Determinate. - Comments

  • bubsxgreen

    bubsxgreen (100)

    United States
    So you have no comments on this buddy, so Imma help yah out &comment on this fer yah! &I just realized that I typed that with awful grammar, just for you! ;)

    But as for your story, I absolutely LOVE it! But you already knew that!! ;) &Gracias again for writing me into it. Just like all of our stories from High School, we ALWAYS wrote each other into them. xD But anyways, Jake is an asshole! He shouldn't be treating me that way......I'M AMAZING!!!! J/k!!!! ;D Post again soon! ;)

    ps. I'm going to help you get some more readers &subscribers. ;)

    pps. When are you sending me more!??!?!?!?! ;D
    August 5th, 2011 at 06:07am