Don't Worry, Baby - Comments

  • This is amazing. Purely, truly, honestly, completely amazing. It was beautiful from beginning to end, and it had me hooked. Instantly. I love how you were able to create something so...WOW...with something as simple as words. It takes talent, real, honest talent, to be able to do something like that. You no doubt have it.

    I love this, and I really should stop, or you will be the victim of my nonsense rambles. Hee. Lovely beginning, lovely body, lovely end...I hated to see it end. Way to go, amazing story!
    June 15th, 2011 at 12:05am
  • Before I even start reading this, I just wanna congratulate you on finishing this. ♥ The closing idea finally came to you, and I can't wait to read on.

    You already know how I felt about the part you sent me, so I'll continue from there.

    " ... Mike watched his back turn the corner in the distance, his feet carrying him to a home he never belonged to." I love this line.

    I love the meaning of the song and the record player. The scene was really, really strong. Especially the ending. Wow.

    And when Billie asks Mike what was wrong. Oh my god. Wow.

    "“Don’t worry, baby. Everything will turn out alright.” Mike said to Billie, and it seemed to Billie that as he said it, the sunlight returned to Mike’s face, his eyes, his smile." What a lovely ending. Perfect. This was amazing, girl. I'm so glad you finished it and waited for this idea to come to you. Amazing. Mike would be so proud.
    June 14th, 2011 at 11:36pm