After All This Time - Comments

  • Effing Perfect.

    Effing Perfect. (200)

    United States
    Wow. It took me hours but I finished all 3 stories I can't believe they are over. Though I have to say I don't think they could of ended any better. This is my all time favorite story I've ever read on Mibba. And I have to say that it's because how you write. I've never in my life had a story draw out my emotions so much. In the beginning I was happy and excited because I knew the relationship had to come, and I had this feeling of in-love. Something I will always hope for myself. Then came heart-broken. I almost cried when they broke up. It was so emotional, It is one of those moments where you just sit and think. Why can't we just roll back time. And the end. I just had this giddiness for the baby, and then they got married, and the kids, and just all of these things that I couldn't get over. And then he proposed. I mean how perfect? It ended in a way that I will always want more, but I know it was complete to what it had to be. You can't write forever. And I really like your writing because you don't feel the need to put unnecessary, unrealistic problems. It's lifelike. I'm so happy I came across this story. It me from about 8 PM to 11:30 PM to finish the stories. And I don't think I would of rather of done anything else. I hope you have more stories written like this, because then you will defiantly have another subscriber (:
    October 15th, 2011 at 08:40am
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    I smiled so wide while I was reading the last chapter. I agree with drivingbackwards. It's so incredibly adorable! I couldn't stop aw-ing the whole time! It's really nice, sweet, and so much more. You really made me so happy :D

    btw, thank you so much! your story made me really happy these few months. really, every time I was in a bad mood and had a very crappy day, I know I could just check my mibba and read your story and I would be feeling so happy. This series are all awesome! I really love it from the first time I read it. btw, I think I don't have anything to say anymore. I really love it so much and can't wait to read your other stories! :)
    August 15th, 2011 at 02:56pm
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    ^ you see that?! those are my feelings. this epilogue was incredibly adorable! it was... just... ^.^

    see, i can't even come up with a word. i've resorted to little internet faces!

    okay, so first off- keegan and kennedy's gene mixes, like kendall's hair with kate's eyes, and kendall's eyes with kate's hair, were cute (: and when he called her 'katherine hope schmidt', i realized that i can't remember what kate's maiden name is, and how much i love the way her name sounds. then, there were jay and jesse! to be honest, i've never been one to like the character's sibling(s) for some odd reason i'm not even aware of, but with this story, i fell in love with jay and jesse's relationship. they were all sorts o' cute and amazing and a;lskj;asdlkjf. and their kids! oh, i'm so happy :D and james and carolyn?! c'mon, that was so... i literally aw'd. out loud. by myself. i can't get over how happy i am! and logan, with a baby! and carlos, with a daughter and no talent when it comes to tag! i kind of expected carlos to have a daughter, because i think he could be the cutest dad in the future. i just... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm just sayin', this series was one of the cutest, and most well-written series i've ever read. like, the plot wasn't ridiculous, and it wasn't cliche, and it wasn't horribly vulgar and gross, and it was just so beautiful and nice and i'm so happy that i stumbled upon it in an attempt to take my mind off of the way the school year ended for me and the fact that i haven't been able to find any good books to read. wow, that was possibly a run-on. anywho, i know you said thank you i the author's note, but really, i should thank you (: this story was so great and it would cheer me up if my day was complete crap. i know that sounds weird, but, skjafgha. i'm going to miss kate and kendall... and jay. ah, jay.
    August 15th, 2011 at 10:02am
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    August 15th, 2011 at 09:48am
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    AWWHH, Kate and Kendall are getting married!!! YEAY! oh gosh I'm tearing up :') I just can't believe this story is coming to an end. I don't have anything else to say besides I love this story so much and can't wait to read the epilogue. Great update! :')
    August 12th, 2011 at 08:31am
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    You.. you took me by surprise.

