Carry You Home - Comments

  • I always have a hard time reading your stories. Not because I don't like them, but because they totally suck me in and I do nothing but read and I get nothing done. But I finally had time to read this, and by the end you had me crying. And I don't mean my eyes watered a little, I mean tears rolling down my face, snot leaking from my nose, crying. It really wasn't attractive. But you manage to get such emotion into your stories, and the reader can really form an attachment to your characters. I love your writing, I really do. Despite my lack of comments and my sporadic reading.

    And now I'm going to go wipe off my smudged mascara and blow my nose.
    December 25th, 2011 at 09:34am
  • So I finally read this. The ending was so unbelievably sad, you definitely had me crying.
    October 18th, 2011 at 11:13pm
  • I just had to read this entire story in the past half hour because I haven't been on here in so long that I had no idea you even did a sequel. I loved it as always!
    September 28th, 2011 at 04:12am
  • I didn't cry when she died. Didn't cr at the funeral. Broke out into waterworks when Mario came into the story. Beautiful
    September 21st, 2011 at 04:37am
  • Man you just kill me. I'm bawling my eyes out and I'm so not a crier.

    You've taken us on a wild roller coaster ride with Max and Sloan. This has been a beautiful storie, as realistic as any story I've ever read on here. I always appreciate that you don't write puppies and rainbows, that you let us go though all the ups and downs. I find it makes your stories more interesting and more true to real life. You make us feel like we really know these characters, like I might really be Sloan's BFF.

    You know I didn't want Sloan to die, but I also know that shit happens. People do die. People we really love, and we've all come to love Sloan. That's why I have tears running down my cheeks, because I feel like I lost a good friend. You have a gift to make us all feel that way, to make us feel so connected with your characters that when something drastic happens we cry, get angry, want to kill max (hehehe). It is a gift my friend and I hope you continue to use it.

    I'll miss Sloan. I'll miss her and Max. I'll miss her and her Phoebe, but I seriously commend you for taking the hard road. It's easy to end a story with characters that are happy and living in a dream world. It's not easy to go the realistic route. It is one of the things that sets you apart from the other authors on Mibba. That is just one of the reasons I hope you continue to write - especially hockey fan fiction - for purely selfish reasons of course.

    Love you. -Pheebs
    September 20th, 2011 at 08:58pm
  • I don't know why my comment go cut short, I wasn't finnished typing it when it posted, and I couldn't get back online until now to make post this.. I just wanted to add a thank you for not actually writing about Sloan's treatment, especiallly since she didn't make it. [My Aunt battled cancer about a year and a half ago. And watching what she went through is still very fresh in my mind. Though she did make it and is now cancer free. :) ] I wouldn't knot have been able to read it. So thank you again!
    September 20th, 2011 at 05:04am
  • Holy shit that was such a tough chapter for me to read. I'm not going to lie, I bawled my eyes out. I'm still crying. Even though it was a really sad chapter and I am extremely sad to see this story end, I do have to say that once again you blew me away. Whenever I expect one thing you was throw something completely different at me. You always manage to do your stories and characters justice, no matter what you throw at them. I'm going to miss Max and Sloan. And hopefully you will write another Max story, whenever the time is right for you. [Maybe one in the future caring for those 2 precious babies and getting a second chance at love.]

    I hope that you don't give up writting for good. I absolutely love your work. You are an amazing writer. Very talented. And that's alot coming from me. I usually l hate to read, but your stories always catch my attention and hold it. And that's even rarer than me wanting to read, since I have a very short attention span. So, please don't stop writting....EVER!
    September 19th, 2011 at 04:55am
  • oh man, for a person who never cries at anything, you sure made me a blubbery mess! i never expected this ending and while i just love love love sloan and max and love happy endings, this chapter was beautifully written. you can definitely write fantastic stories that really bring out the emotions. i hope you find your passion to continue writing soon because i am not sure how i feel about not reading your amazing stories. can i just say that i am really going to miss sloan and max?! i am waiting for the joke saying...just kidding, sloan doesn't succumb to cancer!

    repeat - fantastic story. hope you continue writing after the joeyb story. :)
    September 19th, 2011 at 03:18am
  • I'm going to kick you, I hope you know that! I cried woman! It was so sad! It was so beautifully written. I could feel all the emotions that Max was feeling. Just, ughh, noooo I loved Sloan. She was amazing! I absolutely loved the ending! It definitely seemed final but yet could mean there was more coming. And those poor babies, with no mommy, I'm going to cry again!
    Don't stop writing! I love your work <3
    September 19th, 2011 at 03:05am
  • I'm bawling. I know that I told you that, but I'm fricking bawling. It's *beautifully* written, the emotion is so raw...I'm just sobbing. I hope you continue writing. You have a true gift. <3
    September 19th, 2011 at 02:33am
  • a beautiful yet heartbreaking ending, i cried while i read it. im really going to miss these characters. really hope you continue writing(:
    September 18th, 2011 at 09:43pm
  • This was tragically beautiful :( I'll miss Max and Sloan.
    September 18th, 2011 at 08:08pm
  • Girl, you had me crying! I just love Max and Sloan but I echo everyone else's words that I totally understand it was time to close that chapter. Hope all is well with you and that you get the desire to write again soon! I love all your work :)
    September 18th, 2011 at 07:44pm
  • I think you ended this very well. I will miss Max and Sloan but totally understand why you ended it. I hope you continue to write seeing as I love all of your stuff.
    September 18th, 2011 at 07:33pm
  • Dearest Sammie,
    I bow down to you. You have made me laugh, get angry and now cry. I will miss Max and Sloan, but understand why you decided to end it, the way you did. I do hope you continue to write, since you are one of my favorite authors and let's face it, nobody writes better Max-Smut than you!!
    So I here's hoping you Max-Muse gets her act back together!
    September 18th, 2011 at 07:22pm
  • I want to hug Max so hard. I'm terrified for all of them. Little Max and his mum-mum. Sloan. Max for his world.

    This was fantastic as always, love. <3
    September 2nd, 2011 at 08:05am
  • Great chapter!
    September 1st, 2011 at 02:32am
  • Great chapter!
    September 1st, 2011 at 02:32am
  • GURL WHAT IS WRONG WITH SLOAN?! I hope it's just tonsillitis.
    I absolutely love Max chapters, I love reading about what he is thinking and how he is feeling. You write him beautifully! I love how he worried about making everything right and making sure that his family is going to be great. And the chapters with him and Max Jr. just make me smile. He is going to be an amazing father one day.
    I loved the chapter! It was amazing!
    August 31st, 2011 at 02:02am
  • Max and his feelings about his son are just precious. I could see this being very true to life. When he has a baby, I think he'll be an amazing father and I think he'll look to his own father for reassurance of that. It is sad that he's going to be apart from his little boy - but really he should have taken time in making his decision to realize this was a possibility.

    But the cold hard facts is that I'm the last person who should be holding a grudge. Who should be expecting any form of apology. - - I am so glad he sees this, because it's probably the truest thing he's said - and maybe the most mature. . If anything, it's made me realize just how lucky I am. And that I really don't deserve someone like her. I don't deserve having someone that loves me that much. - - so freaking true Max!

    I truly love hearing about Max's day with little Max very sweet. I can totally see him doing things like taking him to McDonalds - normal stuff. :D

    I don't like the pending sense of doom. Don't like it at all. you're killing me. But you know that. It could just be the flu - maybe she's anemic - something a pill can help. Please let it be that.
    August 30th, 2011 at 05:53pm