Claddagh - Comments

  • stopkellinme

    stopkellinme (120)

    United States
    Judging for “So You Think You Can Write?”

    10/10 for Originality
    Good job; I wasn’t expecting a death story with the pictures that you were given. :)

    5/5 for Quality
    A comment isn’t really needed, now is there? :)

    15/15 for Ability to Incorporate Prompt
    You used two pictures, the “falling up” one and the heart one. I like how you used the “falling up” picture as a sort-of death picture.

    8/10 for Capturing My Attention
    It didn’t really capture my attention…I’m not sure how to explain it.

    10/10 for Vocab/Spelling/Grammar
    There were a couple of mistakes, but not enough to dock points or take away from the story.

    Total Points: 48 (+2 for using three picture titles) = 50 points from Moonlit.Memories for Round Two
    June 14th, 2011 at 04:38pm