Nails for Breakfast Tacks for Snacks - Comments

  • Nooooooooooooooo! my tears omg, I feel so sorry for everyone, lol getting way to into this.
    August 28th, 2011 at 11:13pm
  • Poor Brendon...Poor Ryan :( Though I kind of guessed that Brendon would find out and something like this would happen. I really hope it all gets sorted and it's all happy Rydon again! When I saw this update I was very happy and again this is a very well written chapter that made me feel so upset for the both of them.

    Why did Ryan have to be so angry about it anyway? I kind of agree on the fact that it wasn't his business, maybe Brendon would have told him in his own time. But who knows, this is more drama and keeps us all hanging. Yes, a cliffhanger. Just please update soon I really want to read what happens next. And you are a great author, believe it.

    Update soon, please. I will be awaiting for a new chapter, like tomorrow? Just kidding :D Whenever you can, just make it soon! :D
    August 28th, 2011 at 10:37pm
  • I miss the quote feature in the stories. So I quote DivideByZero above ^ :D
    August 28th, 2011 at 06:46am
  • Oh my god, Brendon had a gang-life in Vegas for a year, didn't he? You SHOULDN'T have, that is SO hard-knock.
    I bet Mammoth's a drug dealer or something... hah...just kidding.. but still. Brendon would be that cool.

    Ryan's so sweet...and nosy. But I guess that comes with the whole "I've been hearing people's thoughts for a couple years" thing. Probably just his nature, now.

    What's Scarlett's deal? She never even came to visit him! What a jerk.
    I have to say, some parts of his backstory were very...predictable? overused? But, you've done something new with it so I don't begrudge you anything. Just, be careful with the abusive background tactic; that stuff really does screw people up in the head, and could take a toll on the austerity of Brendon's character if not done well.

    That's all. Great job, I look forward to the next bit!
    August 27th, 2011 at 02:33am
  • Oh lord. That was crazy. I feel so bad for Brendon. Leo deserved it. Does it make me a bad person for saying that? I don't care, I'm glad he's dead. And his dad was fucking evil, his mom was a bitch, Brendon's family life sucked. I love how he got into the school. They way found him on the street. Fun times. And Ryan got all emotional and sad and thinking of that scne is just too cute. Anyways, great chapter. I like when you update a lot!!
    August 26th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • I have just come to the conclusion that Pete is a living Pensieve. AND Pooor Poooooor Brendon
    * ma cries
    August 25th, 2011 at 10:53pm
  • Oh wow that's so crazy :O
    It all makes sense now...
    But damn...poor Brendon :( Crazy ass life...
    I'm just worried bout what's going to happen now that Ryan knows
    August 25th, 2011 at 07:50pm
  • holy fucking shit.
    first time i have nothing to say.
    and i thought the last chapter put me in a daze,
    this fucking blew me.
    I just love how this all played out,
    i'm sure i've said this before, but you are an amazing writer.
    this already is in my top 5 favorite stories i've read on here.
    again, not barfing when you mentioned scarlett.
    and brendon's past.. whoa.
    and it all made sense too! why alice hated him, and all.
    damn damn damn, never unsubscribing.
    i will always love this story, forever (:
    August 25th, 2011 at 07:01pm
  • wow this is absolutely amazing. not is it a well thought out story, which is kind of more original than other rydon's out there, but it's also extremely funny! I found a lot of it kind of funny, like the moments with Jack and Alex and when Ryan was with his roomates. I like how you mixed up people from different bands in this too, like not only having the Panic! at the disco guys but also from other bands like My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy etc. I guess that's another point that made it really interesting. I like reading things about people have mysterious powers and I like how you did that whole thing with the 'level-up'. That's completely amazing. Just imagining Brendon with purple eyes etc is just so cool. I like it xD Also, you also have other relationships, like Frank and Gerard. I like frerard too so that made me a very happy girl. I felt really sad at the end of the last chapter. Poor Brendon!

    I'm really interested to read more of this, you're really talented and this story is the probably the most intriguing Rydon I've read. [As well as that I've been basically glued to my computer and reading all of the chapters in one go] So update s'il vous plait! :D
    Sorry if this review is kinda long, I just got carried away xD
    August 25th, 2011 at 06:23pm
  • yay two updates so close together (: now im happy. i really, really love this story. and i can't wait for the next chapter :D
    August 25th, 2011 at 02:45pm
  • I love this story :) Can't wait for the next bit :)
    August 25th, 2011 at 12:40pm
  • Omg, when the guy mentioned Bren's past. SHIT WENT DOWN. And his killed someone!! Wow, wonder how angry he'd have to be to do that..l'm getting WAY too into this,it's siriusly too good :D
    August 25th, 2011 at 10:24am
  • Omg I have no words *___*
    August 25th, 2011 at 07:17am
  • I absolutely LOVE this!:) *subscribes*
    August 25th, 2011 at 05:53am
  • Brendon totally kicks ass. So that was intense and fucking awesome. The last part was sweet, with the whole Frerard story. But the fight was insane. The whole time I was thinking of Brendon Urie beating up an Arnold Schwartsnager (sp?) type guy. Quite amusing in my head. New chapters are always a great time and I like having great times... so yeah. Thank you for letting Brendon live adn I'm sensing something's gonna happen with Ryan and him in the nurses place yes? Anyways, that was waaaay too long of a comment so bye now.
    August 25th, 2011 at 03:57am
  • What the fuck? Why does this story NOT have thousands of comments?!?! Seriously, this is just some fucking mind-blowing material. I love how it's not only a Rydon, but a frerard, and a petrick. It's a pure gold story. I fucking love it. I love how everything isn't rushed like a lot of other stories, and in my mind, it plays like a fucking movie. I'm in love with this. Please update. I need more. I fucking NEED MORE! Thank you for being an awesome writer! :)
    August 25th, 2011 at 03:40am
  • that was so dramatic,
    it rocked my socksssss,
    just kiddin' not even wearing socks.
    plus that was such an understatement,
    it rocked my whole world, it was so amazing!
    it was like, out of this worldy
    i was in a kinda daze when i finished reading.
    and aw, frank and Mikey, cuties, yuummm
    you did one hell of a job, not just becuase this chapter was fucking awesome,
    but because i wasn't disgusted by the mention of scarlett.
    pure genius, update soon (:
    August 25th, 2011 at 02:47am
  • I have fallen in love with this story. I'm usually not a big fan of slashes, but this is just amazing. I love the creativity that goes into every little detail. Thank you so much for writing this, I eagerly look forward to everytime you update this story. :)
    August 25th, 2011 at 02:45am
  • Niiiice. The part early on, with Urie nailing Mammoth in the jaw, that was ill even in my head.
    Ryan's addition was just kickass enough to be...kickass, but not so kickass that it made Brendon seem wimpy or distracted from the real fight. It was good.

    I feel like taking a fireball to the chest from his best friend will NOT make Bden a happy camper in the morning...unless some hot chick with healing powers takes care of those third degree burns...
    That kid probably has a killer of a past. Mammoth's taunt was super...vague, so I'm only guessing it was painful enough to trigger homicidal-sailor-moon mode in Bren without too much thought.

    D'aww. He didn't go all Terminator on Ry. There's something!
    August 25th, 2011 at 02:04am
  • naw cliffhanger ):
    dont be away too long ):
    August 22nd, 2011 at 11:32am