Wall Flower - Comments

  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Oh, and I forgot to mention the email... just message me on FB and I'll give it to you, if you would like to do that. I don't want to leave it in a comment since I don't want like everyone seeing it, you know? lol. So yeah, but that's if you really want me to finish reading and give feedback on the story.
    December 30th, 2012 at 05:50am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    I am... so sorry I haven't commented. To be honest I haven't even read the new chapter yet... or chapters?... it's been so long I can't even remember.
    Um... I haven't been on Mibba in months. Or well, really since the school year started, actually. Everything has been so overwhelming and I've just been focusing on school and stuff... this wasn't my plan at all. If anything, I planned to maybe leave the site after my senior year, before college, you know? But it feels like I've already left, with being so behind on updates and all. And not getting on here as much.
    I've dreaded this moment. I've never pictured it happening.
    Anyway, we're friends on Facebook, so we can still keep in contact. Feel free to message me on there if you'd like. And I'm not saying I won't come on here anymore because I do plan on finishing my one story, but... I have a feeling, by the way it's looking right now, that it'll be rare. :/
    Um, I'm sorry to say I probably won't be able to finish reading your story, either. At least for a while, anyway. I may sometime come back on here and catch up with it, but for now I have to focus on school and stuff. I really hope you can understand.
    You can feel free to email me your story if you would really like the feedback. I can't guarantee any promptness with that either, because... yeah, so much has been going on I've rarely checked that either. :/ But I'm offering that because I really feel bad about not coming on here to comment like I should've kept up with doing.
    Bree, you really are a great friend and I have seriously thought about this, you have no idea. I've tried to make time and it just... hasn't happened. That's why it took me longer to leave this final comment; because I wasn't sure if this was what I wanted to do or not. Or in fact, I don't want to do it, but until I have more time to get back on here and read as many stories as I used to, I just... thought I should let you know.
    You're an amazing writer, so don't stop. I'm sure you'll receive tons of more feedback as you continue with this story.
    Love ya girlie,
    December 30th, 2012 at 05:46am
  • bumblebee6277

    bumblebee6277 (100)

    United States
    Haha I do the same thing! 'Cause I'm way ahead of what I've posted so when I post I'm like, "What hasn't happened yet? Wait, THAT already happened? Where have I been?" :P Thanks for reading, btw!
    July 2nd, 2012 at 08:53pm
  • Infinity and Beyond;

    Infinity and Beyond; (100)

    United States
    I had to go back acouple of chapters to remember stuff! ;D
    June 28th, 2012 at 03:07am
  • bumblebee6277

    bumblebee6277 (100)

    United States
    I'm taking this new mibba with an open mind. I just gotta get used to it, but like with facebook, it'll grow on us. :) And about your speculations: I just posted the next chapter and some of your questions were answered. Smile And don't worry about not commenting right away. I don't comment much and I don't update right away, so the waiting game is not new to me. :P
    June 6th, 2012 at 10:17pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Yeah. It's not exactly an easygoing topic, with what happened to her and all. :(
    And okay. Thanks for clarifying. lol. I figured, but just wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. XD
    And interesting. I'm actually taking psychology next year, which is related to analyzing thoughts and all. Kind of random, but it sort of relates to what you were talking about with drugs having an affect on the mind and all.
    And aw, well, I appreciate you reading in general. It's okay if you don't comment all of the time. Just knowing you're there, reading, means a lot. :)
    XD Yeah... his songs are annoyingly catchy. Literally. XD
    Anyway, getting to the reason why I'm commenting again... loved the new updates! So sorry for the delay in commenting. Over a month later, huh. So sad. :/
    Oh my gosh... I wasn't expecting that to happen to Nick in the last one. :o My goodness... very intense. But I'm glad he's going to be okay. And you made it very relateable for Cassandra, too, with the back story with her brother and all. That'll just bring her closer with Nick and the Jonases.
    I loved their little shopping excursion, though, before all of that dramatic stuff happened. It's cute how they picked out outfits for the opposite person. :P I can't wait to see how they react to those. And can't wait to see what Nick and Joe picked out for Loraine and Cass. :D
    And the turtles! Aha. Can't wait to see what they call them! :)
    And that Worship Night should be interesting. With Loraine baking, and... Nick and/or Joe possibly performing? They seemed reluctant, especially Nick, but I'm thinking they might come around. Who knows. They still have some time to sign up.
    Great job with the updates! :D Can't wait for more!
    And huh, how are you taking this new Mibba? It's a bit... different but we'll probably get used to it. :)
    May 28th, 2012 at 08:30am
  • bumblebee6277

    bumblebee6277 (100)

