Real Tears - Comments

  • dr. pamela isley

    dr. pamela isley (100)

    Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
    Ugh. I am reduced to guttural noises. You see, I love it when all grammar and pretenses are abandoned because it's like reading into the conscious mind; we speak in complete sentences yet we don't. We repeat repeat repeat the same things over. I love(hate) this even more because when I read it I instantly caught a glimpse of a memory where I was sobbing so much and rocking back and forward and just repeating 'i hate hate me i hate hate me i don't want to be here i don't want to be me'; I could even feel the fluids on my face again.

    I mean I guess it's easier to relate to this when you have easy access to memories of self loathing and hating yourself for being weak enough to cry and hating yourself because you can't cry without hating yourself. The last line was so powerful, and not only because it sealed the idea that this was not a piece of fiction on a writing website but in fact a memory of mine. It was perfect in its simplicity, and that's the last I'll say on the matter.
    September 5th, 2011 at 03:54pm