Thunder - Comments

  • tiffany danielle

    tiffany danielle (100)

    United States
    First off, I think it's fair that I should call you a magician, aha. When I clicked on this page originally, the layout was pink. And then, I click on the character links you provided and back, and it suddenly turns out to be blue. It makes me wonder if I'm crazy, but it's so pretty, I find myself okay with being crazy, just so long as I get to stare at this loveliness some more, you know? Hee.c: <3

    The summary was nice. I really liked the way you arranged the wording and everything, and I especially liked the meaning behind the words if one was to sit and contemplate them. I've never heard that song before, but it makes me want to go and listen to it. The lyrics were just to die for, honestly. Amazingly beautiful, like I'm sure this story will be. c:

    I'm very upset with you, missy. This made me get all sad and stuff. Well, okay, I'm not upset with you - in fact, quite happy I got to read such a lovely piece - but I am kind of sad foor the poor kid. It's a bittersweet feeling. It was bloody brilliant, but so heartbreaking. Part of me wants to hug this kid, yet the other part is like, no, he's better off without that player. :P <3 I can only hope that he finds happiness somewhere, sometime soon, because I am a total fluffwhore like that.<33 c:

    Really, you did a great job with this short story of yours. There was a rythm to your words and I liked how you cinched it at the end. Very believable, and very strong. It went out the same way it came in. How he was able to overcome a love that was all wrong for him? That's the most impressive thing I've seen in my years by far.

    This was my favorite line;

    and for a second I couldn't even believe a substance so toxic could look so beautiful.

    I dig it because I'm always caught watching my sister and father put out their cigs. It looks so pretty, but it's so deadly. D: </3 Really, this line was amazing. :) Well, honestly the whole story was amazing, but that line was my all time favorite. <3 c:

    Really, you did a gorgeous job here. It broke my heart and yet made me love it with all the little pieces. You've got some serious talent. c: <3
    August 16th, 2011 at 05:09am
  • Monroe;

    Monroe; (615)

    This brought a lot of pretty images to mind and a lot of beautiful scenes developed. I really liked the layout, and I loved the part where she lay the note down and it got carried away on the winds tides. So lovely.

    Awesome stuff.
    July 23rd, 2011 at 09:09pm
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    This was so heart-touching. I've been in Rihannon's shoes, so it was like reading something from one of my own journal entries. I can't even tell you how beautiful this is. It flowed so easily and so perfectly together. The emotions and realizations Rihannon had experienced were very apparent to me and so were Mac's emotions, if only expresses through a note. It was brilliant. I can see the area they would go to perfectly, though it wasn't really described. I could even smell that outside smell that's on your skin once you return inside. When I can SMELL something when I'm reading, I know the author is a damn good writer. And you are. Very much so. I do wish this were a full fledged story, you know, so I could get a really good feel for the characters and fall even more in love with them than I already am. I think it'd have made a brilliant chaptered story. But yes. The only problem I had was the layout. Though it is absolutely beautiful and made my eyes float across the page easily, I feel like it didn't really fit the mood, you know? A dream catcher just seems so. . .random based upon the piece before me. But that didn't have any effect on how I feel about this. Loved every word of it, I did. Fantastic job!
    July 22nd, 2011 at 05:00am
  • Patty Lovell

    Patty Lovell (100)

    God, this is good. I actually got all teary eyed at the end.

    The summary is beautiful, everything about it. And the story has amazing description and imagery and f*ck, I haven't read a story this good in a while.

    Mac and I used to come here all the time. We'd kiss and stand around. Mac didn't come around here anymore, so it was a place for me to stand around, and be taken by the wind - This was what got me. Sure, the letter Mac wrote was so so sad because even I couldn't help but believe his words even though I knew it wasn't true, so imagine what Rhiannon was going through.

    But the last sentence got to me, the way you repeated what you'd said earlier and then just...I don't know, it was brilliant.

    This is so good, please write more stuff like this! :P
    July 2nd, 2011 at 12:45am
  • wicked ways

    wicked ways (100)

    Wow, this blew me away man. (: The layout was fantastic, I loved it. So dreamy and light, just like the story. You told the story so lovely also. This line here was my favourite: It went in whimsical little wisps, and for a second I couldn't even believe a substance so toxic could look so beautiful. - just amazing! Your writing style is fab! <3
    July 1st, 2011 at 08:08pm