    IT WAS INSANE! I can't believe I clicked on that link expecting a cute reconciliation and a baby, and I received an adorable baby, another great Jay moment, and A PROPOSAL. A darn proposal, and it was, like, the cutest one. I love how Kendall kept asking if it was a 'yes' and how the baby's middle name is Katherine, and how Jesse called Kate 'Katherine' and how Kendall held her against the wall and;akfjsdf;kajlsg I JUST LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH.

    i can't believe the next update will be the epilogue :'( slash :'D
    August 11th, 2011 at 05:28am
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    okay, so, i was at camp and deleted my inbox on my phone, so i couldn't read anything! so, here i go, recapping my thoughts like i've been doing forever (: i'm energetic, yet tired, so bear with me!

    chapter fifteen: i think that carlos shouldn't be that mad at all, maybe only upset- but that's because kate is his friend, and she's ignoring them. and i think it was adorable how james gave kendall advice (: what he said actually made complete sense, so, i hope kendall listens to him.
    chapter sixteen: again, jay is amazing. i cracked up when all kate saw was her pregnant belly. she's just... ah- great. and she's always right! i think that if my opinions were a persona, they'd be jay. honestly, kate should listen to what she's saying and forgive kendall.
    chapter seventeen: kendall showed up at her door unannounced. he was there, unplanned. i'm so proud.yet, him looking at kate's stomach- so dumb. actually, i'm not aware of kate and kendall's sex life, so, if it doesn't exist, i don't get why he would even bother. ah, whatev. the baby, and jay, and heck, even jesse, better be okay. and kate and kendall better get their shit together. they can't end.

    like, i love this story so much. it's so... good (:
    update soon, please. i want to know what happens next.
    August 10th, 2011 at 06:39am
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    what happened with Jay and the baby????????
    I couldn't imagine how Jesse would feel. He must be very very worried about his wife & the baby..
    and about Kendall and Kate, I think they will talk after the whole baby & Jay thingy is done :D and, I hope they'll be okay. yeah... :D
    btw, that's such a cliffhanger! you left the chapter just like that making all the readers confused :/ but still, I love it! can't wait for the next chapter!! :D
    August 8th, 2011 at 12:03pm
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    My favorite character is Jay, of course. and my fav line is "Remember what I said after you guys broke up, about how things aren’t going to be perfect? How you have to find how much pain you can endure to be with that person?”. I love her character so much! :D
    Btw, glad you finally updated again :) love the chapter and can't wait for the next update! :D
    August 6th, 2011 at 02:22pm
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    Well, Carlos maybe has the right to just upset, not that mad, because I think, he's pissed of what happened around Kendall and Kate. And I think, Kate will forgive them. She can't stay mad at Kendall and his friends forever. I'm pretty sure she'll forgive them :D and about James as the love expert. Well, he's perfect to be the love expert! xD

    Loved the update and can't wait for the next update! :D
    August 1st, 2011 at 02:20pm
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    Oh, Kendall. Why does he wait forever to reveal things to Kate. I mean, sure, he isn't so organized or stressed out about everything, but why does he also have to be a procrastinator? It makes me mad as I read, but then when little things come up, like the tone of his voice, I forget about it...

    until Kate is crying black tears and laughing bitterly. I hope she forgives him, because it'll be hard telling him off, then regretting it while he's gone for a year. Because she WILL regret breaking up with Kendall again and stuff. I think she'll maybe be upset with the guys, but maybe not as upset as she's be with her boyfriend. It's a different dynamic, a different level of intimacy... I guess.

    Update soon (: I'm a little anxious to see how things turn out between the two.
    July 26th, 2011 at 01:04am
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    He's known for a few weeks? A FEW WEEKS? why oh why Kendall?! O_O
    But I think they'll make it and forgive him. and yeah, maybe she will yell or mad at the guys bcs none of them said anything to her. well, that's what I thought. :D
    btw, loved it and can't wait for the next! :D
    July 25th, 2011 at 01:38pm
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    He hasn't told her yet? I thought he already did! xD
    Loved it! <3 and I guess I can wait for a week :D
    July 23rd, 2011 at 08:39am
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    I love how you always manage to completely blindside me, even though I sometimes think 'I hate this!'. And it's also a damn lie, because I could nevereverever hate this :D

    On to the chapter! I, honestly, at first, thought that they were just going out. Then, as I kept reading, I decided he was going to propose, but then I totally flipped. I was thinking 'why the heck would this bitch propose and then leave on a tour?' And so I got mad at fictional Kendall, until my heart melted when he first saw Kate and they exchanged valentine's day greetings. And then again when he FINALLY took Kate to a celebrity thing (: but then when she found out about tour through Carolyn (who is soft-spoken so far and super cute!) my heart broke into, like, tiny pieces.

