Setting You Free - Comments

  • Mr Reckless.

    Mr Reckless. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh my God. I'm literally say here a crying mess!
    Jesus this was so good! The whole 'brightest star' thing got me everytime, and at the end when he's talking to her, oh God.
    This was really beautiful and I loved it so much!
    Great work, love! <3
    July 25th, 2011 at 04:01pm
  • franceschi.

    franceschi. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Darcy, Darcy, Darcy. Where do I start?!

    The first thing I noticed was the bloody beautiful layout. It is amazing. The banner is gorgeous, and it fits so so so perfectly with the story, all the stars and the pretty texture. Beautiful. :)

    The I'll go on to talk about your writing. You are such an amazing writer, I can just feel and imagine everything you write so well. It's amazing. The way you describe actions and speech and emotions in this is so perfect, like when Josh is sucking himself up to go into the graveyard and stuff, it's so amazing :)

    My favourite paragraph of the lot was this one:
    I couldn’t deny the tears that had blurred my vision, and I quickly wiped them away with my nimble fingers, sniffling. Even now, I still remembered to put on that brave face, but it seemed to be getting harder and harder to pull off. I shuffled over and sat myself down, readjusting my beanie hat and pulling my hood over the top, my fingertips nudging my nose as I prepared myself to say something… anything.
    I loved that. It was so full of emotion but so subtle and perfect. The way he wipes his tears away makes it so much more heartbreaking than if he were just to cry because of the start, where he mentions that Steph hated him crying.

    This just breaks my heart, especially the end. Describing those videos too; they make me want to cry without a back story, let alone creating one as sad as this! :(

    But, I guess Josh is kind of happy in the end, and that's what I love most of all. He seems somewhat content and it was so wonderful to include that little part about the stars in the sky to end it on. It was the perfect sad story because it was still kind of uplifting and optimistic, and your characters help that! :D

    Amazing work, Darcy. <3 xxx
    July 10th, 2011 at 10:05am
  • daisy eyes.

    daisy eyes. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't usually comment back but, hhsuhfjsyfksbzn I noticed that after I posted this, I meant 1990. So, if anyone does notice that, I'm probably going to re-publish this one-shot. Facepalm She was indeed meant to be 20, or at least 19.

    Sorry. Facepalm

    But thank you for the comment. tehe
    July 7th, 2011 at 11:53pm
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    So, okay. This isn't at all what I was expecting but I kind of love it anyway. It's just really sad, but it's really sweet and hopeful at the same time, especially the ending. The whole recurring image of the brightest star in the sky was heart-clenchingly sad but also really, really sweet. And when he talked to her headstone! I nearly teared up, it was such a sweet, heart-breaking image.

    Only thing I noticed that may be a mistake was the date on the headstone, 1999-2010? It seems a bit weird that Stephanie would've been eleven when she died because, apart from anything else, she seemed a lot older, but I thought I ought to check. Shifty

    But yeah, this was really lovely and I'm glad my prompt could inspire you like this. <3
    July 7th, 2011 at 11:28pm