Fluorescent Adolescent. - Comments

  • rrightgirl

    rrightgirl (100)

    Aw I love how you're fan girdling to josh and cam along with us:P Great story!
    April 16th, 2012 at 11:53am
  • la dispute.

    la dispute. (100)

    United States
    So, I've recently started to get more into You Me At Six, and as a result, I of course had to check out some Josh stories, 'cause he's just adorable. Hahaa. Anyways, I know I'm way late on this, but I'm sort of glad, because I got to just read through the whole thing without having to wait for updates, which was pretty badass, considering I loved it so much! Lol. I was pulled in from the beginning and I'll admit, at first I did think it was Josh getting married, but then once she found out her father was cheating, I changed my mind to it being the dad's wedding ... and I was right! Ha. I just really loved Camille and Josh's characters and their little arguments and whatnot. They were adorable and just yeah. I loved this story and it made me swoon just that much more for Mr. Franceschi. God, I literally have to read that over and over to make sure I spell it right. :P
    March 5th, 2012 at 07:48pm
  • outthewindow.

    outthewindow. (100)

    United States
    Hey there.
    I love this.
    I'm so angry I haven't taken the time to read this before, because it was just so wonderful.
    Then again, I'm happy I didn't have to wait and see how things turned out for Cam and Josh.
    Really, really, lovely work.
    February 14th, 2012 at 04:00am
  • Boo-YA-Ca-Sha

    Boo-YA-Ca-Sha (100)

    United States
    I loved your story. When it ended I wish it didn't because I wouldn't to find out how they were now able to really be together.
    February 6th, 2012 at 01:46am
  • unlost1996

    unlost1996 (100)

    United States
    Hey! I just came across this fic, because I've recently just gotten into You Me At Six, and this is the first fic I've read that is related to them. I have to say, it is so amazing. You are an amazing writer! It seemed so realistic. Whenever it was sad, I found myself tear up, and sometimes I felt like my heart was literally shattering. Loved the ending! <3
    November 29th, 2011 at 01:53am
  • Kelllin Quinn

    Kelllin Quinn (100)

    United States
    okay story time!!!!! okay so i havent been on mibba in forEVER and i used to write a lot and check this site and read a lot all the time but i guess over the past couple months i sort of forgot about it but that's besides the point lmao okay so last night at like 11 o'clock i got bored and i have recently picked up a love for you me at six (i saw them on the noise tour a week ago aw) and i was like 'ooo i havent read a fic in forever' so i searched josh's name and i pulled up like 3498545 fics on my phone because i was supposed to be asleep and i sorted through them and yours was the only one that i actually managed to get really interested in :---) at first i skipped over the first couple chapters to see if i would like the direction it was going in and then i went back bc i fell in love with it and since i'm a slow reader and i like reread things a lot i ended up staying up all night until like 6am reading your fic and got ok maybe i was just really over tired but i got all nerve wracked (is that even the term) bc in one of your authors notes toward the ending chapters you were like 'only three more chapters!!!' or something like that like i kept reading your story and at the end of each chapter i would be like 'i hope there's the link to the next one i can't wait for you to update this or i'll die' because i didnt remember if it said your fic was completed or not etc etc so i was like getting all worked up and iwas like YES ANOTHER CHAPTER PRAISE THE LORD and then i was like laying there reading it and like three chapters after you said there were only three chapters left (that doesnt make sense) ok the second to last chapter like i read the last line that was like "It's always been her" and i was like NO IT CANT END LIKE THIS HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IF THEY END UP TOGETHER ARE YOU KIDDING WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS and then i scrolled through your authors note and then i was like
    oh there's the last chapter okAY and i was like sobbing through the whole thing because i was like they have to be together if i have had to carry myself THIS far throughout the story and they dont end up together (because that happens in some fics) IM DONE omfg but your ending was perfect because the line about being a shit kisser and just omfg the whole story was sO CUTE anD I JUST WANT A BOY LIKE JOSH IN MY LIFE
    and omg i havent read a full length fic in forever bc i'm more of a oneshot reader now idk but i was like hell i dont have anything to do and this was so worth my 7 hours it took me to read it omg it was so great and i was going to leave you a comment sooner but i was on my phone and i didnt want to type all this on my crappy out-dated iphone lmao
    and one more thing
    i would like to note that there's not a lot of sex in this story and i mean i have read some fics (not necessarily recently or ymas related) with like 495874 sex scenes and idk unless it fits with the storyline or w/e it really degrades on the story to have like every other chapter with a sex scene in it but i think you did a really good job on that because there was just enough i think idk its weird that im saying "JUST ENOUGH SEX!!!!!" lmao but yes
    congratulations omfg this was the best fic i've read in a long time and you can count on me picking up reading the other things that you're working on currently because you are a really really good author and yeah wooo
    November 24th, 2011 at 02:19am
  • MYP

    MYP (100)

