Halv och Hel - Comments

  • I'm going to start off with, I don't like the layout. Default layouts annoy me >:[

    But, moving on.
    I love the fact that you're really descriptive, enough so you leave the reader knowing what's going on without being TOO descriptive that the details are just unnecessary. Good job, most authors are either overly descriptive or not descriptive enough.

    I like how they're Swedish trolls, that's definitely a really unique idea :)

    I spy a few grammatical errors but nothing that a bit of proof-reading can't fix! Keep up the good work!
    June 17th, 2011 at 02:13am
  • I loved this. Please continue-I'd like to read more...a lot more. I like how the title's in Swedish, and I thought the summery was pretty good, too, and both made me want to keep reading, which I did...
    Please continue!
    June 14th, 2011 at 05:05am