Pull Me Through This - Comments

  • LoveForGiraffes

    LoveForGiraffes (100)

    United States
    Aw this story pulled at my heart-strings. Poor Ichabod =[ Conley turned out to be a real jerk. I wish there was a second part to this, because it's so good and really got me interested to read more. Great job dear, I'm recommending this =]
    July 22nd, 2012 at 02:47am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    I think you have a good plot and characters, but I didn't really like the way the story was told through flashbacks. It just wasn't really my cup of tea.

    In this line: "I looked into his deep blue eye and just couldn’t help but say yes." I think you meant to says eyes!

    I really like the way this story ended. We didn't get the whole story of Ichabod's life, but we got to see enough of it. And we got to see the way meeting Conley effected him and how it changed his life. I like that he's moving on and learning to accept what happened. I feel like he is stronger for it.
    June 25th, 2012 at 09:21pm
  • Gypsy Soul

    Gypsy Soul (100)

    United States
    Whoa, this is amazing.
    First, I absolutely love the layout. And the names you used! The boy at the beginning is so cute!!! Everything about it is just so... unique. It's incredible, and I'm glad comment swap brought me here. Also, my favorite colour is blue, and the shades of blue you used are so pretty, yet don't make the story hard to read or interfere with it.. though I do hate coffee.. :p
    June 7th, 2012 at 07:56am
  • FixTheBrokenPieces

    FixTheBrokenPieces (100)

    United States
    First off, I love your layout! It adds to the story while at the same time remaining compatible. Very cute. Second, your use of parallelism is fantastic! It's full of antimetable, which adds SO much.
    Third, your characters are amazing. I loved Conley from the second he was introduced, and I grew to like Icky a lot too. The stutters were incredibly cute, and they made me smile :)
    Fourth, when you described the part about Ichabod dancing the invisible dance with the cello, I fell in love with that sentence. Weird, but completely accurate.
    All in all, I loved this. I love love love slash stories and this story exemplifies my reason completely. Your characters weren't cliche at all, they could be real people for all I know. You made it completely believable.
    I loved this story!
    May 15th, 2012 at 09:24pm
  • done in love.

    done in love. (200)

    United States
    (*disclaimer - I'm not looking at what I'm typing at all. I'm focusing on what I have written out about this. That's why past this point, some things may be pretty funky*)
    [this is going to be random as well. I wrote down comments as i read, so it's going through the story that way for a while]

    awe! Conely is so adorable when we first meet him! The fact that he was so embarrassed that he would mess up his wording so bad was great. The bit about the swaeteer was cuter too (i love when guys wear grandma-like sweaters). I love how Ichabod described it.
    And Ichabod's little description of his chello like it was alive was awesome. i love personifications like that.
    What the hell kind of letter is that, Conely? What the hell were you thinking with that? Dumping someone like that! Not right man. Not right.
    Ooh, that man is not right in the head. He has some large ass fucking issues that he needs to figure the hell out. Breaking hearts left and right...ooh, i want to punch him.

    Anyways, (now that i'm done reading) I really liked that this was romance but also drama. i love happy endings, but the truth is, before you get to the happy endings, you've got tho shovel your way through a lot of shit. I love that this deals with the shit aspect , beacause a lot of stories don't even touch on the shit.
    Towards the beginning, i started thinking, "oh, another submmissive story where the cahracters stutter and are too shy to speak to each other and then grow to be more comfortable around each otehr but still stay shy."
    Thank you for proving me wrong!!
    I compltely love that you made Conely manipulative, even though he pissed me off. It had a great effect on the story and made it stand out from the others.
    I really and truly loved this story, and i do say that a lot, but it's a very ture statement, especially now. Amazing story you have here!
    July 18th, 2011 at 05:44am