Slow Glass - Comments

  • this story is soooorta really really amazing. :3
    I really like it so far, can't wait for more(:
    July 21st, 2011 at 07:13pm
  • i'm not gonna lie, as soon as i saw Fuzzy in the character list and that Rowen's best friend is his cat, i wanted to read it more. i'm kinda obsessed with cats, i have seven.
    anyways, i really enjoyed reading this. i've never read a story where the main character doesn't talk. as readers, we obviously know that he is able to speak, but he chooses or just can't bring himself to do it, and we wonder why. one of the driving factors for me is why Rowen doesn't speak and maybe it has to do with his father? i don't know yet.
    i like Tom. he seems really nice and down-to-earth and he doesn't seem to care that Rowen is how he is. i actually thought it a little strange and cute how Tom suggested that Rowen use the phone and he didn't seem one bit weirded out by it.
    the only thing i didn't like was the size of the font. it was far too tiny for me and made my eyes hurt. but it didn't take away from the story any.

    overall great job! (}:
    July 19th, 2011 at 08:11pm
  • So, the summary, I recommend you completely redo it. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's not...appealing whatsoever. The text is very stiff, and uninteresting. I feel like there's a much better way to tell what this story will be about. He got even more excited when he saw who it were. It should either be 'whom it were' or 'who it was'.

    The first chapter totally outshines your summary. It's got great potential. I love the mute aspect, and just the general plot you have going on. Great potential definitely, but maybe add in some more detail and description?
    July 5th, 2011 at 11:45pm
  • Yay! Chapter two is up! I loved this chapter as well. I really am looking forward to what happens with her and Tom. Heheheh.

    He didn’t gave me any details. It's give, but that's the only mistake I saw. :3 Anyways, this was awesome and I can't wait for the next update!
    July 3rd, 2011 at 07:18am
  • -attacks rowen with hugs-
    July 2nd, 2011 at 10:20pm
  • So far, I think this story has a lot of potential. I really like that Rowen is a pretty much mute, it's one of those things that when done right can lead to pretty much something amazing. I feel like he's someone who would make the perfect narrator for a story because since he's so quiet he'd notice the small things others wouldn't. And I like how he has a very close relationship with his cat and his mom, especially his cat. It just makes him sort of adorable, aha, and it makes sense that he'd be close to them since he's so shy. It does make me wonder what happened that he'd pretty much go completely mute, what sort of past is lurking there, aha. There's always something! :D

    His sister seems pretty interesting too, I really like her. She seems really upbeat and cool, and I don't know why but I'm usually instantly drawn to those types of characters and she's definitely no exception. And it's cool how she's helpful to her brother and all, and so nice to him, I know that even I would get a little frustrated with someone who doesn't talk much. They have a really nice sister-brother relationship.

    Tom seems pretty cool too, there isn't much to say about him yet but he's obviously going to be playing a key role in the story. I think it's cool though, how he really wants to befriend this guy.

    If anything, I'd watch out for your tenses. You mix up past and present quite a few times, I noticed. Just re-reading it I think would catch a lot of them, or a beta would definitely help too. And adding the links, too, which I actually think is against the Mibba rules. While it's always nice to have character pictures, I definitely wouldn't rely completely on them. Still describe the characters and what-not physical wise.

    Otherwise, like I said, it's short but so far could have a lot of potential! :D
    June 30th, 2011 at 08:15pm
  • This is good (:
    I really like it.
    June 30th, 2011 at 06:24pm
  • I love this. And Fuzzy is so adorable! I thought it was really cute when he ran up Rowen's back and sat on his shoulder. I wish my kitty could do that! Heheh.

    Please update soon, I can tell this is gonna be a great story.
    June 30th, 2011 at 01:32am
  • This is absolutely adorable. I can't wait for more updates. :)
    June 29th, 2011 at 10:30pm