    United States
    You. Are. Mega. Cute. :D I did not think anyone would feel so emotionally connected and passionate about what happened to the two. I felt that way when writing. :( I'm pissed about Loraine's teacher too, haha, and I wrote it! I did it on purpose though; I wanted readers to feel angry and that they did not recieve justice. YEA WRITING! :P And I know you're confused about the "condition" thing. You're supposed to be 'cause it'll stick in your mind until it is explained later. MWAHAHA! Hee hee. And with the drugs thing - I know it's shocking, but you never know who will become bewitched by drugs. I LOVE learning about drugs and their affects on the human psyche! If I could have gone deeper into Joe's mind when he was on drugs without completely altering the story I would have, haha. I'll go into it again later later in the story, but this is a taste. :) But anywho, I'm glad you liked it. And btw, of course I'm reading your stories! You're talented and I support talent! I should give feedback, though. I'm bad at that. Oh, and another btw: I don't like the biebs either, haha! He can sing well, but I don't like his style of music nor do I like his lyrics. A teammate of mine for basketball LOVES him, swears she'll marry him, and even kinda looks like him when she dresses the part. It's hilarious! That's the only reason why I know so many of his songs. She would play a couple of his songs in our warm-ups. :) Thanks for commenting, love!
    April 2nd, 2012 at 02:23am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    ^Hm... well if that was the song I was thinking of, I must be psychic. XD Because while I've heard of that song I never actually listened to it. XD So I don't know the words to it. I don't like Justin Bieber. :/ And yet I'm watching Punk'd tonight and he hosts the first new episode! Ugh, but I'm only watching to see how the other celebs react, really. XD Ugh... why must he host an episode?
    And aw, really? You've read some of my story? :') That means a lot, thank you! Feel free to give feedback! Aha, I don't mind it. ;)
    Anyway, as for the new updates.... WOW. That's... all I've got to say. They both shocked me.
    Aww... Loraine... oh my gosh. I was thinking she just had an eating disorder, and maybe that was because kids picked on her when she was younger or something, but not... what you told us. Oh my gosh. That's so horrible that that happened. :( That guy deserved to be put in jail! In fact, he should've been in jail longer! What was it... eight to ten years? And maybe with parole? Are you kidding? That's seriously not nearly enough time! >:(
    And Joe... hm, that's not exactly what I expected with him, either. He became addicted to drugs. :o It can happen, though, I guess, sadly. You just mix with the wrong crowd, and... yeah. The sad part was that you'd think it would've been a newsflash to both of them after Diana's boyfriend died. It was for Joe, but Diana... :/ I guess she was just going through too much and didn't have any support to bounce back on. :/
    One thing I was confused on was when you kept putting "condition" in parentheses. I don't understand what her condition was, exactly, like... did you say or is it something we'll find out later? Just something I want to clarify, because if you said... I didn't catch it. :/ Or when you said that she was bipolar depressant... was that what you were referring to when you kept saying "condition"?
    If you could clarify that, or just simply let me know that you're going to say later on what that meant, that'd be great. XD
    But Joe and Loraine's past both relate in a way: they both turned against God. I found it interesting how they both so happened to do so, and given their situations, both made sense. But I'm glad they started to believe in him again as they recovered from their situations.
    I wonder what Joe's leaving out with his story? Maybe he has another tie to Diana that's keeping him in contact with her that he hasn't mentioned. I have a thought, but... I'll hold off on that in case you give us more clues. ;)
    Amazing job with the updates! Both were so sad and... just raw and truthful. I'm glad you finally told us their backstories. Or at least some of each, anyway. We basically know Loraine's, but not all of Joe's.
    Can't wait for more! :D
    March 30th, 2012 at 12:30am
  • bumblebee6277

    bumblebee6277 (100)

