Stolen Souls - Comments

  • Contest:

    I guess I'll set up a template for judging here, not all will play in and there won't be points for everything but this is just stuff I think about when seeing the piece.

    Layout: It's alright. I like it. I've never been fond of the trebuchet font, but, hey. That's just me.

    Grammar/Spelling/Crap They Teach You in Fifth Grade: You're good! Zero errors! :D

    Writing Style and Fanciness: I like your style. The first time I read this, I didn't really like it. But this time, I did. The second paragraph is my favorite part. I don't really have much else to say. :)

    Nitpicky Me: The only part I really didn't like was the word 'evilly'. I just think it's a little... young sounding. Perhaps try something with a stronger connotation like... Wickedly or cruelly. Dunno.

    Overall: Very, very nice. You show a lot of promise. You wrote something I didn't expect from the picture and it was a fun read. Good job! :D
    August 2nd, 2011 at 06:21pm
  • I like this. It's very short and simple, but it's perfect. Uncanny but amazing. :) Nicely done.
    July 19th, 2011 at 08:27am
  • I like it! It's kinda eerie but in a good way! It says so much in two paragraphs!

    Spiffy :)
    July 7th, 2011 at 01:29pm