Why Is This Happening To Me? - Comments

  • Your layout is really pretty! I loved it.I also love the picture you got. you could have went so many ways with it, but I was actually kind of glad you didn't have such a cliche ending of her marrying the guy and such. I liked the fact that she stood up and walked away from her abusive life. Great job!
    July 31st, 2011 at 06:04am
  • Hello ;D

    You have a pretty layout, good meshup, definitely. The bride, in her dress, and the way she's turning away (in your banner) made me think of happy romance, love and all those other shit. For a second there, before I had even started reading the story, I considered clicking the back button and reading something else.Sometimes, sappy romances bore me. I'm not a huge 'happy romance' fan.

    I might not know who M. Shadows is (Yes, I live under a rock.) but I rather liked how realistic you make this characterization seem. The way Carly runs, and yet she doesn't really get who she's running from in the first place? Cool representation of an abused woman's mental set. Truly. She's confused, all over the place, and in love. Matt sounds like a dick in the way you have Carly remember how abusive he was. The skill with which you wrote that out (Matt's "dickness") from Carly's perspective? Pretty uncanny.

    It was cool, the way you played the story out in the end though. I like how Carly makes the right decision. Kudos for making her love him, and yet, not blind. She sounds like a smart girl, Carly does. I'd have to admit though, the ending did seem like a little bit of an anti-climax. I was expecting something more dramatic, perhaps? I don't know. And the whole 'Why is this happening to me?' deal didn't quite fit, I think. I mean, didn't she choose to not marry Matt? Isn't that why it's happening to her? I don't know. It just doesn't really make that much sense. (But that's definitely one of my best, best songs!)

    Overall, this was a good piece of work. I might be biased, though, because Carly refuses to marry Matt in the end (Yay, Girl Power!). It was a chapter full of love, confusions, contradictions, and painfully 'right' decisions. Kudos, mate :)
    July 17th, 2011 at 11:17am
  • Layout:

    I love the layout! With the colors, pattern, and picture, it really fits the story(:


    I think the summary was great. It gave just enough information to draw in the reader, but it didn't really reveal the plot, which made it very mysterious in a good way.


    I think the title also is very luring, because when you think, "Why is this happening to me?" you also think of every way the story can go. It could be rape, murder, trying to avoid someone, adopted, abuse--so many different things. So, I think I would definitely be interested if I wasn't doing a comment swap x)


    I love how you describe things so well! Like Keith Moon said, I like the fact that you didn't stop the whole story and reality just to tell us what was going in, because I view that as amateur writing sometimes. So, I'm very excited for the next chapter (:

    Subscribed <3 I hope you win the contest!
    July 11th, 2011 at 04:56am
  • Lay out is simply beautiful. I love it, along with the story. LOVE IT. THe beginning really caught my attention and kept me reading. The ending was great, I don't see why you didn't like it. I really hope there is more. Kepp on writing. The only thing that really bugged me was that the story chapter didn't have a title yet. But if you don't want to add it don't, its just something that I notice.
    July 11th, 2011 at 04:54am
  • The layout is gorgeous for starters. Good luck on your contest for seconds. Thirdly, I'll get to the story: I want to know more! Is this a one-shot, or a whole story? And I liked the way that you ended it...you don't know what's going to happen Carly now. I like how she ran away and then decided NOT to marry him instead of just going back to him. I like how you set up the whole scenario, and you didn't let us know quite what was going on at first. Good job!
    July 11th, 2011 at 04:44am
  • This was cool, I liked it. I don't like abusive stories that much, they're just not my type of story but this one was good. Is this a oneshot though, or a full story? Because it didn't seem to end when the chapter was done.

    Yeah, overall good job!
    July 7th, 2011 at 11:01pm
  • To begin with, I absolutely love the layout. The colors all work very well with the focal image, plus that picture is quite beautiful as well:)

    First, I'd like to say that I actually liked the ending! I don't know why you don't like it. It sorta leaves the reader hanging, in a good way. And I also liked how it wasn't all glitter and roses, so to speak. She didn't end up marrying him, but she also didn't tell her mother about what had been going on between the two of them (or, at least, not to the fullest extent).

    Also, I liked how you kept the reader in the dark in the beginning, where we didn't know why she was running into the woods. To be honest, I thought she was going after Matt at first, and not running from him, so to speak. And then you have her wake up and have Matt there and slowly show the reader just what she was running from and what he did to her to provoke these feelings in her.

    This was very well done overall, I must say. I don't think I saw any errors grammarically or spelling-wise. Good luck on the contest!!:)
    July 7th, 2011 at 06:39pm
  • Lol, so I still have no idea why you said you don't like this ending. I really enjoyed it! In fact, I enjoyed the whole story. :)
    For starters, like I said earlier, I fucking love the layout. If you ask me, it really fits the tone of the story & just looks so pretty and well put together.
    I also love the way the story unravels. At first, there's just this random chick running into the woods and you're like WTF, what's going on here? But then Matt comes into the picture and you start to see more and more of the big picture. And I have to say, doll, I thought the twist to this whole thing was really awesome! I really didn't expect Matt to be semi-abusive (I hesitate to call him that, since I know it's not like he beat the shit out of her or anything, but you know what I mean). But after learning that, I could totally see why Carly didn't wanna marry him.
    And like I said, I actually really enjoyed the ending, and definitely didn't think it felt rushed. As someone who's loved a guy, but knew deep in my heart that he wasn't right for me, I totally get where Carly's coming from. And feel quite bad for her. :(
    But over all, I thought this story was rad as fuck! Seriously, doll, you did an amazing job, and I can't wait to read more stories like this. :)
    PS: You're awesome too! <3
    July 7th, 2011 at 06:36am