All for You - Comments

  • So, I was slightly confused until I remembered that it was a preface. xD

    Anyways, I think this story has potential. I want to know what happens at the beginning though, because I have no idea why anything was happening. I'm assuming that's what you wanted though. :P

    I'm excited to see where this story goes. Good job (:
    June 17th, 2011 at 10:46pm
  • Alrighty. Write more soon, Im actually excited to know what happen to the first girl, what the boy did, because the way you described it, it seems she's really upset, like really upset. One thing though, some places you get your past, future and present mixed up, you may want to check that out.

    Other than that i like it, I just really wanna know what happened, why did they get sent back home, and why the girl was so hysterical. I like the descriptions especially "The tear stains apparent on his shirt I can imagine her having stayed there for a while, and leaving all them tears behind.
    Good job girly =)
    June 17th, 2011 at 09:54pm