Of All The Girls I Come To Love - Comments

  • roux.

    roux. (105)

    This deserves more comments. It is that creepy, in a subtle sort of way.

    I found a few mistakes, none that can't be fixed with another read - through, obviously.

    “I don’t drink, and neither should with the way you’ve been running.”
    There should probably be a "you" after the should in this sentence.

    She smirked as his face get an embarrassed look.
    Maybe "get" should be "got?"

    That's all that I could find. I enjoyed reading this story, honestly. I'll probably go check out the sequel later. My favorite line?
    This is how the insanity of one woman drove Jason, to not only become his father, but to also be nothing more than a memory…

    High end of cliffhanger, anyone? LOL. I like this, Kat. I like it a lot. <3
    September 25th, 2011 at 03:05pm
  • Fantasy Monroe

    Fantasy Monroe (100)

    United States
    No commentes!? Wow...

    Well let me be the first :)

    The summary was good, it drew me in. Even the title drew me in as well. Even though I read "six feet under" first I still understood the story.

    This is really good, I love how at first Jason really did love her but she drove him to it. That he never wanted to cheat but it was Meg.

    This is really amazing :)
    August 23rd, 2011 at 11:29pm