I'll Be There - Comments

  • I love this so much still. I think that Ava is making a step in the right direction to accepting Geno as her dad. She has her moments where you can tell she likes him. Geno's parents were soooo cute!!

    Can't wait for the next one!
    August 3rd, 2011 at 01:55pm
  • Love this. I really wish Ava and geno could get along ands I totally think that Ava called geno daddy because she secretly wishes geno was her daddy
    August 3rd, 2011 at 09:09am
  • Eva is still breaking my heart here!
    how long can that little girl hold a grudge!
    awwww mama and papa malkin are so presh!! so glad that they love both Eva and Rachel.
    The last part of this just completely killed me for Geno's sake, he's trying so hard! bless his soul!
    regardless of Eva's attitude i still loved the update!!
    August 3rd, 2011 at 07:55am
  • Love love love. Can't wait till the drama in the next chapter. :)

    Keep on, keeping on.
    August 3rd, 2011 at 07:19am
  • This story is sweet! I love it! I hope Ava will learn to like Evgeni
    August 3rd, 2011 at 07:16am
  • great chapter i LOVE this story soooooo much cant wait for the next chapter
    August 3rd, 2011 at 07:14am
  • Evgeni decided to keep it from his friends and teammates that he didn’t hit it off with the child right away in hopes to improve their relationship.
    lol. i can just seem him being like "she luvs meh."

    “What are you doing?” He finally asked with a small smile.

    “Space training.”


    He knew that she made fun of his accent and mended English behind his back.
    awwwww! :( that is so sad!

    They would just have to be very discreet and wait until Ava went to bed before they could get comfortable.
    no hanky panky!

    She was a big girl – but she still didn’t get why Daddy wasn’t a part of their family anymore.
    poor baby but that doesn't mean she gets to be such a brat all the time.

    So when he stood behind her Mama when Mama said it was time for bed, she decided that she was suddenly very tired.
    HAHAHAHAHHA she talks a big talk though

    but it was a dark day when she found out her husband had cheated on her with a twenty-year old girl. They now had a three year old and she knew that his new fiancé was pregnant again.
    he deserves the asshole chant from mariucci arena.

    “He doesn’t want anything to do with Ava now that he has his little perfect life in the suburbs.”
    fucking piece of shit

    Geno told Rachel that Jordan and Phoebe had five boys
    work it phoebe. work that body. own that body. produce those beautiful children. *giggles shamelessly*

    “I want to see.” She whispered, just barely loud enough for Geno to hear. He lifted her by her sides for the moment, her little hands on his as he picked her up and placed her on the kitchen counter so that she was a little more level with Phoebe’s arms.

    Jordan boomed from the opposite archway, a grill brush in one hand and another boy on his hip.
    how do they keep track of them all? haha

    “Can I sit with you?” She asked, gravitating towards his chair. Geno looked over at the table with most of the boys
    lol even geno is better than the boys! ^-^

    Another boy in her life she didn’t like.
    hahahahahahaha ohhhhh such a drama queen

    “She can pick out her own outfit, but don’t let her get too creative.”
    oh gawd.

    What kind of little kid went to school in the summer anyways?
    I used to ask myself that when my mom put me in that shit.

    He poured a glass of OJ before bringing it to her room, knocking softly on her bedroom door.
    honestly, I can think of all the ways this wouldn't end well hahahahaha but only because she's such a brat

    “Mama had to work late at the hospital. Come on, time to get up.”
    when he says mama, it's like he's her dad and saying it to her. cause you know how dad's do that, "mama will be home soon." stuff like dat? ohhh! dat's so cute!

    My name is not Ev-geeny, you can call me Evgeni, or you can call me Geno.” He added, still unphased by her little sassy attitude that wasn’t getting her anywhere. Ava stomped closer to him in her pink tennis shoes.
    i do have to admit that even though she's such a brat, it is funny.

    “Thanks Ev-geeny.”
    add smartass to her resume

    his fiancé, Brianna, was visiting family in Minnesota before the season picked up.
    fuq family. i want dat body.

    “The fuck.” Geno stated pointedly, looking towards Rachel who was watching Sidney play around with Ava who was all smiles. “Two seconds and she likes him, three months and she still hates me.”
    LOLOLOLOLOL. i can just picture his face. cracks me up

    Dave was refusing to see Rachel or Ava and even when Ava cried to see her Dad, there was nothing that Rachel could do
    he doesn't deserve to see her anyway. (btw she obviously gets her brattiness from her dad)

    thinking that now was as good a time as any and it was a rare moment that she and Geno seemed to be getting along
    lol i was thinking the same thing.

