from facial expressions to gestures, just perfectly. Characters aren’t just their looks, they’re everything else as well, including how they sigh and fold their arms across their chests and the rise and fall of the pitch in their voices and everything – and your characters are actually real to me. Great job.

    Gah, I love the description of Mikey. I’m rolling around in a little moment of adorableness despite all the bitterness. He’s just good all the way through without being too naïve. *love* Also, I like how he’s allowed to stay that way, you know? He’s not becoming the link between them, like, “WELL YOU GO AND TELL YOUR FUCKING BROTHER THAT - blahblahblah”. I really like how Frank’s anger isn’t irrationally transferring over to him.

    As much as you’d changed, you kind of stayed the same in some ways; the way you had a hard time telling people how you really felt, the way you still shifted your weight form one foot to the other because you were so nervous, the fidgeting of your fingers… I love little things like these – as well the bigger things. Bigger things; struggling with telling someone straight out how they really feel, and little things; fidgeting fingers. I just love the little things a bit more; actually I’m a total sucker for this in stories because honestly, these are all perfectly natural things to be aware of when you’ve known someone for basically their whole life. They’re the things that make reading about a relationship believable. It creates way more depth to it, regardless of its current status.

    I love the hopefulness that is in chapter four. I really can’t wait to see how things turn out, especially since there’s this huge change and it’s so obvious that they’re both different, despite them sort of trying to start over in this. I love this sequel; wonderful, wonderful work, hon :)
    August 18th, 2011 at 01:02pm
  • x's and o's

    x's and o's (150)

    United States
    Both this and the prequel are amazing. :)
    The prequel touched me, especially.
    However, I dislike your using names in the sequel haha. It felt so much different in the prequel because you could just imagine anyone in the world and that made it easier to connect with it. But that's my opinion and this is awesome either way!
    August 11th, 2011 at 08:05am
  • Frank_Iero

    Frank_Iero (100)

    United States
    oh i like that Frank is standing up for himself! Gerard is so clueless its almost not even funny! loved the update
    July 26th, 2011 at 07:42pm
  • Jimmy Novak

    Jimmy Novak (105)

    United States
    Yes, yes, yes...

    oh, life is perfect now that you've started this story. I am so grateful. Thank you. I was really hoping there would be some kind of follow-up to Poison Oak because it was just left so open-ended and... sad.
    July 22nd, 2011 at 11:19am
  • Frank_Iero

    Frank_Iero (100)

    United States
    i have a feeling this is going to be perfect, just like all the things you write :D
    July 22nd, 2011 at 05:08am