Talk Me Down - Comments

  • This was really good :) Enjoyed the lyric references.
    I just wrote a Rian Dawson oneshot/songshot for a contest myself.
    Check it out if you have the time.
    October 28th, 2011 at 07:43am
  • Oh, I loved this!

    I always find it difficult to write a one shot where the whole this is just pretty much someone explaining something to someone else. I'm really impressed, though! It flowed really well, and you didn't get too caught up in what they were saying. Everything was right on track and she didn't start like, rambling about nothing because you got lost in it. Very, very impressive.

    It fit the song really well, also. Considering you even used some of the lyrics actually -in- the dialogue. XD They didn't sound cheesy, either, which tends to happen when you do songfics. It was very, very nice though.

    Great job!
    June 16th, 2011 at 10:27pm