    I don't mind waiting a week for an update :) it's totally worth it!
    July 23rd, 2011 at 01:05am
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    And... I think I can hardly wait for the next update ;) lol
    July 21st, 2011 at 10:03am
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    first off, i think jay has to be one of my favorite background characters. she's sweet, loving, and so funny (: i either laugh or seriously 'aw' at the things she says. it's truly great. and i totally agree with kate's opinion of 2012. in my opinion, it's completely ridiculous. the world will end (if it will) when it will- if that makes sense.

    oh! so my thoughts on chapter nine: kate and kendall are so freaking adorable, gosh.
    chapter ten: kendall calling her 'katie' killed me. wow, there's a lot of alliteration in that sentence... sort of. anyway- GOSH, they're cute. i really liked kate sending that stupid kid to the office, but i hope he doesn't reappear the way he has been. he's SO annoying.
    chapter eleven: i love how this story isn't full of sex and complete vulgarity. it's super refreshing :> i also love how drama in this story isn't petty, like 'y don't u love me bak?!?' anyway- i really hope that james, carolyn, kendall, and kate find a way to get through the year-tour deal. i can't take another tiff between kendall and kate, to be honest. it always makes me sad.
    chapter twelve: cutecutecute! i love jay and kate together <3 their dialogue always makes me smile somehow. i was actually thinking about what it would be like when (and if- can't be too optimistic with stories, sometimes) kendall and kate have kids and stuff.

    gfjhkjfsd iloveitupdatesoonyay
    July 20th, 2011 at 04:31am
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    A YEAR? Noooooo :O
    I really have no idea what I'm going to say. I mean, a year?? That's a very long, long time! If Kendall doesn't bring Kate with him, they would miss other very much. And about Carolyn & James... well, James really should tell her that he's going to leave for a year, bcs if he doesn't tell her soon and decides to tell her after a month or so, I think she would flip.
    Okay, that's it from me :D
    Btw, I would absolutely wait for you to update again bcs I guess I'm not going to check Mibba for a week. School has just started in my country and it would keep me busy :D
    Loved the updates!!
    July 18th, 2011 at 01:58pm
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    So, they survived 2012. If we survived 2012 like them, I will definitely put '2012' movie in a comedy section :D
    Btw, this chapter is really cute. I always like a story that has a New Year's Eve chapter in it. And as always, great update and I can't wait for the next update. :D
    July 15th, 2011 at 07:49am
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    uh, the fact that jesse's sweater matched jay's was, for some reason, hilarious to me. i just pictured the brother and sister singing duo on saturday night live (if you've seen it) that make up songs on the spot and stuff. i don't know, i'm weird.

    i think that maybe carolyn could be a more reserved girl, maybe not. who knows?

    okay, you know. still, i can't wait to see how she and james interact (: i'm really excited to read the next one!
    July 12th, 2011 at 05:02pm
  • troubled thoughts;

    troubled thoughts; (100)

    Ummmm I think Carolyn is a nice and kinda shy girl. Actually, she must be nice because she got James' attention! :D
    And the little get together moment is adorable. It kinda reminded me of my big family get together moment a few weeks ago. The parents were sitting on the couch and talking to each other while the kids stayed in the other room talking, laughing, and playing UNO cards. Ok I'm gonna stop rambling xD
    Well, every moment you spend with people you love, is always adorable :D
    So.... I love this chapter and you wrote such a great chapter. Can't wait for the next update!! :D
    July 12th, 2011 at 05:08am