Fantasy - Comments

  • It's weird because I never would've considered this as fan fiction or even a possibility and yet here we are. Anywho, I enjoyed this. Nothing constructive to say other than it was entertaining and I had a little smirk on my face the whole way through. ;)
    June 5th, 2013 at 10:57pm
  • Oh.My.God. I have no idea how to put my reaction into words …this was just so…brilliant. Better than brilliant, this was fucking marvelous. It's Barbie and her gals ganging up on Ken and it's just so priceless. But what makes it all that much better is the fact that you're a great writer. You did a great job describing the actions and I felt like I was watching it unfold in front of me (might of have something to do with that amazing banner). And I loved how you didn't use a lot of dialogue; the little throw outs here and there are superb and make it that much better. xox
    March 13th, 2013 at 02:36am
  • It reminded me of Toy Story and how as a kid I belived my toys would come to life. I loved the layout picture, and I could see this situation having a really good backstory.
    July 7th, 2011 at 07:36am
  • Oh my god, this is awesome! At first I thought it would be really scary, but it's really funny!! Kinda creepy though lol. It's, uhm, different. But in a good way! I haven't read a story with so much imagination in it in a long time.

    This was great. There's gonna be more though, right? I wanna read more. :)
    July 7th, 2011 at 05:59am
  • I love the first sentence. Love it. Awesome.

    That's just so funny. I loved that so much, haha. Doesn't Ken have a smooth part?

    This is so funny, I just loved this. Haha, that's great. Lovely job.
    July 6th, 2011 at 04:57pm
  • Well.... I wasn't sure what to expect...but...OMG IT WAS SO FUNNY. I literally started laughing so hard I was crying. I reminds me of a very funny picture I found on tumblr. x3
    July 6th, 2011 at 09:35am
  • This was a really funny conversation. I almost forgot about it too but I'm glad I didn't. Ken dolls draw up fake fantasies for most little girls the dream about and then life proves it all wrong. I'm afraid he doesn't get even an ounce of my sympathy, we've all been in the the little girls places at one point or another. That picture is still hilarious. This was even better than I thought it was going to be and I bet he learned how to fear by the time it was over. But alas, we will never know because you left us with a big time cliffhanger! Either way, our minds will wander when we read this and finish the ending with our own thoughts. I hope this drabble gets famous, it's great.
    July 6th, 2011 at 09:08am