Wonderful - Comments

  • Robin 'The Sidekick'

    Robin 'The Sidekick' (100)

    Dominican Republic
    Okay, I seriously wasn't expecting this. This was really good. I love it. I actually love it. You had just the right amount of description. I didn't feel it was missing anything. I love the fact that she took a picture of his hands.

    Sounds an awful lot like me. :p

    I love the layout. It goes with the story. The fact that she's in the beach makes it a billion times better. I just read the first chapter and I'm already going back for more.

    I hardly do that...so you did great. I'm gonna subscribe!
    October 28th, 2011 at 09:36pm
  • ailurophile.

    ailurophile. (100)

    United States
    Blaaah. Lovin' the title and layout, missy. The characters' names are really quite beautiful, too. I love the last two sentences in the summary, by the way. <3 It adds a sense of mystery and suspense.

    "Tell them I'm sick." Oopsies.. I do that all the time. It usually works for me, though.

    I like your writing style a lot. It's easy-breezy which is something we need more of. It isn't forced and it isn't so up-tight and formal.

    "I fired you yesterday."

    "Oh, yeah. I forgot about that."

    That literally had me dying. You add comedy too.

    Erm. Public announcement: will you marry me? :O

    By the end of the first chapter, I'm sold. Great, great job.
    October 16th, 2011 at 08:49pm
  • divine;

    divine; (150)

    United States
    Sorry I took so long.

    Anyway, the story is very good. What I get from it is something light, amazing, and enjoyable. All three are correct. I mean I really have nothing bad to say about this story since it's perfect in it's own right. Like the words make the story so vivid.
    October 2nd, 2011 at 09:21pm
  • aubs

    aubs (420)

    Drabble Scribe
    United States
    I think the layout is cute and fits the story, considering it is set by the sea. Well, I'm thinking it's set by the sea. Anyway, the first chapter was kind of cute. I like how, when the two meet each other, she doesn't completely hate him. But someone doesn't like him. Haha. As for the beginning of the first chapter, I like how it was said that her family was rich and that her family fit that snooty rich stereotype. It was cool. Great job!
    September 25th, 2011 at 11:38pm
  • Tongue

    Tongue (100)

    United States
    First I love the layout <3 I read all 5 chapters xD I like the length in each, well done. As for the plot, it's great. I have a good sense of where it's going:) I love the imagery I get when I read it, it's like a movie in my head xD I see how it relates to The Little Mermaid, I like the idea, almost like a more modern story of it. I like the way you're writing it, it's slow but more detailed so don't change it:)
    September 25th, 2011 at 11:00pm
  • Mrs.Katsumi.Grinch

    Mrs.Katsumi.Grinch (100)

    United States
    The Layout is amazing I must give you that

    The story its self is very cute I like where you're going with it I actually think it will turn out just as the title suggest and be very wonderful keep up your writting
    September 20th, 2011 at 07:26am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    First of all, I'm so sorry that it took me forever to get back to you :( I'm glad that I finally knocked out a block of time to get back to people, haha xD Anyways, the layout and the summary totally caught my eye. I'm already in love with this :D

    I love how this is based off The Little Mermaid; it's always been my favorite story and Disney movie. Like I said, I'm already in love with this. The main character's - I'm not sure if you mentioned her name already or if I just skipped over it. Sorry if I did >_< - disinterest in her family is SO similar to mine. God, I was born into a snobby family just like hers who go on vacation to Greece and shizz and who always need to wear DVF and stuff. Ugh, selfish people. :|

    Okay, I love Pilot. Really. I like his name and his attitude and he's just so funny and cute. I wish I could find a guy like him, bahaha. Adella's hesitation is cute too, and I like her personality. Oh, and I like the fact that she wanted a picture of his hands. That's so lovely <3

    I'm hooked. Plain and simple. I'm so in love with this and I'm annoyed that I don't have time to read anymore today, but I'm subbing and will come back and read more when I can :D Lovely job! <333
    September 18th, 2011 at 03:33am
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    I like thet layout.

    The summary was kind of long and it didn't really draw me in. But when I saw it was base off of The Little Mermaid, I wanted to read more.

    I like how you use that idea and made it different with yours, but at the same time made it kind of the same, I really like that. The way you describe the details is very good. I just read the first chapter and Im not fully hook but I will be reading more :)
    September 13th, 2011 at 05:06am
  • renai.

    renai. (100)

    Hands? She wanted a picture of his hands. Ah, ha. She sure is a weird one. xD I like this, though, the layout is simple and beautiful. And the girl seems nice, not stuck up and doesn't really care for the life style of her family. I do enjoy your simplistic writing style, and the way you put things. It's straightforward and I enjoyed it all.

    The guy seems a little cocky. And ice cream? Bitch, shoulda put a ringer on it. xD I kid. I like that part. She'll see what she can do? Ah, ha, ha. Interesting, interesting. I do like him, though. But not so much the dad...for reasons I can't explain. Lovely start, however! Very lovely.
    September 12th, 2011 at 02:48am
  • Merida

    Merida (120)

    United States
    I really love the layout. The color is so nice. I love your story divider as well, it fits the story.