    United States
    AW, THANKS! :D You're awesomeness.
    March 20th, 2012 at 02:01am
  • keyla123

    keyla123 (100)

    United States
    Loved it. So much. <3! this has been the perfect weekend, and you updating twice just makes it all the more better! I would have NEVER guessed that about Loraine. Good job for working her eating disorder into that situation too, it makes everything make sense!
    And hmmm... So that's not all of Joe's story, huh? I'm guessing she got pregnant.... And then had a miscarriage or an abortion. Yep, that's my guess. :)
    Update soon! I love this. This is the only reason I still check Mibba!
    March 18th, 2012 at 02:36pm
  • bumblebee6277

    bumblebee6277 (100)

    United States
    Haha yes, it was an original, just to answer that question. But I think we're thinking the same thing: It sounds like it was from a song, and it may be Bieber's song, the one that's like, "When you smile, I smile," and it wasn't meant to be coincidential. I think the Bieb's just getting into my subconscious! :O
    And that's cute, Pete the Penguin! :D And yes, this is still the rising action of the plot. The climax won't come till close to the end of the story, and you'll tell when it's the climax. There's still lots more to come, trust me. ;) Joe doesn't even tell all of his story, not yet anyway. Loraine can tell that, and you will too, once I post the next two chapters in... T-minus 20 minutes! :D
    I love you, kiddo. You always make me smile. :) And I was reading some of your newest Nick Jonas fan fic. Love it! :D You're amazing, as always.
    March 17th, 2012 at 09:08pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    ^ Hm... well, I hope you have everything sorted out now. :)
    Yeah, your writing really seems to reflect what you're feeling. You did the same thing in the latest updates, though you did give more of a clue in, lol... but I'll say more to that in a moment.
    Aww... Jamie Chubs! That's so cute! :D Aha. I love dolphins! :) And I love pillow pets! :DD I actually have one myself, except mine's a penguin. :D And I named mine Pete! :D Pete the Penguin! :D He's so fluffy and I love cuddling with him. I don't actually use him as a pillow, though, I keep him rolled up so I can cuddle him. :D
    Anyway, loved the new updates! :D So delayed, again, but you posted two updates girl! TWO! So it took me a little longer. :P
    I can honestly relate to Loraine when it comes to being unsatisfied after a test. Especially if you knew practically none of the answers. I hate that. My history teacher is the same way; he gives us these big review packets, expects us to memorize it all, and it's just... while next to IMPOSSIBLE, none of the stuff even ends up on the test anyhow! Or the stuff that's not as pointed out, does. And it's dumb. It really is.
    So, yeah, and then the feeling after you take it is pretty much the worst. :/ It brings you down too. :/ So I can understand how that changed Loraine's attitude.
    I wanted to ask... the poem you put in chapter 11... was that an original? Because it sounded awfully familiar, if it was. You know, the one Loraine wrote for Nick and Cassandra? Hm... idk. lol. Did you take it from a song or something? XD It might just be a coincidence, or something I'm thinking to that's close to it. lol.
    And aww... Joe and Loraine went on the picnic! Too cute! :D Aha. And that chapter was making me hungry for Panera Bread, not gonna lie. XD
    But OH MY GOSH, really? YOU REALLY HAD TO END ON A CLIFFHANGER?! WHY?! And right when Loraine was about to tell Joe what happened! :O I AM LEFT IN CURIOSITY.
    So you better update again soon! I really want to know what Loraine's going to tell Joe! And vice versa, since Joe said he'd tell her too!
    The next update will be the core of this story, the rising action, you name it! I believe it'll be the most important part!
    So please update ASAP. Loved your new updates and can't wait for mooooreeee! :D
    March 16th, 2012 at 11:58pm
  • bumblebee6277

    bumblebee6277 (100)

    United States
    Yes. I did that on purpose. ;P Haha I will update soon, promise. Once I have the time.
    March 1st, 2012 at 04:12am
  • keyla123

    keyla123 (100)