    For each step forward, a step back.
    isn't that how it usually is with kids hahahaha nice try tho!

    “Don’t leave me, why do you have to go? Evgeni is taking you away from me.” She continued to bawl.
    ohhh boy.. not good.

    “I hate you for taking my Mama away from me.” Ava replied calmly.
    HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! i don't think he's winning her over… at all.. he should buy her something

    “After lunch, let’s hit the trampoline, zero gravity.”
    LOLOLOLOL practice for space

    “If she barfs, you’re cleaning it up.” Brianna insisted
    that is so something i would say.. hahaha

    “I would take you to Disneyworld, Ava.” John smiled, making Jordan lean back and fold his arms behind his head with a big smile stretched across his features. Ava gave John a dark look before taking another sip of her lemonade.
    everything about this made me LOLOLOLOL hardcore.

    “Phoebe and the boys will be there, too.” He offered, as if that sounded any better to Ava who detested all of the Staal boys – they were icky and loud and didn’t even like the same things she did.

    “Captain Sid saves the day.” Evgeni muttered, loosening his tie even more as he felt just the slightest hint of pre-game jitters like he did before every home opener.
    poor geno! :(

    “I don’t like him.” Ava frowned. “He’s trying to be my Daddy and I already have one.” She flopped against Sidney’s chest. “I wish you were dating my Mama, not Ev-geeny.” She whispered, just barely audible, but loud enough for Sidney to hear, and just enough for Geno to catch as he entered the hall again from the locker room. There was no way the captain could deny the flash of hurt that crossed Geno’s features.

    “You’re just gonna… gonna leave me here?” She asked, looking very much like a lost little girl.
    I'm mad at her. I don't even feel bad for her.

    Phoebe frowned at the end of the second period as she returned to the suite with Brianna soon-to-be Crosby
    :DDDDD ads me! damn, that sounds like a nice name :D

    Wordlessly, she lifted her arms up towards him as he entered in his disheveled suit. He gave her a small smile, lifting her up into his arms and carrying her out to the car.
    “I had fun,” she whispered against his chest as she nuzzled the top of her head under his chin.

    why can't she just be sweet and sleepy all the time??

    okay seriously, that little girl is a hardcore brat, but i love the cute moments we get to see.
    plus, it will make it that much better when she actually likes him.. bahahaha.. if that ever happens :/ it's not looking good for him right now.
    anyways, this is cute.
    can't wait to see where this goes! :)
    July 28th, 2011 at 10:37pm
  • maybe they are starting to get closer?
    can't wait for the next chapter!!
    July 28th, 2011 at 10:08pm
  • Everything about this story is just so cute..i love it..i kind of feel like maybe something is going to happen with geno and rachel since ava doesn't like geno..cant wait for more!
    July 28th, 2011 at 09:02pm
  • i lovelovelove this story. its so cute...

    i have a feeling something is gonna happen to either Ava and or her mom and Geno will have to take care of her... update soon!!!(:
    July 28th, 2011 at 06:43pm
  • Awe! Ava is so cute! Her and Geno are going to have a wonderful friendship soon, hopefully. Loved it!
    July 28th, 2011 at 06:41pm
  • Awh, I so love them. I really like this story line, I haven't seen one like it before. Very original. :) Can't wait to see more (and to see more of your Sid story because I just recently fell in love with it!) .

    Keep on, keeping on.
    July 28th, 2011 at 06:39pm
  • it breaks my heart everytime Ava is so harsh with Geno! but i'm so proud that he keeps trying!
    lol that Staal boy is so cute when he 'flirts' with Ava!
    loved the update!
    July 28th, 2011 at 06:28pm
  • Great chapter!
    July 28th, 2011 at 05:39pm
  • I think Ava will come around soon and her and Geno will have a wonderful relationship. I can't wait for the rest of this and more Segs!
    July 28th, 2011 at 05:30pm
  • Love this. I wonder where Rachel was?
    July 28th, 2011 at 05:28pm
  • super cute chapter i really LOVE this story its cute and different and it has geno :D
    July 28th, 2011 at 02:56pm
  • So cute seeing Geno completely run over by a little girl.
    I love that she likes Sid instantly. What's not to like. He's got the best giggle.
    Of course sid isn't sleeping with her mother.
    Looking forward to Russia.
    July 28th, 2011 at 04:03am
  • Ava seriously cracks me up, aha !
    July 26th, 2011 at 06:48am
  • of course ava would be friendly with sid...
    July 25th, 2011 at 02:14am