    Pilot is such a trip! He is my favorite character. I was instantly drawn into the story just by reading the summary. The first chapter was really entertaining. Though I found this sentence to be a little awkward: ...fell asleep when someone knocked on my door. - I think it would sound much better if you were to say ...fell asleep before someone knocked... I don't think someone falls asleep when someone is knocking on the door, catch my drift?

    I really loved the entire last line of the second chapter. It made me crack up. Your story is so riveting! The characters seem so real. I love how Adella just takes a picture of whatever she wants. The story line for this is really great.

    Haha, a pedophile...that line, just gosh. I giggled.

    This entire story just made me plaster a smile on my face. It easy to read and very enjoyable.
    September 12th, 2011 at 02:40am
  • Undefined;;

    Undefined;; (150)

    United States
    Okay, so I just read tbe firat chapter fpr the swap.

    I love the layout. It's gorgeos!! I wish i could make one as stunning. I love how this is based on the little mermaid, and i really love the uniqueness of your characters names. I also like how easy it was to read. You have a great story on your hands!! I can see it going far. :). Great job.
    September 11th, 2011 at 05:04am
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    This was extremely, well, wonderful. You definitely titled it correctly. Everything about it was simple, nice, and lovely. A nice little calming feeling rushed across me when I read about the beach setting. The beach just instantly calms me down - as did this entire piece. And just let me tell you: The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney story besides Beauty and the Beast. So though I've only read the first chapter (my medicine is kicking in and I'm getting really, really sleepy!) I'll most definitely be returning to finish reading as well as giving you a suitable comment. But really, this was absolutely splendid.
    September 11th, 2011 at 04:50am
  • divine;

    divine; (150)

    United States
    First I love how you say it's loosely based on A Little Mermaid. Secondly I love how the character seems to be so sweet and nice when the people around her are a bit stuck up along with the flow of everything. -I really suck at reviews.- XD But, I really like this piece.
    August 11th, 2011 at 12:54am
  • daughter

    daughter (100)

    United States
    Yay! I wuv this. :3 I like her rich girl naivety. And his name. Pilot? Really? YAY. And the fact that he stole her a teddy bear, loooool. I just love this.

    July 19th, 2011 at 02:35am
  • audreyhorne

    audreyhorne (100)

    United States
    This is so cute. And when I saw it was loosely based off of The Little Mermaid, I got pumped. And I definitely think this is going places. I love their characters and how excited she is. She seems so innocent and I think that makes the total opposites thing kind of cute. Like he seems like he should protect her or something.

    I have to admit, however, I wish there was more build-up in their relationship before they just kissed. Like I know he's new and exciting and cool and everything, but it makes their relationship just seem like it's rushed. I loved this, though. And the layout is gorgeous. <3
    July 17th, 2011 at 01:59am
  • SleepyHallow1996

    SleepyHallow1996 (100)

    United States
    I really like the description it really painted a pictures. I couldn't really found anything wrong with it, but then again that might be because i suck at grammer myself lol jk jk. I really do love it. I wish I could help you with something. But, its to good to help :) Keep on writing.
    July 15th, 2011 at 05:22am
  • the redhead's cho

    the redhead's cho (100)

    United States
    Aw! It's cute! I love the fact that they're just doing very normal things. It's not this great effort to try and do something magical. He's just trying to five her a very normal experience. I think that's even more special than anything else he could have come up with in my opinion.
    June 29th, 2011 at 08:48pm
  • Isadora Pierce

    Isadora Pierce (125)

    United States
    "Hold the fuck on, kid! Let me collect myself for a minute!" He chuckled, taking a deep breath. "Why don't we just go on the carousel or something?" In chapter three, I think him saying that really ruins the scene. I know he's not rude or anything but it ruins the whole "so cute, aw, look at their date" thing. Plus that just wouldn't make sense anyway if someone said it out loud. Hold the fuck on...uh-uh.

    I think this whole thing is going to be very cute, and I was going to say it was a little rushed but since it't only going to be about 5 or 6 chapters, I take that back! I like the idea of it, I like that it's set on the beach because I love the beach. It's a really cute start. I only wish it was a little longer when you finished because it really seems like he admitted he liked her way, way too early. She's a really excitable little thing also, and even though her personality seems nice enough, I wouldn't make her exclaim so much, meaning using so many ! all the time.

    Other than that, I believe this is going to be a very, very cute story when it's finished and I do hope he gets his job back! He seems to be able to keep his attention on Adella, anyways! :)
    June 29th, 2011 at 12:30am
  • the redhead's cho

    the redhead's cho (100)

    United States
    It's so cute! Does it make me a sad person that I started giggling at the end of the second chapter. I love how you have the characters building on each other. And I actually really like her father's character. I know he's an ass, but he's not the ass who is abusive or gives his girls everything. It's a real ass who is focused on his business and other things. It's simply wonderful! You are doing a great job with this. Please keep it up!
    June 28th, 2011 at 09:17pm
  • psychotic secrets;

    psychotic secrets; (1400)

    United States
    When I saw this was loosely based on The Little Mermaid I got excited. I cannot wait for that to happen :) This is a good story, it's written very well. It also has alot of very good details.

    My favorite part however was when Pilot said this, "Okay, now let's go introduce you to the feeling of happiness." It opens up the story to so much more. I really like that.

    I'm going to subsribe, because I enjoyed this very much and I want to read on what happens to them.

    Very good work :) I really like this.
    June 28th, 2011 at 08:32pm