    United States
    Update soon, please! I'm so curious, its such a cliff hanger! <3
    March 1st, 2012 at 03:04am
  • bumblebee6277

    bumblebee6277 (100)

    United States
    I'm glad that helped. In all honesty. :) I will update soon, I promise. These past few weeks were busy with tests, reports, and choir tour. If not tonight, I will update this week - if I am not busy again. :P
    February 27th, 2012 at 06:10am
  • keyla123

    keyla123 (100)

    United States
    I love this <3 such a great chapter! And I'm so anxious to see what Joe's upset about. Update, soon? <3
    And thank you for that little word of advice at the end. I really needed that, you have no idea.
    February 24th, 2012 at 10:47pm
  • bumblebee6277

    bumblebee6277 (100)

    United States
    Thank you very much, love. That whole hiccup is over with. My friend was just being a dodo and making a bad life choice. He's fine - still a poop face, and ruining his future career choices, but he "feels free" or whatever. -_- It's funny how this chapter reflects the moment of sadness I was having when I updated it because I wrote it a while before this crap happened. :P Funny how things work out that way. And yes, Nick did buy her the dolphin. Another funny thing: My mom just bought me a dolphin pillow pet that I have been wanting FOREVER! :D I named him Jamie Chubs, because he's uber fat, haha!

    Thanks again for the comment hun. I love you; you always make my day brighter. :D

    P.S. Sometimes I forget how to spell Loraine's name wrong, too. No biggie. ;]
    February 13th, 2012 at 02:55am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Aw... Bree, did something happen? :( Why were you sad at the end of that last update? And throughout the update... I noticed touches of sadness too, so I believe you reflected that in your writing. Are you okay?
    Great new update. Hm... so this must be really serious, what Joe is going through and all, for it to affect him this much. He went to confession, right? That's why he stayed at the church. I'm glad it helped him, but... I'm still wondering what's going on. :/
    And Loraine... I've just realized that in previous comments I spelled her name wrong. My bad. There's only one 'r', not two. :P But anyway, you can tell she's wondering what's going on too. Hm...
    Aw, and Nick and Cassandra... you can tell they're getting a lot closer. And Cassandra's getting scared... I bet Nick bought her the dolphin, though, I know it! That's why he wasn't telling her! And he'll probably give it to her when she least expects it, or perhaps on a date between the two of them. ;)
    But aw, it's so cute that she's falling for him. :') But it's also kind of sad because she's afraid of letting it happen. :(
    Aw, and Frankie was so cute in this chapter! Danielle and Kevin were both providing humorous moments throughout the chapter... I'm glad they were included because they helped give the light-hearted mood to it that the chapter needed. :)
    Excellent job Bree. And really, if you're going through something right now, I really hope you figure things out. And that whatever you do or choose makes you happy. :) You deserve to be happy. <3
    Can't wait for more of the story. :)
    February 6th, 2012 at 02:10am
  • bumblebee6277

    bumblebee6277 (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much Hon! :D All your questions will be answered soon, I promise! And yes, I do write a lot, but Loraine uses a lot of long word and thinks/speaks bombastically at the best of times. So blame Loraine! :P
    January 26th, 2012 at 04:22am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Loved the updates! Goodness, it took me forever to read them again! So sorry. :/ School has been hectic for me.
    Anyway, nice job. You're like, one of the only people I know on here that writes that long of chapters, so kudos. XD Really, I find it awesome that you're able to write so much each time; my updates are only like, three pages of a word document, average, and that's with spaces between sections too. :P
    I'm really wondering about Lorraine's past. What happened? Did people tease her about her weight? :( And I'm really wondering who it is Joe keeps talking to. An ex, maybe? Since everyone in his family knows about it... I mean, I imagine it's not too concerning see as they haven't really taken action, but... someone really needs to. Whoever he's talking to seems to be hurting him, emotionally. :(
    And aw, a lot of people are noticing the connection between Lorraine and Joe. And Lorraine's noticed the connection between Nick and Cass! Aww... :D
    Amazing job with the updates, darling. Sorry again for taking so long. :( I know last time you mentioned it wasn't that big of a deal, but I still feel bad. Sorry again.
    But can't wait for more! :D
    January 23rd, 2012 at 12:58am