Citizen Soldier - Comments

  • You KNEW I was waiting for this! And you didn't even bother tell me its finished!?!? YOU BITCHFACE D: Next time I see you, you're gonna get it :PP Jk love you!
    July 22nd, 2011 at 09:24pm
  • This was so cute. I loved this. Amazing story
    July 10th, 2011 at 01:57am
  • Aww!!! I have to leave my house or I'd write a longer, more detailed comment. BUT! I really loved this, it was sweet and I teared up when I was reading it, and that's not really easy. I love your writing and the characters. I feel like the surface was barely scratched but I love them anyway~
    If you ever write more about them, whether you post it or not, I wanna read it!
    July 9th, 2011 at 11:30pm
  • That was nerve-wracking as fuck, I hope you know. I was sitting there when they got the call and when he said not good new I was like "no, don't you fucking dare" and tears welled in my eyes. Then when they said he was gonna be okay I did a little happy dance. MY NERVES CAN'T HANDLE THIS, MAN!
    Can't wait for the next chapter O_O
    July 8th, 2011 at 07:47pm
  • I loved this the first time I read it and I still love it now and can't wait to read more! I love the way you captured the relationship and how Rickie was feeling knowing his fiance is going to war, and the mentality of people in the war. I agree completely, there's no reason in this world people who are gay can't be in the army, they fight just the same as any other man or woman, and have the ability to love their country just as much as anyone else.
    I really can't wait to read more *bounces up and down* You know how much I love your work darling!
    July 8th, 2011 at 06:32pm