    I HAVE NO IDEA WHY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO READ THIS. WHAT THE SHIT. But shit, now I'm fully depressed because it's over! Camille and Josh were definitely two of my favourites, I loved them! And I loved their ending. Especially with Camille climbing through Josh's window to tell him how she felt. It was perfect and adorable. Ugh, I just loved these two and I will definitely miss them! Haha.
    But I hope after that concert, and especially the meeting Dan part because that was definitely my favourite, you're inspired to write more! Because we all know that I love your writing! AND I LOVE YOU GIRL!!! <3
    November 19th, 2011 at 08:21am
  • kristenmarjorie

    kristenmarjorie (100)

    United States
    Awww God this was adorable!
    November 14th, 2011 at 11:16pm
  • harrystyles.

    harrystyles. (100)

    United Kingdom
    wow. just wow. idk you're perfect and Josh is perfect and this ending was just perfect. I love how you didn't make a big dramatic ending scene, the one you wrote suited camille and Josh so much. can't explain how gutted I am that it's over though. Josh never gets fics written about him (neither do the others actually) and this one is just one of the best ones I've read. so attatched to the way youve made Josh though. every time I meet him now I'm just gonna be like HOW'S CAMILLE OMG and then I'll realise he wont have a clue what I'm talking about. or maybe he will. maybe he's a silent reader ;-)
    ANYWAYS. yep you're great and I'm just gonna go weep in a corner now. :-)
    November 14th, 2011 at 02:56pm
  • barakatstranslator

    barakatstranslator (100)

    please make a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!
    November 14th, 2011 at 12:57pm
  • Earl Of Slander

    Earl Of Slander (100)

    United States
    What a great story this was. I thought that the ending was perfect.
    I have to admit that even though I say it was perfect, there was still a sense of "Aw, that's it?" but that's because I have become so accustomed to finales with a big bang and the boy going to all fucking lengths of the world to tell the girl that yes, he really does love her and he always has, and for there to be this big firework-type kiss. I'm so glad you didn't do that. This is human and I really like that.

    They have admitted how they feel about each other and in the process she has learned to forgive her father. It all just comes around in full-circle since her discovery of her father's infidelity was when she and Josh really took the next step from friends that sort of hate each other to potential lovers. It was so important and, like I said, it all just comes back around.

    Wonderful job.
    November 14th, 2011 at 06:49am
  • fransexy

    fransexy (100)

    Aww this story was wonderful. The ending was perfect. It was so cute how you bought back what they used to say to each other.
    November 14th, 2011 at 01:35am
  • purple_em

    purple_em (100)

    United States
    I really liked the story.
    And the cute ending.
    November 13th, 2011 at 11:06pm
  • Noxious

    Noxious (100)

    United States
    Just like everyone else I'm sad this is over :(
    but I shall continue to read your stories because they are just so good. Thank you for being an amazing author :)
    November 13th, 2011 at 05:15pm
  • hachie

    hachie (100)

    United States
    I got to be honest with you.
    This is the first Josh Franceschi story that I have read and fell in love with.
    The story line is so realistic!
    Camille Reynolds and Josh Franceschi being enemies at first, how they annoy each other but then a friendship begins when Josh helps Camille become more social and less awkward.
    Then the part where Camille finds out that her father was cheating on her mother, Josh was there to hold her and comfort her.
    Eventually leading to Josh showing Camille how to love again.
    But then they drift apart when they both began to pursue their dreams, finding other people they thought was for them but then realizing that nobody can compare to them both.
    Another heartbreak for Camille has her coming home, very much believing that loves doesn't exist after finding Doug and her supposed best friend fucking each on her bed none the less.
    Hating her father for what he caused the family to go through but in the end she forgave him.
    She is an amazing woman despite how much pain it was to see her father be accepted in another she let go of that hate and left him to be happy.
    Josh was able to get the girl that stole his heart the moment they became friends!
    This truly an amazing story that was filled with laughter, hurt, heart break and happiness.
    I am so glad that I subscribed to this story!
    And I am happy for Camille and Josh, they were to finally be with each other! XD
    Keep the good work up on writing amazing stories!
    November 13th, 2011 at 08:23am
  • KatieYDG

    KatieYDG (100)

    United States
    I'm so sad this story is over, I really love it. :( Josh and Camille are extremely cute together and I'm glad things ended well for them. I'm glad you're writing another Josh story because they really are hard to come by. Plus, you're a great writer!
    November 13th, 2011 at 05:32am
  • An Ode To Maybe

    An Ode To Maybe (100)

    United States
    This is definitely one of my favorite stories on the site, honestly. Your writing is beautiful. :)
    November 13th, 2011 at 02:36am
  • sombersleep

    sombersleep (100)

    Wait. So it's done?
    I love this story so much okay, I keep flailing to my friends about this and they're just like: "Thea and her fanfic fangirling moments again" but seriously, I really love this story and you are a very good writer and I also read your danielle/john/garrett fic which was also ace.


    Shall read more of your stories. ;)
    November 13th, 2011 at 02:08am
  • fightmytongue

    fightmytongue (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    so god damn cute, i just love josh in this. hes beautiful even more so than usual.
    November 13th, 2011 at 12:38am
  • kaleidoscope__

    kaleidoscope__ (100)

    It's over D; this was so beautiful and finally Josh and Camille together the way it was meant to be :)
    November 12th, 2011 at 11:31pm