I Love You Five - Comments

  • jcov

    jcov (100)

    United States
    That was so fucking cute! And i love how christofer was like "Cause. You're here, I'm here, you're upset. If I just let you walk away crying, I'd be sort of a dick." i chuckled.

    And Hazel is one of my best friend's middle name so I was like "yessss!!!!" the whole time.

    I understand how she is scared to actually love someone but argh i was angry with her the whole time. I just wanted her and chris together. My heart sympasized Chris and how he actually cared about her. I know he didn't have a place to tell her how he felt, but he should have dropped some hints. if he cared about her SOOOOOO much, he could have tried harder to make her realize. he would have found a way and never let an asshole throw her around. but maybe I'm too harsh on guys in general. Well, I love this story and the ending made me smile. I'm so glad they got together in the end and they are all dressed up for prom and dancing and everything. that's gonna be my dream prom
    September 10th, 2011 at 07:40pm